
Divine Domains

As a deity, Quorin is intricately connected to various domains that encompass oblivion, the apocalypse, undead creatures, corruption, and blight. These domains symbolize the fundamental aspects of existence that Quorin revels in and actively endeavors to propagate throughout the vast realms. Quorin derives immense pleasure from witnessing the anguish and torment endured by the living beings, particularly when it involves severing their souls from the perpetual cycle of life and death. Functioning as a formidable force of destruction and emptiness, Quorin's existence is paradoxical in nature. They were brought into being through the act of creation, yet they personify the essence of absolute nothingness that prevailed prior to the dawn of creation itself. The profound void of nonexistence, which Quorin embodies, was effectively erased at the inception of time, precisely when the gods commenced their divine undertaking of fashioning the vast universe as we know it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Quorin’s holy symbol, which represents the faith and beliefs of the followers, is commonly portrayed as a bleached skull that is intricately pierced by a black wand. This powerful symbol not only serves as a visual representation of the deity but also embodies the core values and principles of the Brethren of Blight. It is important to note that while the general depiction of the holy symbol remains consistent, different cells within the Brethren of Blight may choose to incorporate slight variations into their own interpretation of the symbol, allowing for a unique expression of their individual beliefs and practices.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Quorin, the malevolent being, is driven by an insatiable desire to quench all existence and unleash negative energy upon the multiverse. In his relentless pursuit to disrupt the order of the universe, Quorin seeks to unravel the fabric of creation itself. From the depths of the Chaos Sphere, where he resides, Quorin meticulously schemes to undermine and dismantle everything that exists.

As the harbinger of oblivion, Quorin bestows power upon those who propagate undeath, transforming them into ghastly ghouls and mindless zombies that dutifully serve the cults of oblivion throughout the vast expanse of the multiverse. However, it is important to note that even these devoted followers and undead servants hold no true value to Quorin, for his sole focus lies in spreading death, agony, and oblivion. The depths of his misanthropy and obsession are truly unfathomable.

Interestingly, amidst his all-consuming hatred for existence, Quorin derives a perverse sense of joy and satisfaction from the misery he inflicts upon others. This paradoxical aspect of his personality adds another layer of complexity to his character. Some argue that Quorin's association with undeath is not born out of a genuine affinity for the undead, but rather a mere tolerance for their existence as tools to achieve his ultimate goal: the eradication of all that lives. In fact, there are whispers among scholars that Quorin even despises these mindless creatures, viewing them as nothing more than expendable pawns in his grand scheme.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that Quorin's hatred for the living runs much deeper. Merely being in the presence of the living is said to enrage him, fueling his desire to exterminate those he believes are responsible for the very existence he abhors. According to one theory, Quorin's ultimate vision can only be achieved when all life is extinguished, allowing true existence to prevail.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Quorin, a powerful and enigmatic figure, holds numerous distinguished titles that reflect their immense influence and fearsome reputation. Among these titles are the Usurper of the Dead, a symbol of their ability to command and control the realm of the deceased; the Annihilator, a testament to their unparalleled destructive capabilities; the Drinker of Blood, evoking images of a relentless and insatiable thirst for life force; and the One at the End of All Things, embodying their connection to the ultimate finality and the inevitable conclusion of all existence. These titles serve as a testament to Quorin's formidable presence and undeniable impact in the realms they inhabit.



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