
First of the hill giants

Divine Domains

Mangr's domain of community and life is particularly important for hill giants, who are known for their tribal and communal lifestyle. As the first of the hill giants and a god of their people, Mangr embodies their values of togetherness and cooperation. He is seen as a protector and provider for his followers, working to ensure the prosperity and well-being of their communities.
Mangr's influence over life is also significant, as he is seen as a god of fertility and growth. Hill giants often rely on hunting and gathering for sustenance, so Mangr's blessings are especially valuable in ensuring successful hunts and abundant crops. His role as a god of life also extends to his followers' well-being, as he is believed to have the power to heal and restore health.


The Heartstone of Mangr is a large, glowing stone said to contain a fragment of Mangr's divine essence. It is believed that the stone can be used to heal the sick and wounded, and to bring good fortune to those who possess it.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Life: This book contains teachings and prayers related to Mangr's domain of life and fertility. It is often consulted by healers and midwives seeking to learn more about the god's healing powers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A pair of interlocking circles, representing the communal and interconnected nature of hill giant society

  • A sheaf of wheat or other crops, representing Mangr's role as a god of fertility and growth

  • These symbols are often used in hill giant art and iconography, both in public displays and in secret symbols known only to members of particular tribes or clans.

    Tenets of Faith

  • Communal living: Hill giants are communal beings, and Mangr's followers believe in the importance of living and working together as a community.

  • Cooperation: Mangr's emphasis on community extends to cooperation among members of that community. Followers of Mangr believe that working together and supporting one another is the key to success.

  • Fertility and growth: Mangr's influence over life is central to his followers' beliefs. They believe in the importance of fertility, both in terms of the natural world and in the growth and prosperity of their communities.

  • Protection and provision: As a protector and provider for his followers, Mangr's followers believe in the importance of caring for and supporting one another.

  • Healing: Mangr's role as a god of life includes his power to heal and restore health. His followers believe in the importance of seeking healing and supporting those who are sick or injured.
  • Relationships



    Towards Mangr



    Towards Elgar



    Towards Mangr



    Towards Vorn



    Towards Bynom



    Towards Mangr

    Divine Classification
    Elgar (spouse)
    Vorn (spouse)
    Bynom (spouse)
    Brown bowl cut
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Beige and blotchy


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