
Basic Information


Trolls possess a multitude of unique characteristics that set them apart from other beings. These extraordinary beings exhibit remarkable adaptability to their surroundings, manifesting in varying sizes depending on their habitat. For instance, swamp or forest trolls are typically observed to be around 8 to 10 feet tall, while their hill and mountain counterparts can tower as high as 20 to 25 feet, evoking an awe-inspiring presence.
One of the most intriguing aspects of trolls is their remarkably fast metabolism, which enables them to heal even the most severe injuries with astonishing speed. In fact, trolls possess the extraordinary ability to reattach severed limbs and continue their bodily functions as if nothing had occurred. It is truly a testament to their astounding regenerative capabilities.
Interestingly, trolls are virtually impervious to conventional methods of elimination. While breaking their bones or slashing their skin may seem like logical attempts to vanquish them, it only serves to further enrage these formidable creatures. The most common ways to permanently eradicate trolls is by completely obliterating their bodies using fire or acid. It is this extreme measure that ensures their ultimate demise.
Moreover, due to their exceptional regenerative abilities, trolls have been known to develop unique mutations over time. These mutations can manifest as the growth of extra limbs or other unforeseen physical alterations. However, it is worth noting that trolls often face the unfortunate fate of perishing from starvation or dehydration before they can fully regenerate from their wounds. Despite their incredible regenerative powers, the toll of sustaining their rapid healing process ultimately leads to their downfall.

Biological Traits

Trolls that are able to survive and regenerate from even small amounts of flesh possess a fascinating array of peculiar characteristics. These remarkable changes can manifest as a result of the troll's own actions or as a consequence of external factors. For instance, if a troll is decapitated, it has been observed that it may grow not just one, but two additional heads from the remaining portion of its neck. Additionally, if a troll ingests a fey creature, it is believed that it could potentially acquire certain traits from that creature. It is intriguing to note that when trolls undergo their regenerative process in the presence of magical energies, planar energies, diseases, widespread death, or if their bodies have been damaged by elemental forces, their likelihood of transforming into more extraordinary forms, such as rot trolls, spirit trolls, or venom trolls, significantly increases. It is worth mentioning that these transformations can also be influenced and shaped by ritualistic magic or by the specific practices and traditions of the trolls themselves, as can be seen with dire trolls. Furthermore, during battles, if a sufficiently large piece of a mutated troll is forcibly torn off, it has been observed that the troll will exhibit an astonishing will to survive, leading to the growth of deformed limbs. It is important to note that these limb combinations are temporary in nature, albeit commonly seen trailing behind living trolls.
Magical experiments on trolls occasionally create tumor trolls. These creatures, known for their unique characteristics, provide an alternative option for guarding specific areas within a lair. A tumor troll is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when a troll is afflicted by a mysterious disease. This disease leads to the development of bulging flesh, vestigial limbs, teeth, and even multiple heads. The disease not only poisons the troll's blood but also disrupts its natural regeneration process. As a result, the troll experiences continuous growth of new limbs and flesh, making it an intriguing subject of study for magical researchers.
Tumor trolls exhibit aggressive behavior and seek temporary relief through feeding. Despite their intriguing nature, they are often shunned by most trolls, who consider them outcasts. In many cases, tumor trolls are either consigned to funeral bonfires as a way to dispose of them or cast into deep pits, as they are deemed unworthy of further interaction with other trolls.
The term "fell troll" is used to describe a larger, more aggressive variation or mutation of a troll. This type of troll tends to be stronger and more dominant, often asserting its authority over smaller trolls. As a result, it naturally becomes the leader of any troll group, while still belonging to the same troll species found in the region.
The term "war troll" is commonly used in Caanae to refer to trolls that have undergone extensive training in the art of warfare. These trolls, starting from a young age, receive rigorous instruction in the use of weapons and armor, making them formidable adversaries on the battlefield.
Typically, war trolls are hired by powerful giants or dragons to serve as their elite guards and enforcers. These giants recognize the immense strength and resilience of trolls and utilize them for their own purposes. However, it is not unheard of for a humanoid army preparing for war to stumble upon a young troll and see the potential in training it as a war troll.
