

The geography of the Ethereal Plane is best described as an ever-changing and dynamic landscape, constantly shifting and transforming. It is a realm of swirling and chaotic proto-matter, where nothing remains fixed and everything is in a state of perpetual motion. Unlike the physical world, there are no set landmarks or boundaries in the Ethereal Plane, as it is in a constant state of flux and change. Travelers who wish to explore this enigmatic plane must rely on the use of powerful magical means to enter the Border Ethereal, the gateway that connects the Ethereal Plane to the Prime Material plane. Once within the Border Ethereal, each region of the Ethereal Plane presents its own distinct challenges and wonders, creating a truly unique and captivating experience for adventurers.

The Border Ethereal itself is a fascinating and ethereal realm that exists alongside the Prime Material plane. It is a place where the two planes overlap, allowing travelers to witness both planes simultaneously. However, the view in the Border Ethereal is somewhat muted and blurry, adding an air of mystery and intrigue to the experience. Within the Deep Ethereal, a mesmerizing expanse enveloped by swirling mists, travelers can find curtains of vibrant and colorful vapor. Each curtain acts as a portal, transporting adventurers to specific regions of the Border Ethereal that are connected to different planes of existence. The color of each curtain serves as a clue, hinting at the plane that lies concealed beyond it within the Border Ethereal.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Ethereal Plane is its defiance of the laws of gravity. In this realm, creatures can effortlessly move in any direction, defying the constraints of traditional movement. It is as if one is walking on solid ground, regardless of whether they are moving up or down. This unique characteristic of the Ethereal Plane enhances its advantages and makes it an invaluable tool for various purposes and endeavors.

Localized Phenomena

Travelers in the Ethereal Plane have the ability to effortlessly move through the adjacent plane, whether it be vertically or horizontally, without any obstacles. They possess the unique capability of phasing through solid objects, such as stone or walls of fire, in the plane they are bordering. However, certain factors can impede movement in the Ethereal Plane, including dense metals, living beings, and specific spells. It is worth noting that time in the Border Ethereal flows at the same pace as true time in the observed planes. However, due to the ethereal nature of the plane, keeping track of the passage of time can prove to be quite challenging in the Deep Ethereal.

Moreover, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers that exist within the Ethereal Plane, one of which includes ether cyclones. These powerful and swirling columns manifest themselves within the plane, distorting and displacing ethereal forms that happen to cross their path. Additionally, the Ethereal Plane is also home to demi-planes, which are regions that are still in the process of forming. These demi-planes exhibit characteristics of inner planes and have the ability to merge with either an inner plane or the Prime Material plane. It is important to note that each demi-plane operates under its own set of rules, encompassing factors such as gravity, material composition, and the beings that inhabit it.


Those who seek to uncover the mysteries of the Ethereal Plane and harness its distinct properties for their own intentions can be observed actively exploring the plane. Individuals who possess the capability to cast spells or wield magical artifacts that bestow upon them the power to enter and traverse the Ethereal Plane are frequently prominent within their ranks. In addition to incorporeal beings, who possess the innate ability to seamlessly transition between the Ethereal and Material Planes, there exist other entities capable of traversing between these realms, although they are less prevalent in comparison.

Dimensional plane
Included Locations


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