
Divine Domains

Thuses is deeply entrenched in numerous domains, each one serving as a testament to their profound influence and unparalleled power within the Dark Sphere. As the deity presiding over death itself, Thuses exercises dominion over the intricate process of passing away, the enigmatic realm of the afterlife, and the intricate tapestry of souls' destinies. It is Thuses who determines the ultimate fate of departed souls, whether they shall find solace in an ethereal afterlife or embark upon the captivating journey of reincarnation. Thuses embodies darkness not only in its corporeal form but also within the recesses of mortal minds and spirits. They are inexorably linked with shadows, clandestine affairs, and the cryptic aspects that lie hidden within the tapestry of existence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Thuses is depicted by the symbol of a skull in front of a cross of femur bones.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Thuses yearns for absolute dominion and unequivocal control over the cosmos. It is this ceaseless ambition for power that propels their actions and fuels their intricate machinations, all in pursuit of reshaping reality in accordance with their grand vision and establishing an unassailable hierarchical order.

With an uncanny proficiency in manipulation, subterfuge, and artifice, Thuses deftly employs temptation, covert agreements, and elaborate stratagems to advance their grand designs. Their unparalleled powers of persuasion and political acumen grant them the ability to sway and influence others, compelling them to align their interests with those of the Dark Sphere. Moreover, Thuses holds the inviolable sanctity of law in the highest regard, perceiving it as a potent instrument for imposing order and equilibrium upon the vast expanse of the universe. They remain steadfast in their adherence to the rules and steadfastly believe in the unyielding nature of law, even as they exploit it as a tool to manipulate and control others.

Thriving in shadows and secrecy, Thuses conceals their true form and ulterior motives, orchestrating events from the depths of obscurity. Their enigmatic nature only serves to enhance their allure, rendering it exceedingly challenging for outsiders to fathom the depths of their motivations. Furthermore, Thuses harbors grudges, actively fostering spite and perpetuating feelings of remorse. They view even the most minor of offenses as unforgivable transgressions, deserving of bitter retribution, harnessing the power of grief to kindle an unquenchable thirst for vengeance.

Above all, Thuses is resolute in their unyielding quest to establish tyrannical dominion over the entirety of reality. Their insatiable desire for absolute authority compels them to control as many subjects as possible, manipulating them like mere pawns in service of their sinister machinations.

Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Ruled Locations


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