In such cases, the humanoid army may employ various tactics to gain the trust of the young troll. They offer it abundant food, ensuring its nourishment and loyalty. Additionally, valuable treasures may be bestowed upon the troll to motivate and incentivize its commitment to the cause. Through patient and careful training, the young troll gradually becomes a formidable war troll, ready to unleash its destructive power on the enemy.
A troll, if exposed to waves of necrotic energy, creates a symbiotic relationship between the troll and the deathly power. As a consequence, the troll's body undergoes a process of rapid deterioration, with its flesh decaying at an accelerated rate. This transformation gives rise to what is commonly referred to as a "rot troll".
Over time, a rot troll's ability to regenerate diminishes, although it still possesses the capacity to heal in the usual manner. However, what sets a rot troll apart is the fact that its body becomes filled with necrotic energy. This energy is highly potent and dangerous, and any creatures in close proximity to a rot troll are at risk of being exposed to these hazardous emanations.
A troll hit with a powerful surge of psychic energy possesses a unique ability to undergo a remarkable metamorphosis upon regeneration, assuming a non-physical form known as a "spirit troll". In this ethereal state, the troll's corporeal existence becomes intangible, akin to a haunting shadow. Interestingly, the troll might not even be cognizant of this astonishing transformation, as it instinctively persists in its usual patterns of movement and attacks, relying on its teeth and claws. However, its assaults now take aim at the psyche of its unfortunate victims, inflicting profound mental anguish and terror.
A troll that possesses an extraordinary resistance to poison has the potential to transform into what is known as a "venom troll". As a result of the long-lasting effects of poison, it permeates the troll's bloodstream and tissues, causing it to seep through its pores and envelop its fangs and claws. The presence of these creatures proves to be an immense danger in situations involving close-quarters combat, as poison consistently oozes from their flesh and sprays outward from any injuries they endure.
An interesting phenomenon known as a "troll amalgam" occurs when multiple trolls merge together during their regeneration process. This fascinating event can take place in various scenarios, such as when numerous trolls are defeated in a single battle or when troll remains are disposed of in mass graves or charnel pits. Additionally, it can even be the result of dark rituals performed by wicked spellcasters.
In some rare cases, followers of Hrestor, the troll deity, receive a summons to gather in the depths of the world and partake in a truly gruesome ritual. This ritual has the power to transform them into an amalgam that is believed to embody the very essence of Hrestor. The resulting troll amalgam takes on a grotesque form, consisting of a deformed mass of flexible flesh, claws, and faces.
One intriguing aspect of the troll amalgam is its unique defense mechanism. If a creature attempts to attack the amalgam from a distance or tries to escape through a narrow tunnel, the amalgam possesses the ability to tear off a piece of its own body and forcefully hurl it at the creature. These detached body parts, over time, gradually regenerate into complete trolls. In some extraordinary instances, these regenerated trolls have been known to come together and merge once again, forming an entirely new troll amalgam.
Trolls, known for their voracious appetite, have the ability to consume a wide range of prey. While they mainly feed on other creatures, it is extremely rare for a troll to devour another troll. However, in those exceptional cases, a dire troll is born. These dire trolls possess an insatiable hunger for troll flesh, driving them to relentlessly search for more sustenance. To fuel their relentless growth, dire trolls even resort to a gruesome practice - grafting additional flesh onto their already formidable bodies. Through this horrifying process, dire trolls develop multiple arms, eyes, claws, and organs, further enhancing their already terrifying nature.
Cave trolls are larger and more feral versions of common trolls. They have adapted to living in the world below and underground caves, where they have developed unique survival strategies. These trolls only emerge to the surface, specifically at night, to hunt when food is scarce, making them expert nocturnal hunters. Sunlight is despised and feared by cave trolls because it burns their sensitive skin, which is why they prefer the safety of darkness. Interestingly, when a cave troll dies from exposure to sunlight, its body undergoes a remarkable transformation and turns into solid stone, leaving behind a lasting testament to their existence.
These mid-sized trolls possess specialized characteristics that enable them to thrive in the harsh underground environment. Their bodies are well-equipped for tunneling, allowing them to navigate through the intricate cave systems with ease. Furthermore, they have developed the remarkable ability to see in pitch darkness, giving them a significant advantage over their prey. Additionally, their large, flat feet enable them to sense vibrations, providing them with a heightened awareness of their surroundings.
