
Champion of Hearth and Home, child of Mangr and Vorn

Divine Domains

Hityrn is a mythical hill giant demigod and the Champion of Hearth and Home. He was born of Mangr, the god of the hill giants, and Vorn, the god of the forge. As a demigod, Hityrn possesses immense power and is revered by the hill giant people for his great strength, endurance, and unwavering devotion to his people.
Hityrn's role as the Champion of Hearth and Home is to protect and provide for his people. Despite his fearsome appearance and great power, Hityrn is a benevolent deity who deeply cares for his people. His legend has been passed down through generations of hill giants and is still celebrated to this day. His image can be seen in carvings, sculptures, and other artwork throughout the hill giant lands, and his name is invoked in prayer and in times of need.
Divine Classification
Light green
Long and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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