
Basic Information


Standing at a towering height of up to eight feet, orcs possess a formidable and imposing presence that instills fear in their adversaries. These robust beings are always prepared for battle, their muscular physiques reflecting their strength and prowess. Notably, orcs possess distinct facial features, with their prominent lower canines resembling intimidating tusks that serve as a testament to their ferocity. It is interesting to observe that when orcs experience a rush of emotions, their faces undergo a fascinating transformation, turning a captivating shade of purple.
In addition to their fearsome appearance, orcs showcase a remarkable diversity in their hair colors. Ranging from the classic shades of black and brown to the more striking hues of blue, red, and even purple, their hair serves as a vibrant display of individuality. As time passes and orcs age gracefully, their once vibrant hair colors may gradually fade, eventually turning into shades of grey or white.
Yet another intriguing aspect of orcs is the unique color of their blood. Unlike humans, whose blood is of a crimson hue, the blood that flows through the veins of orcs is a rich maroon, significantly darker and more mysterious in nature. This distinguishing characteristic further sets them apart from other species and adds to their enigmatic allure.

Biological Traits

Male orcs often develop a hunched posture to varying degrees, while others stand straight and tall. Additionally, there is a noticeable difference in physical characteristics between male and female orcs. Male orcs have more pronounced features, such as broader shoulders and larger tusks, which make them easily distinguishable from their female counterparts. On the other hand, females tend to have a paler complexion and a more robust build around the hips, along with smaller tusks. It is interesting to note that the ratio of female orcs to male orcs in a clan is typically quite low. In fact, it is estimated that only one in ten orcs in a clan is born female, although one in twenty is not uncommon. This scarcity of females in orc clans leads to a strong sense of protectiveness towards them. Orcs are known to be highly protective of the few females in their clan, and any act of violence towards them is met with severe punishment. It is important to mention that regardless of their profession or sex at birth, all orcs possess a remarkable physical presence. Orcs are generally larger and stronger compared to other humanoid species, which contributes to their formidable reputation on the battlefield and beyond.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs are known for their rapid reproduction. However, the scarcity of orc females has been a topic of debate among scholars for years. This issue is further exacerbated by the significant mortality rate during childbirth, with orc females commonly losing their lives in the process. It is worth noting that orc females often give birth to four babies at once, adding to the complexity of the situation. Despite these challenges, the overall orc population remains relatively low.
Interestingly, when an orc mates with a non-orc humanoid of similar size and shape, the resulting offspring can be either an orc or a half-orc. This interbreeding introduces a fascinating mix of characteristics and traits. On the other hand, if an orc were to mate with an ogre, their child would be known as an ogrillon. The ogrillon inherits impressive strength from both parents and exhibits distinctively brutish physical features.

