Umbral Realm


The geography of the Umbral Realm is a haunting dark echo of the Material Plane, but with its own unique, twisted characteristics. The Umbral Realm contains forests, mountains, and bodies of water that mirror those on the Material Plane, but they are distorted and unsettling versions of their Material Plane counterparts. A forest in the Material Plane, for example, would be mirrored as a shadow forest in the Umbral Realm, where the trees are lifeless and colorless, and the air is thick with an eerie gloom. The terrain of the Umbral Realm can change unexpectedly and quickly, making mapping this plane a challenging task.

Localized Phenomena

Shadow quakes, resembling earthquakes, frequently occur and can disrupt magical travel, potentially stranding travelers. Additionally, regions known as the "darklands" display an affinity with the Negative Energy Plane, hosting life-draining undead creatures. The Umbral Realm's morphic nature can lead to bizarre occurrences such as the spontaneous appearance and disappearance of dead bodies or mushrooms bearing realistic humanoid faces. Light sources in this plane illuminate only half the normal distance, contributing to the constant gloom. Lastly, the realm is also known for its illusionary towns and cities, which can cause emotional distress to travelers as familiar places and faces appear distorted and terrifying.


The climate of the Umbral Realm is as enigmatic as the plane itself. With no celestial bodies to dictate a cycle of day and night or to create a sense of seasons, the Umbral Realm doesn't have a traditional climate in the way the Material Plane does. The temperature is consistently cool, with a constant, eerie gloom that permeates the realm. The weather seems to be as mutable as the landscape itself, changing unpredictably and rapidly. This can range from dead calm to sudden storms of shadowy energy, adding another layer of unpredictability to this haunting realm. It's worth noting that these storms do not bring rain or snow but a chilling darkness that can be felt more than seen.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of the Umbral Realm are as unique and eerie as the plane itself. The realm is home to shadow variants of conventional creatures, which have been transformed by the plane's essence. These shadow creatures include shadow dragons and shadow mastiffs, which are unique to the Umbral Realm and add to its mysterious and ominous reputation.

In terms of flora, the realm supports a variety of shadow-touched plants that have adapted to the gloom and lack of light. These plants vary from towering, lifeless trees to fungi that bear an unsettling resemblance to humanoid faces. Their growth and spread contribute to the ever-changing landscape of the realm.

The Umbral Realm also supports a variety of animals that have managed to adapt to the challenging conditions. These creatures are often shadow variants of typical animals, such as apes, bears, and wolves. Their characteristics are often twisted and exaggerated, making them more formidable than their Material Plane counterparts.

In terms of ecology, the interactions between the creatures and their environment are often dictated by the plane's constant state of flux. Predators often utilize the realm's gloom for hunting, while prey species have developed unique adaptations to avoid detection. The plane's constant gloom has also led to unique symbiotic relationships between various creatures and plants, with some creatures relying on specific shadow plants for sustenance or camouflage.

The Umbral Realm's ecology is a complex web of interactions, driven by survival in an environment that is constantly changing and challenging. Its unique flora and fauna contribute to the realm's eerie, haunting atmosphere, making it a truly fascinating plane within the multiverse.


When Creation was young, and Chaos had its way, magic changed reality and formed the two mirror planes, the Umbral Realm, and the Faewyld. Where the Faewyld is a land of emotional extremes and wildness, the Umbral Realm is a place of despondency and darkness. When the darkness spills over into the Prime Material, creatures find themselves trapped inside. When Order arrived and witnessed the terror of the Umbral Realm, they came together with the gods of the Dark and formed the Shadar-Kai. It was hoped that they could aid the mirror plane in managing its chaotic nature.
Alternative Name(s)
Shadowfell, Plane of Shadow
Dimensional plane
Inhabiting Species


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