Astral Sea


The Astral Sea is a vast and boundless expanse that seems to stretch endlessly in all directions, with no visible landmarks or boundaries. It is enveloped in a mesmerizing silver-grey mist that creates an otherworldly landscape adorned with countless shimmering stars. As one moves through this plane, the mist undulates like gentle waves in an immense ocean, giving a sense of fluidity and movement. Interestingly, the Astral Sea defies the conventional notions of orientation, as there is no concept of up or down within its ethereal realm. Objects within this mystical expanse are not subject to the forces of gravity, allowing them to float freely. Amidst the misty expanse, one can come across occasional specks of earth and rocks, as well as the haunting sight of petrified corpses of ancient gods, suspended in mid-air. Moreover, swirling columns of astral conduits can be seen, resembling water spouts that are often witnessed during turbulent days at sea, yet with no discernible source or end. These conduits are believed to be the Astral manifestations of the branches and roots of the Juweniw, the legendary Archtree, which is said to serve as a celestial nexus connecting all planes and worlds together in a grand tapestry of existence.

Localized Phenomena

The clarity of vision in the Astral Sea is exceptional. Creatures can be observed at great distances, and larger objects are easily discernible even from afar. However, darkvision does not function in the Astral Sea, although truesight can operate at double its usual range.

Time moves at a significantly slower pace in the Astral Sea. Travelers, both physical and astral, do not feel the need to breathe, eat, or sleep. The passage of time in the Astral Sea is slowed down by a factor of 365,000 to 1, meaning that a day on other planes is equivalent to 170 days in the Astral Sea.

The Astral Sea is also home to the psychic wind, a storm of thought that batters travelers' minds. The presence of the psychic wind is first noticed by a rapid darkening of the silver-grey sky. It passes quickly, and the sky returns to normal.

In terms of movement, there are two options in the Astral Sea: physical and mental. Physical movement requires pushing off solid objects to gain speed, while mental movement relies on concentration and is connected to the traveler's intelligence score. Mental movement allows for more subtle and controlled motion, with a speed ten times the creature's intelligence score.


The Githyanki are a fascinating and mysterious people known for their expertise in astral travel and combat prowess. They have made their home in the vast expanse of the Astral Sea, where they command a fleet of ships that they use to boldly explore new realms and launch daring raids on other planes. It is said that the Astral Sea holds countless secrets and treasures, drawing in countless adventurers and explorers who seek to uncover its hidden wonders. To navigate these planes, these intrepid travelers often rely on the mystical power of color pools or astral conduits, which serve as gateways to different dimensions. However, the Astral Sea is not just a playground for mortals. It is also a realm traversed by immensely powerful beings who use it as a pathway between the planes. These celestial beings, fiends, and even dragons are drawn to the Astral Sea, adding an extra layer of danger and intrigue to this already enigmatic realm.

Dimensional plane


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