Growth Rate & Stages

At the tender age of four, an orc is considered to be a young orc, beginning their journey towards adulthood. By the time they reach the age of twelve, they are expected to have fully matured into adult orcs. This crucial period of growth is marked by the development of their lower canines into long tusks, a physical characteristic that brings great pride to the orc community. It is during these formative years that young orcs must cultivate maturity at an accelerated pace in order to navigate the demanding challenges that lie ahead of them.
The early years of an orc's life are characterized by a series of tests of strength, intense competition, and a distinct lack of parental love. From the moment they are capable of grasping a stick or a simple knife, young orcs learn to assert and defend themselves, honing their skills in combat, survival in the wilderness, and reverence for the gods. As the presence of a mother figure cannot be guaranteed, the responsibility of raising young orcs falls upon the tribe's elders, the most distinguished among them being the oldest males who have achieved great feats in their past.
The elders play a pivotal role in shaping the young orc's understanding of their heritage, passing down the essence of what it means to be an orc. They impart the values of their fierce and somewhat honorable warrior culture, emphasizing the importance of always attacking from the front to showcase unyielding strength. By the time an orc reaches the age of ten, but no later than twelve, they are deemed ready for adulthood and entrusted with a significant task assigned by the elders. Often, this task involves hunting down and conquering a formidable monster, armed with nothing but their sheer determination and skill. It is at this stage that they are considered strong enough to partake in hunting expeditions and are granted the privilege of joining hunting parties.
Furthermore, the age of ten marks a significant milestone in an orc's life, as they become eligible to undergo the rite of adulthood and participate in the courting hunt. These rites and rituals symbolize their full transition into the realm of fully grown adults, equipped with the knowledge and abilities necessary to thrive in a lifetime of combat. Although the lifespan of an orc is typically short, there are exceptional individuals who manage to survive up to approximately 40 years old, maintaining their vigor until the very end.
In the case of orc shamans, when they reach the age of maturity, they embark on a profound pilgrimage to seek the blessings of nature and establish a profound connection with the elements. This arduous journey is fraught with dangers, but the pinnacle of risk lies within the ceremony itself. Those fortunate enough to be embraced by the elements return to their clans as esteemed spiritual leaders, whose guidance and wisdom are highly regarded, second only to the words of the clan chieftain. However, not all orcs prove themselves worthy during the ceremony. For some unfortunate individuals, they inadvertently succumb to terrifying visions and otherworldly whispers, which can potentially drive them to the brink of insanity. Those who manage to retain their sanity but fail to win the favor of nature and the elements are forced to flee or face banishment from their clans, leading lives of solitude and isolation.
Thus, the journey from childhood to adulthood for an orc is a challenging and transformative one, filled with trials, tribulations, and opportunities for growth.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs typically establish their encampments in mountainous regions, caves, or crevasses. However, they possess the ability to adapt to various environments and will form roving hunting bands when faced with a scarcity of food. When constructing their settlements, Orcs prioritize defense and incorporate the use of monster body parts to adorn their walls and trenches. They follow a semi-nomadic lifestyle, migrating from one location to another based on a cycle determined by the clan shaman. Orc clans will temporarily settle in any area abundant with hunting opportunities, whether it be an abandoned fort, a ruined mine, a gorge, or a natural cave. On rare occasions, a clan might maintain control over a defensible position for several decades. Each encampment revolves around a central clan pyre, serving as a focal point for the community. Once resources are depleted, clans venture forth to seek out new hunting grounds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs have a voracious appetite and can consume a substantial amount of food, equivalent to the combined intake of twelve goblins. Their main dietary requirement is meat, which serves as their primary source of nourishment. In order to satisfy their carnivorous cravings, orc communities have developed methods to capture and raise wild boars, specifically bred to provide them with a steady supply of food. The orc diet is not limited to land-based animals, as they also incorporate a variety of fish into their meals. Additionally, they have been known to include other aquatic creatures such as clams and crawfish, ensuring a diverse and well-rounded diet for these formidable creatures. Orcs are renowned monster hunters however, and it is not uncommon to find dangerous creatures roasting on the clan pyre in the center of their encampment.


