
Mother of trolls and the second of the two children left out of the Ordning by the All-Father.

Divine Domains

Hrestor, as a goddess of trickery and treachery, is likely to be associated with deception, cunning, and betrayal. She may be worshipped by those who value these traits, or those who seek to use them for their own gain. As a troll, Hrestor's cunning and guile may be particularly important, helping her to outsmart her enemies and emerge victorious. It is also possible that Hrestor's role as a trickster deity may be seen as a necessary balance to the more honorable and straightforward gods in the pantheon, helping to keep them on their toes and prevent them from becoming complacent. She is said to always be waiting for one of the other children of the All-Father to make a mistake or fall into her traps.


Ring of Invisibility - Said to of been forged by servants of Hrestor to allow them to strike from the shadows.

Holy Books & Codes

There are no known holy books or codices that have ever been found relating to Hrestor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An extravagant knot that cannot be untied is used to serve as Hrestor's divine symbol

Tenets of Faith

  • Deception and trickery are powerful tools to be used for personal gain and to keep others in check.

  • Those who are too trusting or straightforward are foolish and vulnerable to exploitation.

  • It is better to be the deceiver than the deceived.

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and the motivations of those around you.

  • Use your cunning to outsmart your enemies and emerge victorious.

  • Embrace the darkness within yourself and use it to your advantage.

  • Never let your guard down, as even those closest to you may be plotting against you.
  • Holidays

    "Skals Blungt" Blood Ritual - While not a holiday in worship of Hrestor, it is a holiday used to ensure vigilance against her treachery and prevent the proliferation of her kin, especially trolls.
    Divine Classification
    Thin, patchy, and black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Green and covered in boils
    Ruled Locations


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