Puolvibre Rogleute (/ˈpɥolvibʁ ʁɔɡløt/ Minotaur)

Moon Children, an ethnicity of minotaur, found in The Wilds in Northern Caanae.


Major language groups and dialects

The primary language is Minotaur, a language they hold precious to them, and as a result is rarely taught to those outside the minotaur culture.

Shared customary codes and values

As much as possible, the minotaur seek to ensure that death only comes when it is natural or fated to come. In that way, violence without cause is deeply frowned upon. These minotaur will only fight in self defense, and will usually only incapacitate and if possible, introduce the offender to the "life maze" in hopes they learn a new way. Criminals and deviants who refuse the "life maze" are shunned and ostracized from these communities and given the name "Duorne" /dwoʁn/. This word literally translates to "Line" from Minotaur, and it is given because these individuals are no longer connected and a part of cycle, and are therefore a line.

Coming of Age Rites

For any young minotaur, before they come of age they are sent through the "life maze". A labyrinth of standing stone slabs that is more than a simple maze. When one enters the maze, the entrance closes behind you, and disappears. It is said once the rite of the "life maze" begins, the maze itself is infinite and impossible. This is because the young are taught it is not about solving the maze, it is about what you learn while inside it that matters. Only by mastering yourself can you find the way out.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Minotaur bodies are blessed by the clergy so as to not rise as undead, but are then left exposed in the remote parts of the wilds in order to return to the cycle of life. Ancestry is not significant to the children of the moon, because to them, existence is merely an extension of the way life is and always will be, legacy, blood, or heritage isn't what matters. It is a circle, life from death, and death from life.


Gender Ideals

Moon Priestesses and minotaur Druids tend to be female, as it is believed that the female minotaur has a deeper connection to the cycles of the moon and nature. Males trend towards the Labyrinth Keepers, who maintain the "cuaque gleurt" /kwak ɡlœʁ/, or life maze. It is he greatest title that can be bestowed upon a male of the culture, and his held with great pride.
Encompassed species


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