Orcs firmly believe in the invincibility and power of their gods. They witness the principles that shape their deities and themselves in the world around them every single day. According to the orc perception, nature rewards those who possess strength and resilience. However, rather than revering their gods, orcs harbor a deep fear of them. Each clan has developed superstitious rituals aimed at averting divine wrath or obtaining favor from their gods. This underlying unease and fear is manifested in the form of piety and unwavering determination. Orcs devote themselves to the task of hunting down and eliminating monsters that threaten the delicate balance established by their gods, thereby appeasing them and avoiding any potential dreadful retribution.
Orcs are primarily driven by their emotions and instincts, rather than by reason and logic. They survive by maintaining a delicate equilibrium with nature and the spirits as well as relying on their sheer numbers. Weakness has no place in their way of life, and every warrior must possess the strength necessary to confront the monsters demanded by their gods. Orcs constantly seek opportunities to showcase their bravery and power, both to their fellow orcs and to the world. They engage in competitive activities with utmost seriousness, ranging from challenging the mightiest adversaries to consuming mind-numbingly spicy peppers. Anything that can be turned into a competition is fair game, and such challenges are always taken very seriously.
This innate inclination makes orcs predictable and susceptible to manipulation. The easiest way to compel an orc to take action is to suggest that they are incapable, especially when done in the presence of other orcs. The gods of Chaos eagerly seek to recruit more followers, and orcs are prime targets for corruption. Their passionate nature, when consumed by the extremes of Chaos, transforms them into terrifying adversaries.
Orcs constantly live in a state of concern for their gods and the realms they oversee, and their behavior is deeply rooted in this mentality. They perceive the influence of their gods everywhere in the world around them. The shamans and priests of each clan bear the responsibility of identifying these signs and omens, both positive and negative, and determining the appropriate response for the tribe. Orcs firmly believe that even seemingly insignificant discoveries or events, such as claw marks on a tree or a gathering of crows, could be divine messages. If the priests and shamans have encountered a similar omen in the past, they are able to interpret its meaning. However, if a sign from the gods lacks a clear explanation, they may need to engage in hours or even days of meditation to gain a vision of its significance.
Each group of orcs adheres to specific superstitions and recognizes particular omens. These beliefs vary from clan to clan and are often rooted in the unique experiences of each clan. According to the orc perspective, the strongest individuals are those who endure the longest, and every orc aspires to be the strongest. Strength, both physical and spiritual, holds immense importance to orcs, and they hold it in the highest regard.
Regardless of their clan associations, orcs hold honor in the highest regard. Honor is of utmost importance to orcs as it serves two purposes: firstly, to bring honor to their clan, and secondly, to bring honor to themselves and their sense of self-worth as individuals. The value placed on honor by orcs is demonstrated through their strong belief in showing hospitality, which they consider to be one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed upon others.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs gather in clans, forming tight-knit communities. These clans are like extended families, with members relying on each other for survival and support. When a hunting party returns from a successful hunt, it brings back not only trophies but also tales of dangerous monsters that they encountered. These stories serve as a form of entertainment and also help the clan identify potential threats in the area.
The selection of the most dangerous monster to confront is a critical decision for the clan. It is a way for them to prove their bravery and demonstrate their capability to overcome challenges. The process of choosing which monster to face can be lengthy and involve intense discussions among the clan members. Sometimes, disagreements arise, and different factions within the clan advocate for different monsters to be the target of their next hunt.
Each clan has its own unique attributes that define them and give them their name. These attributes can be anything from physical characteristics to special skills or abilities. For example, the Wyvern clan gets its name from their voluntary practice of ingesting wyvern poison to prove their resilience. This act showcases their strength and determination to overcome adversity.
The orc clans also have their own distinct cultures, traditions, and behaviors. These cultural aspects are passed down from generation to generation and play a significant role in shaping the identity of the clan. Some clans may have specific rituals or ceremonies that they perform on important occasions, while others may have certain rules or codes of conduct that they strictly adhere to.
At the top of each clan's hierarchy is the chief, who is the strongest and most respected member. The chief's position is not easily attained or maintained. It requires a display of strength and leadership skills to gain the loyalty and respect of the clan members. Many chiefs hold their positions with great pride and refuse to relinquish their titles, even if a stronger creature challenges them.
The orc chieftains are formidable figures, covered in scars that bear witness to their numerous battles and experiences. These scars are a testament to their resilience and serve as a symbol of their power and authority. A chieftain's physical appearance and display of strength are crucial in maintaining their position and ensuring the loyalty of the clan.
In times of relative peace, the delicate hierarchy within the clan is constantly tested. The clan's traditions and customs serve as a way to navigate these challenges and maintain order. However, conflicts can still arise, especially when resources become scarce or when a stronger chief threatens the territory of another clan.
Despite the potential for conflict, clans generally maintain a sense of hospitality towards each other. They understand the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of common threats or challenges. However, meetings between clans are usually brief and cautious, as the risk of losing members to a stronger chief is always present.
Occasionally, a powerful chief emerges who possesses the charisma and strength to unite scattered orc clans into a single group. This individual becomes the war-chief, leading the combined forces of multiple clans. The rise of a war-chief can occur due to various reasons, such as divine intervention or a call from the spirits of nature. It can also happen when a common enemy threatens the established order, forcing the clans to come together for their survival.
The emergence of a war-chief is a rare event, but when it happens, its consequences can be devastating. Entire nations have been toppled by the united orc clans, unable to withstand the overwhelming force and determination of the war-chief and their followers. These historical events serve as reminders of the immense power and influence that a united orc force can possess.

