Besaufew fu Cili

There are two primary subsets of shadow elf. The first, and presented here, are those who never abandonded Gyian after leaving the Umbral Realm. They refer to themselves as, "Besaufew fu Cili" (/beːsauvɛu vu ˈkiliː/), or, "People of Shadow" when translated to Common from its original Elvish. The second, the Mabimifew (/maːbimivɛu/), or "Transcendents" in Common, abandonded Gyian in favor of Taeora and the gods of Chaos. Knights of the Road: The order of knights within shadow elf society that guard the Shadow Roads and guide or hinder travelers, depending on who or what the traveler might be. They apply their shadows as a means of defense, using the darkness to keep themselves hidden from what else lives beneath the surface of the world. It is a cloak, and much like an illusion, it disguises that which it covers. It bleeds into every aspect of their existence, such that their cities are cast in purpetual shadow, brilliant lights placed in such a way as to make drastic shadows cast over streets and buildings. Shadow elves are often elusive illusionists, using tricks of the light to fool their opponents. Valuing secrecy and hesitation above all else, shadow elves find themselves at odds with those on the surface who demand much more than they are willing to provide.
Due to their longevity, rituals and traditions are long and drawn out, and they value lengthly chants in large echoing chambers. The choirs are usually hidden in shadow, while the practitioners of the ritual conduct their business. Gyian is a dark god, and that business is often of a deadly nature, though it is usually with creatures that are dangerous and equally as dark, that is not always so. Trespassers must beware, for shadow elves do not take kindly to visitors who do not conduct the appropriate rituals to be welcomed. They are well known for their poison which induces a coma in its victim that is believed nigh incurable.
There are two great punishments for shadow elves, the first is exile to the surface. The bright light of the sun is painful to attempt to survive under, and few on the surface understand the seemingly antagonistic behavior shadow elves exhibit. The second is execution, the preferable of the two, though even this is a process that takes time, for punishments are severe and rarely quick. Crimes that produce these results are murder of a fellow shadow elf, and the endagerment of a shadow elf community to a degree that is indefensible. By vote the priests of Gyian within a shadow elf community come together and agree that an offense not usually punished in such a way is deserved of it. Religion is deeply ingrained into the conciousness of the shadow elves. The millenia that have passed since traversing from the Umbral Realm has developed into a heritage of worship and praise to the dark gods of Caanae, specifically Gyian. In fact, the worship of Gyian is where the descriptor of "shadow elf" comes from. As a deeply spiritual people, they are the original founders of the Way of Shadow, which has found its way to the surface. In addition to the Way of Shadow, they are also said to be the originators of shadow magic, and the spells related to it.
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