Liktrokuk (/lɪktrʊkɵk/)

Magic-knowledge, or more commonly, Runelore


The runelore of Jhordheim encompasses the magic of the castes, and the practice of Rune Knights. Aside from bardic traditions, there is very little of the arcane in Jhordheim. Runelore is the exception, in that it is the ancient traditions the giants passed down to the goliaths millennia ago. It is more ancient a practice than wizardry, having been taught to the giants when they were young by the All-Father and his children not long after the Time of Titans. It accesses Magic through symbology, the carving of exact runes with the appropriate intent and worded incantation imbues the carved symbol with energy and power. How this works and more is explained in the Execution section of this article.
The Cloud Giant's castles use runes to move their great citadels about the world, the Storm Giants use runes to divine omens and portents as well as keeping their underwater homes safe for those who might seek them out. Hill Giants have runes on stones to keep their herds from wandering, and Stone Giants use runes to speak and shape the earth. Frost Giants use runes to ensure their weapons of ice never melt, and Fire Giants use runes to clean the air from their volcanic lairs, keeping the noxious fumes from becoming a problem. There are many more uses of runelore, and it is not taught lightly to anyone, if at all these days.


The brief explanation of the symbology of runelore in the History section of this article is expounded here. It was the Dwarfs who first discovered the potential power of runes from observing the Giants, and developed their own runelore. It is from that runelore their Ring Wardens and Runelords derive their power. Runes enshrine raw magical energy in their symbols, either to be activated later or to produce an ongoing effect. In this way it reflects Arcane Magic as opposed to Divine Magicor Primal Magic. However, it is also reminicent of Primal Magic in the way that it respects the primordial energies of creation, it does not seek to manipulate the power of raw Magic, but instead encapsulates a fraction of it within the runes.

Components and tools

Runecarver - a dagger or chisel used exclusively in the practice of carving runes. It is a respected tool in any culture that possesses runelore in some fashion. Designed and forged specifically for this purpose, it is imbued with the power to facilitate the transferrence of raw magic into the runes. Similar in fashion to an arcane focus except that its use is strictly for runecraft and not spellcraft.
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