Brethren of Blight

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith followed by the Brethren of Blight, devoted worshippers of Quorin, encompass the following principles:

1. Serve Quorin with Devotion: Devotees of Quorin pledge unwavering loyalty and service to their dark patron. They carry out rituals, perform acts of worship, and strive to further the influence and power of Quorin in the world. The followers of Quorin believe that through their devotion and service, as they see oblivion as a necessary step in the path to true freedom from the structures of the universe.

2. Maintain Secrecy and Concealment: The Brethren of Blight operate in secrecy, keeping their fellowship hidden from outsiders. They conceal their past lives and maintain strict confidentiality about their rituals and practices.

3. Create and Control Undead Servants: The Brethren of Blight are dedicated to the study and practice of necromancy. They believe that through their research and experimentation, they can unlock the secrets of life, death, and the manipulation of undead creatures. The Brethren of Blight have mastered the creation and control of undead creatures. They view these servants as extensions of Quorin's power and utilize them for specific tasks, be it protection, communication, or enforcement of their will.

These tenets guide the actions and beliefs of the worshippers of Quorin, shaping their rituals, research, and interactions with the world around them.


The ethics followed by the Brethren of Blight, devoted worshippers of Quorin, revolve around their dark practices and beliefs. While these ethics may be considered morally questionable or even abhorrent by many, they are deeply ingrained in the cult's ideology and shape their actions and interactions with the world.

1. Embrace the Power of Necromancy: The Brethren of Blight firmly believe in the power and potential of necromancy. They see it as a means to undermine life and death, and to manipulate the forces of undeath for their benefit. They are unapologetic in their pursuit of this dark magic, often delving into forbidden knowledge and engaging in morally ambiguous practices.

2. Exploit the Boundaries of Life and Death: The cultists of Quorin have little regard for the sanctity of life and death. They view death as a natural part of the cycle and believe that by embracing the dark forces of undeath, they can transcend the limitations of mortality. This mindset leads them to experiment with raising and controlling undead creatures and blurring the line between life and death.

3. Seek Personal Enlightenment and Power: While the Brethren of Blight serve Quorin with unwavering devotion, they also seek personal enlightenment and power. They believe that by furthering their understanding of necromantic magic and mastering the manipulation of undead, they can gain influence, control, and even immortality. Their pursuit of power is often driven by a desire to overcome their own mortality and achieve a state of elevated existence.

4. Maintain Secrecy and Concealment: The cultists of Quorin operate in secrecy, hiding their fellowship and rituals from outsiders. They understand that their practices are often met with fear and condemnation, and they take great care to protect their hidden cult from the prying eyes of society. They go to great lengths to maintain their secrecy, including concealing their past lives and strictly guarding their knowledge and practices.

5. Loyalty to Quorin and the Cult: The Brethren of Blight are deeply loyal to Quorin, their dark patron. They pledge their unwavering loyalty and service to them, carrying out rituals and acts of worship in their name. They believe that through their devotion and service, they can gain favor with Quorin and ultimately transcend their mortal limitations, calling them to their side in Bersa.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Brethren of Blight's presence has contributed to the rise of fear and unease among the general populace. The knowledge of their existence and their association with undeath and necromancy instills a sense of dread and caution within society. Their secret rituals and hidden fellowship create an aura of mystery and uncertainty, generating a pervasive sense of unease among those aware of their presence.

It is important to note that the influence of the Brethren of Blight is not limited to the material plane. Their devotion to Quorin extends to other planes of existence, including the Umbral. In these realms, their acts in the name of oblivion have far-reaching consequences, further solidifying their influence and spreading the presence of Quorin.

Religious, Cult


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