
Basic Information

Biological Traits

Genies are fascinating supernatural beings that embody the very elements of the earth, air, fire, and water. They possess the unique and magical ability to manipulate their element in numerous ways, granting them immense power that is coveted by mortal mages. It is not uncommon for mages to seek to bind genies into their service due to their elemental magic and wish-granting abilities.
However, there are different classes of genies, with noble genies being the rarest and most powerful. They tend to be decadent due to their ability to trade their wish-granting powers for the objects of their desire. They live in vast and opulent palaces filled with sensory delights and actively cultivate jealousy and envy among other genies to assert their superiority. Although other genies respect the power and influence of noble genies, some may choose to defy them and risk the consequences.
This supernatural species possesses an array of magical capabilities, such as the power to alter their appearance or manipulate the nature of reality itself. Some can veil themselves in illusion or change their shape at will, while others can use this ability on other creatures and objects.
The genie's power to grant wishes is legendary among mortals, but not all genies possess the ability to do so. Only the most powerful genies can grant wishes, and even then, there are limitations. A genie can grant three wishes to a creature that is not a genie, but once they have granted their limit of wishes, they cannot do so again for about a year. Cosmic law dictates that the same genie can only expend its limit of wishes on a specific creature once in that creature's existence. However, depending on the genie, they might try to pervert the intent of the wish by exploiting the wording. Thus, it is crucial to be precise and concise when making a wish to a genie to avoid such perversion to the genie's benefit.
Overall, genies are fascinating creatures with a complex hierarchy and vast magical capabilities. Their ability to grant wishes has captured the imagination of mortals throughout history, but it's important to remember that not all genies are created equal, and not all wishes come without consequences.

Genetics and Reproduction

A genie is a fascinating creature that comes into being when the soul of a sentient living being combines with the primordial matter of an elemental plane. The process of creating a genie is rare, as it requires a perfect amalgamation of the soul and elemental power. Interestingly, the form, apparent gender, and one or two key personality traits of the genie are determined by the life force, which is an essential building block in the fusion of spirit energy and elemental power.
Despite their humanoid appearance, genies are elemental spirits that have been granted physical form. Their unique creation process means that they do not mate with other genies or produce genie offspring. Instead, all new genies are born from the same mysterious fusion. While it is rare, some genies with a stronger connection to their mortal soul may choose to father or mother a child with a mortal, although such offspring are uncommon. The genasi are believed to be the result of this union.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a genie dies, it leaves behind some interesting items that can be of great value to those who are fortunate enough to find them. These items include not only the clothes and accessories that the genie was wearing at the time of their death, but also something called a "mote." This small amount of elemental energy can be found in a variety of forms, depending on the type of genie. For example, a genie of the earth might leave behind a glowing piece of earth that can provide a source of warmth and illumination. On the other hand, a genie of the air might leave behind a shard of crystallized air that can be used to summon powerful gusts of wind. Meanwhile, a genie of fire might leave behind an ever-burning ember that can be used to start a fire in any situation. Despite their small size, these motes can be incredibly valuable, both as a source of power and as a reminder of the genie who once possessed them.

Ecology and Habitats

Genies, powerful creatures of ancient lore, are found primarily on the Elemental Planes. There, they join together to form magnificent cities, constructed at places where currents of elemental energies converge. These cities are truly wonders to behold, as they are designed to coexist with creatures of all kinds, from the mightiest dragons to the tiniest insects.
Though genies are not commonly found on the Material Plane, some may choose to visit for various reasons. Perhaps they seek to explore new lands, or to meet with powerful spellcasters. However, there are also a select few who choose to secretly live among mortals. These genies offer their services in exchange for treasure, using their vast knowledge and magical abilities to fulfill the wishes of those who seek them out.
It is said that these genies possess great wisdom, and can offer insights beyond the understanding of mere mortals. Despite their incredible power, they are also known for their capricious nature, and may react unpredictably to those who seek their aid. Nevertheless, the allure of their knowledge and abilities is often too great to resist, and many adventurers seek out these elusive creatures in search of their wisdom and magical aid.


Genies are fascinating supernatural beings that wield control over one of the four elements - air, earth, fire, and water. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with unique personalities and tendencies that make them all the more interesting. These captivating creatures reside in cities that provide a sense of security from the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their respective elements. While some genies may treat their servants or followers with kindness and respect, others may resort to threatening or even abusive behavior, although they typically avoid causing harm that would prevent their subjects from working.
It's worth noting that while genies acknowledge the power and existence of gods, they do not have any desire to worship them. In fact, they may find religious fervor and devotion to be tedious or even annoying, particularly when it's directed at them. Some genies may even hold themselves in the same regard as the gods and demand respect and reverence from mortals of other realms.
Despite their impressive abilities and unique personalities, most genies are not fond of being bound to the service of others. They only comply with the requests or demands of others when they receive some form of compensation, such as a bribe or when compelled by magic.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Genies are incredibly powerful beings who have a strong sense of entitlement due to their immense power, which is unmatched by all but the gods and other genies. They are often found ruling from luxurious palaces, attended by adoring servants who validate their power and high self-opinion. These servants, although mortal, are vital in maintaining a genie's rule and keeping them in a dominant position. Genies are able to easily command the elements, with control over the Elemental Planes. They come in a variety of forms and temperaments, reflecting the elements they command, such as air, earth, fire, and water. The cities they build offer relative safety from the chaotic elements, and are often places where art, music, and magic can flourish. For genies, a hundred flattering voices are like music to their ears, and two hundred prostrated mortal servants at their feet only prove further that they are indeed the lord of their domain.
Genetic Descendants


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