Facial characteristics

Orcs are known for their distinctive physical features. They have prominent jaws that are adorned with sharp, tusk-like teeth. These teeth can vary in number, size, and arrangement among different orcs. In addition to their formidable jaws, orcs also have heavy brows that give them a fierce appearance. Their broad and flat nose resembles a snout, adding to their intimidating presence. Another defining trait of orcs is their pointed ears, which further sets them apart from other humanoid beings.
When it comes to their eyes, orcs exhibit a wide range of naturally occurring colors. These colors can include shades of brown, oranges, yellows, reds, greens, grey, violets, indigo, and in rare cases, pure blue. The variation in eye color adds to the diversity within the orcish population. It is worth noting that the color of an orc's eyes often becomes infused with a vibrant red hue when they experience intense emotions. This phenomenon serves as a visual indication of their emotional state, making it easier for others to gauge their feelings.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have a strong sense of smell, to the extent that they can recognize others without relying on visual confirmation.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orcs continually test their strength against other clan members to establish their position in the hierarchy. This constant competition within the clan serves as a way for orcs to prove their worth and gain recognition. Those who accomplish great feats during these tests are bestowed with an epithet, a special title that is appended to their name. This epithet is a symbol of their achievements and distinguishes them among their fellow orcs.
The longevity of an epithet is directly linked to the ability of the respective orc to defend it. It becomes a mark of honor and respect within the clan. The more an orc is able to uphold their epithet through further acts of strength and bravery, the more revered they become among their peers. It is interesting to note that orcs do not receive a name at birth or beforehand. Instead, they await their designated Naming Day. This special day corresponds to a specific cycle, such as a yearly, seasonal, or lunar cycle, depending on the clan. On this significant day, an orc is given their name, which becomes a part of their identity.
However, even an orc's given name is not permanent. It is considered temporary until they successfully complete a rite of passage. This rite of passage is a crucial step in an orc's journey towards adulthood. It is a test of their skill, courage, and loyalty to their clan. Once an orc brings honor to their name and their clan through their actions, the elders of the clan bestow them with a second name. This second name is a mark of distinction, a recognition of their accomplishments. It further solidifies their place within the clan and grants them a higher status.

Gender Ideals

In orcish society, there is a remarkable absence of discrimination based on gender. Both men and women are provided with equal opportunities to pursue various professions, attain positions of power, and are even expected to actively participate in battles. This inclusive approach extends beyond the realm of combat, as there is generally no substantial disparity in the interactions between males and females. Irrespective of gender or social status, every orc is anticipated to contribute their fair share, as weakness is perceived as a significant disadvantage that hinders the collective progress of the community.

Relationship Ideals

In orc culture, the concept of romantic partnerships within a clan is not commonly practiced, except during the actual act of coupling. The orc society places little importance on personal attachments, instead valuing the dedication to the clan as a whole. For orcs, mating is viewed as a necessary aspect of life, with any additional significance often limited to the celebration of the cycle of life. Traditionally, children are regarded as the offspring of their parents, but they are raised as children of the entire clan. However, it is not uncommon to find orc families who choose to create homes and settle down in different regions of the world, indicating a shift away from the typical clan structure.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Orcs have adopted a writing method influenced by the dwarves, which they use to write in their native language, Orcish. However, orc culture does not place a strong emphasis on record-keeping or written communication. When orcs do need to write something, they use symbols, much like dwarven runes, to convey information such as "food stored here," "danger close," or "go this way." These symbols serve as a form of non-verbal communication among orcs and can be found in various locations throughout their territories. For example, an orc hunting party might leave such a sign behind to assist other orcs who pass through the same area later on. These signs not only provide useful information but also help establish a sense of unity and cooperation among orc clans. Mountain guides, druids, and rangers who frequently traverse orc territory often become familiar with many of these symbols, allowing them to prevent their companions from accidentally entering orc territory and ensuring their safety during their journeys.

