

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kroak found a map while he was still with his locathah community. This map taught him many things, and shared with him knowledge he never would have suspected. Somehow, water would not destroy it, and he brought it back to his community. Over time it changed him, and one day his entire community was gone. He was found by local traders who had come to the locathah to do business among empty huts, only him and his maps to be seen. His maps garnered the attention of a cloud giant named Ski, who saw something in the maps that no one else did. She hired him as her map maker, and paid for him to go on expeditions with the crew of the Drek. That expedition would be his last, when Oggie demanded more sacrifice and friends and Kroak tried several options before admitting to his purpose. Resigned to his fate he was prepared to join Oggie, but his fellow crewman intervened and through the powers granted to Grimm, stole the soul of Kroak intended for Oggie, who it was now known was Dagon, The Red Tide, and Demon Prince of the Depths.
Circumstances of Death
Beaten to death by his crewmate, Grimm, in the hopes that he might save his soul from Dagon
225 lbs.


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