Cave trolls are cunning predators and employ various hunting techniques. They often lie in wait within the narrow tunnels they have excavated, patiently awaiting unsuspecting prey to pass by. Their incredible strength and sharp claws allow them to launch a surprise attack, overpowering their victims with ease. Alternatively, they may take a more proactive approach by detecting the presence of prey through a dividing rock wall, using their powerful arms to break through and launch a ferocious assault.
What sets cave trolls apart is their exceptional resilience. They are unaffected by tunnel collapses or the presence of natural predators that might deter other creatures. In fact, cave trolls possess a remarkable ability to temporarily transform their already tough skin into a rock-like, impenetrable barrier, providing them with an unparalleled defense mechanism.
This creature, known as a deep troll, possesses long and slender legs, as well as an elongated nose. Its flexible skin is a deep shade of green, and its hair is gray, hanging down in a drooping fashion. These unique physical attributes allow deep trolls to thrive in their underground habitat.
Deep trolls have developed specialized adaptations to survive in the dark and confined spaces of their cavernous homes. Their sensitive skin enables them to detect vibrations, providing them with a heightened sense of their surroundings. Additionally, their bodies have undergone modifications that allow them to elongate their limbs and squeeze through even the tiniest of cracks.
Living in small groups, deep trolls have a tendency to engage in raiding activities in groups. Their insatiable appetite drives them to attack anything edible that lies outside their tribe's boundaries. However, it is worth noting that in certain situations, deep trolls can be reasoned with, especially when faced with opponents who possess greater strength.
A hill troll, with its towering stature and formidable presence, possesses a remarkable ability to hide in plain sight. While one might assume that the grassy verge they choose as their campsite or the steep slopes they effortlessly traverse would expose their true nature, the hill troll cunningly conceals itself, patiently awaiting the opportune moment to strike at unsuspecting travelers. During its extended periods of inactivity, moss and grass begin to thrive on its back, adding to its already impressive camouflage skills and making it even more indistinguishable from its surroundings. This strategic adaptation allows the hill troll to blend seamlessly into its environment, making it a formidable predator that is both feared and respected.
The mountain troll is quite rare in Caanae. These formidable creatures are known for their fearless nature and insatiable appetite. They will consume almost any living thing that can fit in their cavernous mouths, making them a fearsome predator in their habitat. However, despite their fearsome reputation, other giants tend to keep their distance from mountain trolls and avoid their company.
Mountain trolls share many similarities with their cave and hill-dwelling relatives. They possess an enormous size, thick rocky skin, and sparse, mossy hair that helps them blend into their surroundings. Despite their massive build, mountain trolls are surprisingly agile climbers. With their strong arms and large hands, they effortlessly navigate the treacherous terrain of their mountainous habitat.
Interestingly, mountain trolls are not restricted to their mountain homes. They often venture into the rocky lowlands in search of prey. These areas offer a greater abundance of food sources, allowing the trolls to satisfy their voracious appetite. The trolls' rough hide provides them with some level of camouflage in these rocky lowlands, aiding in their hunting endeavors.
The forest trolls may not possess the same level of physical strength as regular trolls do, but they make up for it with their exceptional cleverness and their habit to gather in larger numbers. As their name suggests, they are typically found inhabiting dense forests and lush jungles. In terms of physical appearance, forest trolls tend to be smaller and leaner in comparison to other types of trolls. Their long and slender limbs closely resemble the sturdy trunks and branches of trees. What sets them apart even more is their unique skin, which so closely resembles the texture and appearance of real bark that plants and vegetation often start to grow between the cracks and crevices. The trolls actively encourage and cultivate this natural camouflage to enhance their ability to blend in seamlessly with their surroundings. When it comes to their diet, forest trolls primarily feed on birds that mistakenly build nests on their bodies. With their razor-sharp, scythe-like claws, they are able to effortlessly slice through thick vegetation and swiftly defeat any creature that crosses their path.