Common Dress Code

Orcs, a people known for their fierce and rugged nature, have developed a deep affinity for tattoos that carry significant personal meaning. Each individual orc proudly wears tattoos that showcase their clan symbol or a battle standard, serving as a visual representation of their identity and heritage. These intricate markings not only tell the story of their past, but also serve as a constant reminder of their accomplishments and bravery.
In the rich tapestry of orcish society, scars hold a special place of honor. Each scar is a testament to an orc's experiences and serves as a physical manifestation of their resilience and strength. These battle scars, proudly displayed on their bodies, symbolize the trials they have endured and the victories they have achieved. When orcs come together within their clans, they can decipher the stories written on each other's skin, forming a bond of shared experiences and understanding.
When it comes to their attire, orcs prefer to layer themselves in thick hides and furs, often taken as trophies from the creatures they have bravely defeated. This distinctive choice of clothing not only provides them with protection, but also serves as a symbol of their prowess and dominance. The scent of stale sweat, mud, blood, decaying furs, and various other odors that accompanies orcs may be perceived as overwhelming to some, but to them, it is a badge of honor. This unique aroma is a testament to their physical endurance and their ability to conquer any challenge that comes their way.
In terms of appearance, male orcs take great pride in their long and unconventional facial hair, which they groom and style with great care. Female orcs, on the other hand, express their individuality through eclectic hairstyles and unique piercings. However, it is important to note that both males and females among the orc people can be seen with shaved heads and faces, as they value practicality and adaptability in their ever-changing environments.
While orcs typically prefer clothing made of hide and leather, they are not averse to equipping themselves with various types of armor and weaponry. Orcs are resourceful beings who recognize the importance of trade and scavenging to acquire the necessary tools for survival. Though the establishment of a blacksmith's forge poses logistical challenges for most orc clans, when one is established, it is designed to be easily abandoned when the need arises for the clan to relocate.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Strength in various forms, including physical power, courage, resourcefulness, and self-reliance, are highly esteemed qualities among all orcs. Orcs, being a resilient and rugged race, value these qualities as they contribute to their survival and the prosperity of their clans. In addition to their physical prowess, orcs engage in a range of activities to sustain themselves and their communities. They are skilled traders, hunters, and scavengers, utilizing their resourcefulness to gather the necessary resources wherever they venture.
To facilitate their nomadic lifestyle, each orc tribe possesses sturdy wagons, which serve as both a means of transportation and a symbol of their identity. These wagons are not just ordinary vehicles; they are a source of immense pride for the chief and the entire clan. Acquired through trade, these wagons are adorned with distinctively orcish decorations, representing the unique culture and heritage of each tribe. Many wagons are equipped with armor, providing effective protection against arrows during orc attacks. Furthermore, they are adorned with gruesome trophies of defeated monsters, proudly displayed by hanging them from hooks and spikes. These trophies not only showcase the orcs' bravery and strength but also serve as a reminder of their triumphs and accomplishments.
The wagons hold great significance within the orcish society, as they not only transport their belongings but also contribute to the hierarchy of the clan. The hunters who return to their tribe with heavily loaded wagons or valiantly defend their wagons from thieves earn great respect and rise in the clan's hierarchy. The loss of wagons can severely undermine the chieftain's authority and lead to chaos within the clan, with survivors either seeking refuge in other clans or venturing out on their own.
After a successful mission or hunt, the spoils are distributed among the orcs, symbolizing the collective achievements of the clan. The distribution is usually harmonious due to the well-established hierarchy within the group. The strongest or most dominant individuals claim the largest portion, reflecting the orcish belief in the importance of physical strength and prowess. The trophies that orcs proudly display upon returning to the clan represent their personal achievements and possessions. These trophies may hold demonstrable value or usefulness, be edible or once edible, or have been acquired at great personal risk. Regardless of their nature, edible items are consumed in a grand feast, useful items are put to practical use, and disposable items are discarded.
Unlike other societies, orcs do not find joy or pride in intricate craftsmanship. Their belongings are simple yet effective, with minimal embellishments. They prefer heavy, single-edged blades that rely on brute strength rather than finesse to be effective. Orcs view the trappings of urban life as contrary to the gods' intended way of living. They believe that true fulfillment lies beyond the confines of walls and that nature should be revered. Their practical nature guides their choices, prioritizing survival and the well-being of their clan over artistic achievements.
Throughout their history, orcish society has been characterized by resilience and a rugged way of life. Orcs are practical individuals who do not hesitate to resort to violence if it means protecting the future of the orc race or their clan. The weakness of one individual is seen as a stain on the strength of the entire clan, and exile is regarded as the most severe form of punishment an orc can receive. The concept of personal honor, which permeates all levels of orcish society, is held in as high regard as the clan itself. Most orcs are willing to fight to the death in defense of either, showcasing their unwavering loyalty and dedication.
Orcs prioritize survival and the preservation of their way of life above all else. They do not seek apologies for their past actions, nor do they expect or demand apologies from their enemies. Their focus is on bravery and valor, as these qualities align with their warrior culture. However, they also recognize the importance of not letting valor lead to utter catastrophe, as they understand the value of strategic thinking and decision-making in the face of adversity.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

