Faexaau (/fae̯ksaau̯/)


Faexaau is an incredibly desolate and unforgiving realm with truly unique geographical characteristics. It is widely known and feared for its blood rivers, which serve as constant and haunting reminders of the countless conflicts that have ravaged the land.

While lakes and rivers of scorching lava can be found sporadically throughout Faexaau, they are not as plentiful as in other planes within the Dark Sphere, which only adds to the already perilous and volatile nature of this realm. The sky above Faexaau is perpetually engulfed in darkness, devoid of any celestial bodies. However, every now and then, the collision between fireballs and the land illuminates the horizon with a mesmerizing and fiery glow, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

The majority of this realm is composed of lifeless hills, rugged mountains, and treacherous rocky terrain, with menacing spikes formed by protruding crystals and metals from the surface. Geysers and fumaroles can be found scattered throughout this surreal landscape, occasionally releasing scalding steam and toxic clouds into the air, thereby heightening the already palpable sense of danger.

The air in Faexaau is thick and oppressive, heavily polluted with ash, toxins, and dust, which further contributes to the oppressive atmosphere that hangs over the realm. The infamous river Styx winds its way through Faexaau, serving as a constant backdrop to the clashes and skirmishes that occur along its foul-smelling banks. Over the years, various ambitious construction projects have been undertaken to manipulate the river, resulting in the creation of artificial channels, sluices, and gates in certain sections.

The river Styx in Faexaau contains a treacherous blend of acid and blood, remnants of the countless creatures that have met their untimely demise in this unforgiving realm. Water and vegetation are exceedingly scarce in Faexaau, which only serves to further emphasize the desolation and utter barrenness of this forsaken land.

Localized Phenomena

The ground of Faexaau emits an eerie and mysterious soft red glow. This ethereal illumination bathes the realm, casting an otherworldly atmosphere over the desolate landscape. It is as if the very essence of Faexaau seeps through the cracks and crevices, infusing the terrain with a haunting aura.


Faexaau, once a plane of lush gardens and tranquility, was created by Thuses as a seductive lure for mortals to offer their souls to the Dark. However, during the Time of Titans, this paradise was destroyed. The flooding of the river Styx followed, accompanied by relentless waves of demons, angels, and automatons. The aftermath left behind a war-torn wasteland, with layers of bones, ruins, and shattered war machines. Today, Faexaau serves as the entry point to the Dark Sphere. It acts as the frontline in major conflicts between the forces of the Spheres and the forces of the Dark powers. Inhabitants of Faexaau have made their homes in iron fortresses and intricate cave systems carved into the mountains to serve as strongholds of the Dark powers. The devastated battlefields serve as grim reminders of the conflicts that have taken place within Faexaau. Remnants of weapons and bones litter the empty fields, marking the locations where the legions of the Dark emerged victorious. Ancient tombs of travelers and enormous bones form eerie structures across the land. Throughout Faexaau, the river Styx flows, serving as a constant backdrop to the clashes and skirmishes. Over the years, construction projects have attempted to manipulate the river, resulting in the creation of artificial channels, sluices, and gates. However, the powerful nature of the river necessitates constant repairs.


Demons from the Chaos Sphere are drawn to Faexaau to test the Dark powers in battle and use the treacherous river Styx to launch raids against them. Celestial beings battle the forces of the Dark in Faexaau, in the hope of redemption and rescue. Automata from the Order Sphere appear in Faexaau every 101 years, executing their missions to bring order to the chaos of Faexaau. Ambitious and brutal souls are attracted to Faexaau, indulging in acts of cruelty, control, and power. Envoys from different realms in the Dark Sphere visit Faexaau, representing their domains or serving as spies, searching for weaknesses to exploit for power.

Access to other planes in the Dark Sphere is limited, with Faexaau serving as its gate. A cave system in Faexaau is said to contain a hidden pathway leading to another plane of the Dark Sphere, but no traveler has ever returned who attempted it. The river Styx is the best option for skilled sailors to navigate to the other planes of the Dark Sphere, however, Xatris and those who serve them watch it closely for signs of infiltrators and those who do not belong deeper within the Dark Sphere.

Alternative Name(s)
The Desolate Dominion & Place of Oppression
Dimensional plane
Additional Rulers/Owners


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