Swamp trolls, known for their ability to remain submerged underwater for long periods, are known to be a significant threat in wetland environments. It is crucial for travelers to exercise extreme caution when near bodies of water that are deep or murky, as they might conceal hidden dangers beneath their surface. Swamp trolls, being highly adaptive to their surroundings, are particularly dangerous in swamps and stagnant water areas. They expertly camouflage themselves amidst the murky surroundings and algae, making it difficult to detect their presence. While their preferred method of attack is drowning, they are equally efficient with their strong bite and sharp claws. It is worth noting that their resilient hide poses a challenge for weapons to penetrate, and they also have additional scale armor around their joints, enhancing their defense even further.
Ice trolls, also referred to as frost trolls, are formidable creatures that emanate a chilling aura from their hearts, affecting the surrounding fauna. These creatures thrive in desolate and frozen plains as well as towering mountains, where their massive forms and thick white fur allow them to seamlessly blend into the snowy terrain. Notably, these trolls have adapted to their harsh environment, which is plagued by limited food sources. As a result, they have become highly aggressive, carnivorous, and perpetually bloodthirsty beings.
The survival of ice trolls is intricately linked to their consumption of food, as it facilitates their regeneration. However, they have developed a remarkable ability to sustain themselves for extended periods by utilizing their fat reserves when sustenance is scarce. It is worth mentioning that ice trolls possess a fascinating attribute even after their demise: their cold hearts can be safely extracted and preserved.
The hearts of these creatures possess extraordinary properties. When consumed, they bestow a potent regenerative effect upon the consumer. Additionally, when buried, the cold hearts dissolve and summon a blizzard, unleashing a tempestuous storm upon the surroundings. Moreover, through a mystical ritual, these hearts can be transformed into magical talismans, which hold immense power. Furthermore, when combined with other alchemical ingredients, the residual fluid from the hearts can be utilized for crafting potions, adding a touch of otherworldly potency.
A fearsome creature emerges from behind a large boulder, revealing its black diamond-shaped scales, which glisten in the sunlight. Its body is adorned with a vibrant yellow underbelly, complementing its sharp black claws that are ready to strike at any moment. Its menacing mouth is equipped with two long, razor-sharp fangs and a forked tongue that flickers in the air.
These formidable creatures are known as rattleback trolls, and they inhabit the treacherous badlands, where they roam and hunt with uncanny agility. As nocturnal creatures, they become active under the cover of darkness, prowling the rocky terrain in search of prey. During the day, they seek shelter in rocky crevices or small caves, ensuring they remain hidden and protected from any potential threats.
Interestingly, the nearby human inhabitants have formed a unique relationship with these trolls. In an effort to keep the fearsome creatures away from their village, they offer sacrifices in the form of slain game as a tribute. This symbiotic arrangement acts as a deterrent, preventing the trolls from venturing too close to the human settlement.
One of the most terrifying aspects of the rattleback troll is its venomous bite. When it sinks its fangs into its victim, it injects a potent venom that not only inflicts immediate pain but also hinders natural healing. This venomous attribute adds to the troll's formidable reputation and makes it an even more formidable adversary.
Furthermore, when faced with multiple attackers, the rattleback troll has the ability to release a burst of poison, creating a deadly cloud that incapacitates and disorients its adversaries. This defensive mechanism allows the troll to gain the upper hand in combat and strike fear into the hearts of those who dare to challenge it.
To provide a warning before striking, the rattleback troll possesses a unique ability to produce a rattling sound. This ominous noise serves as a signal to its foes, giving them a brief moment to prepare themselves before the troll launches its attack.
A faerie eater troll, a fearsome creature known for its insatiable appetite for magical beings, preys on a variety of enchanted creatures. Pixies, satyrs, and even unicorns fall victim to its ravenous hunger. With its grotesque appearance, the troll's body is adorned with numerous faerie wings, evidence of its relentless pursuit and successful hunts. To add to its grisly collection, the troll may also boast a prized unicorn horn or two, symbolizing the power it has over these creatures.