One of the fascinating customs practiced by the orcs is a special and heartwarming ceremony held to celebrate the arrival of newborns within the clan. This beautiful tradition takes place in a serene setting, where the parents stand united in a tranquil body of water near the encampment, surrounded by the watchful eyes of their fellow clan members gathered on the shore. With anticipation and joy filling the air, the mother gently passes the precious bundle of joy to the waiting arms of the father. As he lifts the baby towards the vast expanse of the sky, a radiant smile spreads across his face, proudly declaring the child as his own and affirming the continuation of their revered family lineage. This deeply symbolic act serves as a heartfelt introduction of the newborn to the entire clan, who eagerly offer their heartfelt blessings and well wishes for the child's prosperous future. In a touching display of unity and protection, the esteemed clan chieftain steps forward and cradles the baby in their strong and capable hands, symbolizing the unwavering commitment of the clan to safeguard and nurture the newest member of their community. With utmost respect and admiration, the chieftain expresses their ardent desire for the child to bring immense honor and boundless glory to the esteemed clan. As the anticipation builds, the chieftain's heir, a figure of great importance and wisdom, gracefully steps forward and bestows a sacred blessing upon the newborn. This profound gesture symbolizes the passing of wisdom, strength, and guidance from one generation to the next, ensuring the child's prosperous journey in life. In a moment of reverence and spirituality, the revered shaman, deeply attuned to the mystical forces of the gods and the elements, raises their voice in a soul-stirring appeal. With hands outstretched towards the heavens, the shaman beseeches the benevolent deities and the powerful forces of nature, invoking their divine blessings and unwavering protection over the precious newcomer, as they embark on their extraordinary journey within the loving embrace of the clan. This remarkable ceremony, filled with love, unity, and hope, serves as a sacred rite of passage, embracing the newborn with the warmth and support of their orcish family, setting the stage for a future filled with endless possibilities and boundless love.
Orcs, fierce and formidable creatures, are known for their tendency to launch large-scale attacks. However, it is important to note that they also possess a distinct preference for individual combat, rarely engaging in tactical coordination. Their lack of interest in stealth or sneaky tactics is evident as they choose to charge headlong towards their enemies, accompanied by thunderous battle cries that strike fear into the hearts of their foes. Each orc is driven by a burning desire to achieve personal glory on the battlefield. They prioritize targeting the most formidable opponents, seeking to prove their strength and prowess. However, they are not ones to overlook opportunities to strike at other targets along the way. Their boldness is legendary, as they are willing to fight to the death rather than retreat in the face of adversity. Nevertheless, there are instances where the tides of battle turn against the orcs. In such situations, if there are no witnesses to report their potential cowardice to the clan or if more powerful individuals have already fled, it is not unheard of for some orcs to abandon the fight and flee. However, it is crucial to mention that if their clan discovers their act of cowardice, the offending orc will face severe consequences. Public humiliation becomes the chosen method to enforce discipline and restore honor within the clan. This humiliation often takes the form of a visible mark of shame, such as the loss of an ear or nose, serving as a constant reminder of their disgraceful act.
Orcish religion takes the form of an animistic worldview, deeply rooted in the belief that all aspects of the natural world are imbued with spiritual essence. At the heart of this belief system are the orc shamans, who draw their power from the forces of the elements and the spirits of nature. Through their connection with the world that surrounds them, orc shamans form a profound bond with the elemental forces that shape their existence. The role of shamans in orcish history is as ancient as the recorded accounts themselves. In fact, some scholars speculate that shamans may have been the first druids to emerge among the orcish clans. From the earliest days of their lives, young orcs are raised to become stalwart and steadfast allies of the elemental spirits. This upbringing instills in them a deep reverence for the rugged forces of the natural elements. Within orcish society, shamans occupy a position of great honor and respect. Their ability to bridge clan boundaries allows them to peacefully mediate arguments and resolve conflicts. The close relationship that shamans share with the nature elements is considered sacred, and any act that angers these spirits is viewed as a grave offense. Throughout the ages, tales of orc shamans have woven a rich tapestry of their communion with the spirits. Through patience, dedication, and unwavering faith, these shamans have learned to soothe roaring infernos, bring rain to sun-scorched lands, and temper the ruinous influence of the Primordials on the world of Caanae. In orcish culture, the spoken word of the spirits carries great weight. Any shaman who has been blessed with their guidance and wisdom is accorded equal respect and honor, regardless of age or experience. This egalitarian approach highlights the value placed on spiritual connection and underscores the importance of every individual's unique journey.
