
The Astral Bear (a.k.a. Ursa Mageoris)

Divine Domains

He covers them all with his stolen divinity, passing himself and those of his companions that he has ensured will remain loyal for all time as celestial angels and guides to those that he enchanted to believe in them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wizard creator of the Font of Celestia and corruptor of Yull, Ikeeus began life as a curious Ursine. His people, similarly to his fellow companions, were being raided frequently by the astral fae, as told in The Coming of the Fiarsidhe. He and his companions fought against them and eventually used divine wards to seal way the king of the astral fae, leaving them directionless. In order to prevent any further incursions from beings outside of Caanae, he concieved of a different prison, one that would hide Caanae away from the eyes of those outside of it. The consequence of this is the Aether, a magical fog that seperates portions of the world from one another and potentially leads one to the Astral Sea.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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