
Basic Information


Minotaurs are distinguished by their horns, hooves, and wide snout. They stand upright like other humanoids, with human like hands but cloven hooves.

Biological Traits

Horns are common regardless of biological sex. The size and shape is reflected in the variety of minotaur, rather than sex.

Ecology and Habitats

With the diversity of minotaur, they can be found almost anywhere in Caanae as long as there is access to the same requirements that other humanoids need.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their bovine features are easily recognizable, and equally as diverse.
Comparable to human
Average Height
6' at the lower end, 8' at the highest
Average Physique
The bone structure of a minotaur tends to provide wide chests and shoulders, and it is common to find minotaurs that are powerful in strength.
Related Ethnicities


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