Beyond the realm of shamans, orcish religion also encompasses the role of priests. While shamans commune with "the elements without", priests delve into the depths of "the elements within" – a song of the heart and the spirit. These priests are not only caretakers of the young but also guides for expecting mothers and educators for the orcish youth. Through their devotion to the gods, orc priests follow a path of healing and renewal, seeking to guide and nurture body and spirit in equal measure.
The treatment of the deceased holds great significance in orcish tradition. In the past, before the corruption of orcs by the gods of Chaos, the practice was to bury the dead. However, the passage of time and the changing tides of belief have led to a new tradition. It is now customary for the deceased to be honored through the burning of funeral pyres. By surrendering their bodies to fire, their ashes to air, and allowing water and earth to consume what remains, the spirits of the departed are set free to join their ancestors. Notably, orcs who hold deep admiration for the strength and ferocity of their foes may choose to honor fallen enemies with the same funeral rites. This custom emerged as a means for orcs to quell their bloodlust, which had been inflamed by the corruption caused by the gods of Chaos. By extending this gesture of respect to their adversaries, orcs seek to reject their old ways and embrace a more balanced approach to life and death. Beliefs about the afterlife among orcs vary. Some envision a realm of eternal hunting grounds, where the spirits of fallen orcs embark on glorious quests. Others cherish the notion of an afterlife consisting of "glorious battlefields", where the spirits of warriors engage in eternal combat. These beliefs reflect the orcish reverence for strength, valor, and the eternal cycle of life and death. In essence, orcish religion encompasses a profound understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness between the orcish people and the natural world. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of the orcs and their unwavering commitment to the forces that shape their existence.
A tanarukk is a creature born from the corruption of an orc by fiendish power, a creation of the gods of Chaos. These monstrous beings are remnants from the Time of Titans, and despite being considered mythical by some, they continue to be a source of terror within orc clans. The tales of orcs who have succumbed to the call of Chaos, losing themselves in a maelstrom of hatred, violence, and cruelty, are whispered in hushed tones. With a visage that combines the features of a fiend and an orc, tanarukks traverse the world in a perpetual haze of violence. Their eyes, ominously glowing with a fiery red hue, seethe beneath the weight of their thick, horn-like brows. In addition, their tusks and claws possess a razor-sharp edge, capable of inflicting devastating wounds. It is worth noting that due to their unnaturally resilient skin, tanarukks seldom find the need to don armor, preferring instead to charge into battle unencumbered, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Armed with a Chaos-forged maul, they unleash havoc upon their adversaries, mercilessly tearing them apart. However, it is crucial to recognize that the orc deities view such a betrayal of their worship as a grave offense, and orcs who remain loyal to their gods regard tanarukks as abominations that warrant immediate and aggressive action upon sighting them.
When a clan is in desperate need, the priests of the clan can encourage a pregnant orc to give birth to an orog. This unique practice is only found in a few orc clans that actively search for orogs to strengthen their numbers and ensure their survival. The presence of an orog within the clan presents a potential dilemma for an orc chief: will the orog grow up to be a valuable ally or a dangerous opponent? From the chief's perspective, raising an orog within the clan is a risk that requires careful consideration. There is always the possibility that the orog may one day rise up and try to take power from the chief, challenging their authority. However, orcs deeply admire an orog's exceptional strength and cunning, which the Dark gods have blessed to surpass that of any ordinary orc in the clan. An orog has the potential to use its extraordinary strength to intimidate other orcs and its superior intelligence to surprise enemies on the battlefield. Nevertheless, what most chiefs fail to realize or trust is that orogs do not directly threaten their rule. Despite their immense power, orogs serve as a balancing force within the clan simply by their presence. They understand their divinely appointed duty to ensure the safety of clan members who remain behind, even if a hunt or battle goes poorly and many warriors are killed. During times of internal conflict, such as after the death of the chief, orogs step in to oversee the selection of a new leader and prevent the clan from dividing due to infighting. They strive not to lead their clan, but to keep the clan united, which is often the more challenging task. Occasionally, an orog may deviate from their usual role and become a destructive force within the clan, seeking to divide the group based on loyalty to the gods. This rebellious behavior is rare but not unheard of. On the other hand, there are instances where an orog may willingly accept a role in battle or leadership under special circumstances. If a clan faces formidable or unexpected opposition, the endurance and intellect of an orog serving as chief or battle master can be the decisive factor that secures victory when a less capable leader would have failed.