A crouched figure with a toad-like face, warts, and webbed feet emerges from the sewer tunnels or under bridges at night to prey on the local population. Legend says the first gutter troll originated from a defeated troll that bit a fey creature, causing its transformation. Gutter trolls are commonly found in densely populated areas where food sources are abundant. They cunningly lurk in the shadows, particularly in the less desirable parts of town, seeking out vulnerable targets such as beggars and street urchins. Gutter trolls, with their incredible adaptations, utilize their long and sticky tongues to ensnare unsuspecting victims, swiftly dragging them into their dark and mysterious lairs. It is worth noting that these remarkable creatures possess warty skin that secretes a psychoactive sweat, which has been known to weaken the victim's resistance, adding to the intrigue and danger surrounding encounters with these menacing beings.
The churning water is filled with foam-covered trolls engaged in fierce battles. Breakwater trolls, which are marine trolls inhabiting the coastal areas, rely on fish, shellfish, seals, and occasionally fishermen or sailors for sustenance. These trolls are magically bound to safeguard the coastal communities. The sea hags devised a ritual to create a group of breakwater trolls that are bound to their duty, and in return, they require gruesome offerings. The intricacies of this ritual are shrouded in secrecy. When storms arise, the bound trolls emerge to protect harbors, boats, and shoreline homes. They thrive in harsh weather conditions characterized by massive waves. As a storm approaches, the trolls awaken and engage in combat with nearby creatures until the waves subside. Due to their territorial nature, they seldom venture beyond their designated areas and tend to engage in conflicts among themselves during a storm. While they attack any entities on the shore, they do not pursue victims that flee inland. Interestingly, there have been instances where breakwater trolls have been observed assisting shipwrecked victims during a storm, although they are also inclined to attack them.
A troll that consistently feeds on sea marine life becomes slimy and fish-like and is known thereafter as a scrag. These scrags, with their slimy and fish-like appearance, are often seen climbing onto ships, creating a sense of fear and panic among the sailors. Once on board, they use their immense strength to pull unsuspecting sailors below the waves, adding to the mystery and danger that surrounds them.
This aquatic creature is remarkably large and possesses a slender physique. Its long arms are disproportionately longer than its body, giving it a unique appearance. The creature's webbed hands are equipped with sharp claws, and its dull green scales are adorned with embedded stones. To top it off, its long-nosed face is covered with scraggly seaweed-like hair. These fascinating beings, known as lake trolls, are distant relatives of common trolls and are primarily found in water habitats. Unlike their more common counterparts, lake trolls are stronger and slightly more intelligent, although they are encountered less frequently.
Lake trolls have a distinct odor of decaying fish and make their homes beneath the surface of lakes, ponds, rivers, and occasionally ocean coves. They fiercely protect their territory and launch aggressive attacks on any intruders, particularly fishermen. Even experienced soldiers are wary of these creatures, as their formidable claws pose a significant threat. Facing a lake troll without any means of defense is undoubtedly a dire situation. In addition to their ferocity, lake trolls take great pleasure in destroying wooden structures, bending metal with their powerful talons, and rendering blades useless with their tough hide. They particularly enjoy targeting individuals who possess impressive weapons, finding joy in disarming their prey.
Lake trolls are cunning ambushers, often utilizing the water to conceal their attacks and safeguard themselves. Defeating them is no easy feat, as their ability to regenerate can only be thwarted by a combination of cold and fire damage. This unique trait makes them highly challenging opponents to battle and ultimately vanquish. Many adventurers have fallen victim to the unexpected resilience of supposedly defeated lake trolls, who suddenly spring back into action. Due to their reclusive nature and deadly capabilities, these creatures remain largely misunderstood by scholars and researchers.
Long ago there existed a group of giants who embarked on a daring quest to gain the favor of the All-Father. These giants, known for their immense strength and size, led an army of cave trolls in an ambitious campaign to invade Valhalla, the realm of the All-Father.
As the trolls stepped foot into the sacred land of Valhalla, something extraordinary happened. The energy of Valhalla, with its eternal battles and constant regeneration, began to infuse the trolls' beings, slowly transforming them into celestial beings known as fensirs. While still retaining some traits inherited from their troll lineage, such as their distinctive noses and a touch of grey in their skin, the fensirs now resembled smaller versions of the mighty giants.
