
Eg (/eːj/) is the word for giant in the language of the giants, Giant.

Basic Information


The anatomy of a giant is not entirely different from that of a human. In fact, some of the key structures and systems are quite similar. For example, both giants and humans have a circulatory system that pumps blood throughout the body and delivers oxygen to the tissues. Additionally, both giants and humans have a respiratory system that allows for the exchange of gases between the lungs and the bloodstream. However, there are also some notable differences between the anatomy of giants and humans. For instance, giants often have longer and thicker bones, which helps to support their massive bodies. Giants also typically have larger organs to support their increased metabolic demands.

Genetics and Reproduction

Giants have a longer gestation period than humans, typically taking up to two years. Moreover, they give birth to fewer offspring, usually one or two at a time. This results in a slower population growth rate compared to humans. However, despite their smaller numbers, giants have a lower mortality rate due to their physical size and strength. This gives them an advantage in survival, allowing them to live longer and reproduce more over their extended lifespan.

Growth Rate & Stages

As infants, they are about the same size as human children. However, as they continue to grow, they quickly surpass human size, reaching the size of a human adolescent. This trend continues until they are at least twice the height of the average human and can even reach up to five times the height in extreme cases. Giants have a longer lifespan than humans, and they do not age at the same rate. It takes longer for them to reach maturity, and they continue to grow throughout their lives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of giants are not too different from those of humans. They require a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, such as meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains. However, due to their larger size and increased metabolic demands, they require a greater amount of food than humans. This means that they must consume a larger quantity of food to maintain their energy levels and overall health. Additionally, giants may have a preference for certain foods based on their cultural or regional background. For example, giants from colder climates may prefer fatty or oily foods to help insulate their bodies against the cold.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Giants have the same five senses as humans: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. However, due to their larger size, their senses are more acute than those of humans. For example, their sense of smell is slightly more sensitive, allowing them to detect scents over longer distances. Additionally, their larger eyes give them better visual acuity, allowing them to see farther and in more detail. However, there is no evidence to suggest that giants have any additional or supernatural senses beyond those found in humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The remnants of the once-great empire of giants can be seen in the language that they still speak. Although this language has since fragmented into many dialects, each with its own unique accent, giants of different types can still generally understand one another. Those who learn the Giant language can converse with all types of giants, but they might have difficulty hearing the voices of creatures that are human-sized. Moreover, some vowel sounds emitted by giants are nearly impossible to reproduce for any creature that doesn't have lungs as large as beer barrels.
Apart from these linguistic quirks, there are two words that hold special significance in the Giant language and the giants' worldview. "Svalsyrlo" (/svɑːlsʏrlɔ/) is a Giant term that means "good," which is used to describe ideas, behaviors, creatures, and objects that are righteous, holy, honorable, or desirable among giants. Conversely, "blärgorlo" (/ˈblɛːrgɔrlɔ/) is the counterpart term for "evil," which represents what is unholy, dishonorable, or undesirable among giant-kind. It is worth noting that individual giants aren’t necessarily thought of as svalsyrlo or blärgorlo by their kin. Their standing within the Ordning is influenced by a range of factors, including behavior, attitude, and more. Giants are judged by other giants not on the basis of whether what they did was inherently one or the other, but on whether their actions enhanced or diminished the qualities giants admire.
When it comes to encounters with non-giants, things can get complicated. Giants often consider non-giants to be blärgorlo, and as such, they often appear hostile or generally violent when meeting other peoples. To gain a giant's respect, non-giants usually must prove themselves to be svalsyrlo. This can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible.
For much of their written communication, giants use a runic alphabet that is also used by dwarves, orcs, and even goblinoids. However, many giants are illiterate or nearly so. Instead of writing stories with words, they typically tell their tales with pictograms etched in wood, ice, stone, or even earth. These "svarl duktoka" (/svɑːrl dʉːktoka/), or "history carvings," relate legends or the stories of important events or meetings, often employing aspects of legends about the All-Father and his children. Such symbols and visual allegories are well understood by giants, but they can be indecipherable to viewers who aren’t steeped in the giants’ mythology. Thus, most non-giants find a svarl duktoka unintelligible without prior knowledge or magical assistance.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Giants have a unique relationship with magic that is both intriguing and paradoxical. While most giants do not study magic in the traditional sense, they are drawn to liktrokuk, also known as runelore. This form of magic involves the use of magical runes that are carefully carved into items or surfaces, imbuing them with magical power. Unlike traditional arcane scholarship, liktrokuk is acknowledged by the Ordning, as it requires a level of artistic skill and attention to detail that is highly valued by giants.
The process of crafting a magical rune is painstakingly slow and requires a high degree of devotion. It is similar to a wizard crafting a scroll, but instead of using parchment and ink, giants use stone and chisel, glacier and axe, or iron and forge. The resulting magical rune determines the type of magical effect that the item or surface will have. For example, a storm rune carved into a stone might allow the stone's possessor to control the weather, while the same rune carved into a door or chest might deal thunder damage to anyone who opens it.
Despite the complexity of liktrokuk, at least a few giants can be found among any group that knows this form of magic. The solidity and permanence of the runes appeals to them and their environment is perfect for its use. However, mastering the secrets of magic demands a level of devotion that would take giants away from pursuits valued by the Ordning, resulting in this path being rarely taken. In fact, the Ordning does not acknowledge traditional arcane scholarship at all, as it is neither blärgorlo nor svalsyrlo.
In essence, while giants do not typically pursue traditional magic, they have a deep appreciation for liktrokuk and the intricate artistry that goes into it. Through this form of magic, they are able to imbue everyday objects with powerful magical effects, making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of magic.

Common Myths and Legends

A common myth about the origins of the Ordning giants and their origins is found within The All-Father's Call.
Genetic Descendants


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