Common Taboos

To an orc, blood is not just a physical substance coursing through their veins, but a powerful symbol of connection and identity. It has the ability to forge unbreakable oaths, establish unwavering loyalties, and distinguish a true warrior in the midst of battle. The significance of a blood bond in orcish culture cannot be overstated, as it represents a sacred and inviolable bond that carries immense weight and importance. To betray such a profound bond is not only a betrayal of trust, but one of the most reprehensible and unforgivable crimes imaginable in the eyes of an orc.

Common Myths and Legends

According to orc lore, it is believed that in ancient times, the gods convened to allocate different parts of the world to their loyal followers. The sacred forests were bestowed upon the firbolgs and elves, while the hills and mountains were claimed by the dwarves. The vast seas were entrusted to the merfolk, and the plains and deserts were granted to the yuan-ti. Interestingly, the orcs were not assigned a specific domain by the gods, as they possessed the remarkable ability to adapt to any environment bestowed upon them. They actively sought out disturbances that disrupted the delicate balance of nature and the elements, ensuring its preservation and harmony.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Orcs highly value strength and power, always seeking out formidable creatures to join their clans. They hold a deep admiration for physical prowess and combat ability in all its forms, often extending their acceptance to include other creatures. Notably, ogres, trolls, and half-orcs are proudly embraced within orc communities. In certain cases, orcs have even been known to pledge their loyalty to giants, serving as guards and soldiers, as long as the giant has proven themselves worthy of such service. Additionally, some dragons have employed orcs as sentinels or shock troops, recognizing their formidable skills. It is also worth mentioning that defeated clans may find themselves under the influence of more powerful creatures, who can exert their dominance over the orcs. Interestingly, humans too have been known to lead and influence stray orcs. It is important to note that orcs have no interest in formal paper treaties; instead, they rely on tests of strength and honorable conduct to determine the worth and trustworthiness of others.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Average Weight
238 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orc skin tones vary from brown, resembling the color of bark, to reddish-brown. They can also range from light grey to a dark, sooty black. Additionally, orc skin can be green, ranging from an algae green to a forest green.


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