In the eternal battles of Valhalla, the fensirs armed themselves with the same armor and weapons as their fellow warriors. However, there was an intriguing aspect to their regenerative abilities. Fensirs are still unable to regenerate in direct sunlight. In fact, exposure to sunlight could even petrify these otherwise formidable creatures. This peculiar transformation has led many scholars to speculate that fensirs are what was originally intended by the All-Father for trolls, a plan that was disrupted by the betrayal of Hrestor and the trolls following her in her attempted coup.
With centuries of experience in the endless conflicts of Valhalla, the fensirs have honed their combat skills to an impressive level. Their immense strength, coupled with their mastery of earth and stone elemental magic, makes them formidable opponents on the battlefield. Drawing upon their giant heritage, fensirs possess the incredible ability to transform even a small amount of mud or gravel into a massive boulder, which they can hurl at their enemies with devastating force. To their enemies' surprise, these stones grow in size during flight, delivering a bone-crushing impact upon impact, leaving their targets flat on the ground.
The towering desert trolls are uniquely adapted to not only survive but thrive in their unforgiving and challenging environment. With their robust and muscular build, their cracked and hardened skin, and their heightened intelligence compared to other trolls, desert trolls have developed remarkable characteristics that set them apart. These trolls have successfully integrated themselves into civilized society, seamlessly living and working in major cities.
One of the most intriguing aspects of desert trolls is their ability to catch their enemies off guard with unexpected ambushes from beneath the sand. Using their exceptionally strong and hardened claws, they skillfully tunnel through the earth, emerging at just the right moment to launch a surprise attack. Their natural coloration also plays a crucial role in their survival strategy, allowing them to effortlessly blend into the desolate surroundings of their habitat.
It is interesting to note that desert trolls who reside in cities often pursue trades and professions that capitalize on their exceptional burrowing abilities. Their skills and expertise in tunneling make them invaluable in various sectors, such as construction, mining, and excavation.
Contrary to the needs of most creatures in arid wastelands, desert trolls possess a unique characteristic - they do not require water for their survival. In fact, water can be detrimental to their well-being and can actually harm them. This sets them apart from other inhabitants of the desert and adds to their mystique.
One might assume that traditional methods used to defeat trolls, such as fire and oil, would be effective against desert trolls as well. However, due to their stony and hardened skin, these conventional tactics have no impact on them whatsoever. This exceptional defense mechanism makes them even more formidable in battle and adds to the awe-inspiring nature of these remarkable creatures.

Growth Rate & Stages

A pair of trolls will produce one offspring that will remain with its mother until it reaches maturity. This period of time, which usually lasts between fifteen to twenty years, allows the young troll to learn and develop essential skills from its mother. Once the young troll is ready, it may choose to join a small group of peers who are of a similar age and possess similar characteristics. These groups serve as a supportive environment for the trolls to interact, learn from each other, and further hone their skills. Eventually, as they mature further, each troll within the group will establish its own territory, marking its independence and unique presence in the troll community.

Ecology and Habitats

A troll's key ability is its remarkable adaptability. It possesses the extraordinary capacity to not only survive but also thrive in diverse environments. This adaptability is reflected in the development of unique characteristics that greatly enhance its survival skills, including camouflage and natural weapons. Each individual troll acquires physical traits specifically suited to its particular habitat, making it truly one-of-a-kind. Moreover, trolls possess the amazing ability to change their characteristics and seamlessly adapt to new environments. This versatility is exemplified by a forest troll that, when displaced by a fire, may relocate to icy mountains. In this new habitat, the troll undergoes remarkable transformations such as growing larger, developing a protective layer of fat, and growing thick fur to provide insulation against the cold.
In addition to their exceptional adaptability, trolls also have a peculiar fondness for shiny objects. They delight in collecting and adorning their lairs with various shiny treasures. However, it is interesting to note that trolls in regions abundant with loot may display a discerning taste and become more selective with their shiny treasures. They might choose specific shades or materials, adding a touch of sophistication to their lair decorations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Trolls, formidable and versatile predators, possess an insatiable appetite that drives them to constantly seek sustenance. These creatures possess remarkable regenerative abilities; however, their voracious hunger necessitates a substantial intake of food. To avoid starvation, trolls display a willingness to consume nearly anything that crosses their path. While their primary prey consists of humanoids and beasts, there exist accounts of trolls consuming even the most unconventional of creatures, such as undead, aberrations, and even celestial beings. These peculiar dietary choices often result in bizarre physical transformations. Although trolls harbor an intense fear of fire, it is their insatiable hunger that truly consumes them.
Roaming through the untamed wilderness, trolls effortlessly adopt the physical attributes of their chosen prey, thereby enhancing their hunting prowess. By assimilating consumed flesh into their own bodies, trolls can rapidly regenerate damaged tissue. In narratives and tales, trolls frequently assume the role of malevolent villains. Victims unfortunate enough to fall into the clutches of these creatures must rely on their ingenuity and resourcefulness to escape the insatiable hunger of these monsters. Disturbingly, individuals who have gone missing are often discovered within the confines of troll cooking pots. Furthermore, trolls partake in the collection of treasure as a means of ensuring a steady supply of food during times of scarcity.


Fortunately, trolls cannot be active all the time, which is beneficial for the ecosystems they inhabit. Their natural behavior involves relentless hunting for a few days, followed by a period of rest in their dens that can last up to a week. This hibernation period allows the trolls to regenerate their energy and heal any wounds they may have sustained during their hunts. For patient troll hunters, waiting for this hibernation period can lead to catching the trolls by surprise and increasing their chances of success. However, it is important to note that the potential damage the trolls might cause during this time can be significant, resulting in a high cost of waiting. The trolls, when provoked, will aggressively attack individuals who use acid and fire attacks against them, showing a stronger response compared to other prey.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Travelers and adventurers can take solace in the fact that the chances of encountering a substantial number of trolls are extremely low. It would indeed be unfortunate to stumble upon more than a couple of trolls in any given area. Trolls typically reside in small family units that are dispersed across a wide expanse of land. Interestingly, during the mating season, a duo of trolls may opt to separate in order to cover a larger area and assimilate more effectively – ascertaining stealth becomes arduous when in a collective.

Average Intelligence

Trolls, fascinating creatures that they are, display a wide range of intelligence levels. While some trolls may possess intelligence that is merely on par with that of a foolish humanoid, there are a select few that surpass such limited cognitive abilities. However, it is important to note that the mental prowess of trolls is primarily directed towards their craftiness, rather than wisdom. But their lack of intelligence is not the sole reason why one might choose to avoid engaging in conversation with them; nor is it the sole factor that makes them a formidable threat.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Some trolls living in or near settlements have adopted a simplified, heavily accented version of Common. This simplified version of Common, known for its unique sentence structure, can sometimes be challenging to comprehend and engage in conversation with. However, despite their difficulty with Common, trolls become fluent in speaking Giant through their parents. It is fascinating to see how trolls adapt and develop their own language within human settlements, making it both intriguing and challenging to communicate with them.

Common Myths and Legends

While trolls are not known for religious devotion or contemplation of spiritual matters, some have fear and reverence for Hrestor, who is believed to be a child of the All-Father. Hrestor is often depicted as a horrid, misshapen, greenish creature that bears a strong resemblance to a stereotypical troll. Hrestor is said to have betrayed her siblings in an attempt to overthrow the order established by the All-Father through the Ordning. Legend has it that during her fight with Agild, the eldest sibling, Hrestor's blood congealed into the first trolls. As a consequence of Hrestor murdering Agild, the All-Father condemned Hrestor to oversee the dishonorable in the afterlife and compelled her to devour the souls of slain trolls.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Trolls, known for their formidable strength and regenerative abilities, often find employment as mercenaries for various creatures such as orcs, ogres, ettins, hags, and giants. They are sought after for their willingness to take on dangerous tasks in exchange for regular payment and sustenance. Trolls can be hired as mercenaries, gladiators, or even join adventuring parties. While they expect to be rewarded with food and valuable items, working with trolls can be quite challenging due to their unpredictable nature and tendency to follow their own whims, even when in the company of more powerful beings. However, some trolls can be persuaded to work alongside others by providing them with a consistent supply of food and loot. These trolls, when properly motivated, can prove to be a highly valuable asset to any mercenary force, enhancing their chances of success in their endeavors.
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