Postymäkläld "Glacial Wall" Tvirrmitaonunlald

Byhapt Postymäkläld "Glacial Wall" Tvirrmitaonunlald (a.k.a. Orjort or Mäk)

Byhapt (/bʏ'hapt/ , second spear , title) Postymäkläld (/pɔsˈtyːmaɛ'klɛld/, "Water Glass" , given name) "Glacial Wall" (attribution name) Tvirrmitaonunlald (/tvɪrrˈmiːtɑːˈnʉːnlɑːld/ "Tall Ice Spire" , family name), nicknamed Orjort (/ˈɔrjɔrt/, meat , a service nickname) and Mäk (/maɛ'k/ , a personal nickname).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mäk is a massive goliath covered on corded muscle, scars, and an intimidating scowl.

Body Features

Mäk is a very tall, broad, and strong goliath. He has an immensely muscular physique and numerous scars across his body. Some scars, especially one gnarled gash across his chest, damaged the shape of his bjomnä sjalt.   Originally, his bjomnä sjalt told of a destiny of victory, strength, and temperance. With the scarring, though, his destiny reads of sorrow, loneliness, and introspection.   If Mäk had less scarring and a more relaxed demeanor, he would be considered attractive amongst goliaths.

Facial Features

Mäk has a broad nose, strong jaw, and heavy brow. His upper left lip curls slightly as a scar pulls it up.

Identifying Characteristics

Mäk is easily identified for being tall, even for a goliath, and for a cruel scar from his left eye to his lip. He is also exceptionally broad with a brawny physique, which helps him stand out in a crowd.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Mäk identifies as male.


Mäk favors men over women as a sexual partner, but the degree of guilt he carries with him and the scars that damaged his bjomnä sjalt makes him an unattractive mate to either gender.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mäk was present in numerous defensive positions against coordinated bandit raids of villages.   He held the line and earned the name "Glacial Wall" when he was the last standing member of his squad assigned to a village early in his career against an onslaught of owlbears.

Mental Trauma

Mäk feels a deep sense of survivor's guilt over enduring countless campaigns when his brothers in arm fell. He remembers each of their bjomnä sjalt and he rarely dreams of anything other than the campaigns.

Personality Characteristics


Mäk wants a life where he can focus on the future and cease to dwell on the past. He is afraid of confronting the losses he felt in previous military campaigns, so any immediate distraction is welcome in his melancholy. Mäk also seeks to prove to himself his value as a member of the Frost caste by demonstrating feats of physical prowess and fighting skill.

Likes & Dislikes

Mäk likes sweet food, the crackle of the fire, and the quiet of the sunrise. His favorite smell is pine tar and moss. He likes reading lälusja (/lɛˈlʉːɧɑː/ , giant poetry).   Mäk loathes spicy food (he has very little tolerance), the smell of copper, and loud festivities going into the night.

Virtues & Personality perks

Mäk is a reliable, strong, and talented warrior. He has earned a reputation of being a stalwart barrier of a person, stopping an encroaching enemy horde in its place. He is fairly gentle-spoken and listens to multiple opinions before forming plans.

Vices & Personality flaws

Mäk is gruff, unapproachable, and frightening. He rarely asserts himself in social situations. He doesn't "turn off" his rigid attitude.

Personality Quirks

Mäk does not joke about his service or his comrades, even if they mock him.


Mäk is a fastidious person when it comes to hygiene. He loathes blood, sweat, and dirt on his skin and will take any opportunity he can reasonably get to scrub himself clean in private.


Social Aptitude

Mäk is often uncomfortable in crowds. He sees the bjomnä sjalt of fallen allies out of the corner of his eyes when surrounded by fellow goliaths, which brings waves of discomfort and loss that are often bordering on overwhelming. This, coupled with a scarred visage and a "resting angry face", gives Mäk the impression of him absolutely not wanting to be here in the presence of these people around him.   While Mäk is not very good at giving a warm impression to strangers, his physical presence often suggests impending violence and can be uncomfortable or intimidating.   When in a structured environment, Mäk is much more comfortable. He was trained to be a regimental warrior, so structure in his social group is reassuring.


Mäk's upper left lip twitches when he finds himself in an uncomfortable position while the rest of his body is rigid. When happy, his eyes crinkle, but he will rarely smile. Mäk also has rigid body posture, even when in relaxed settings.


Mäk's voice is gravely, deep, and slow.
Milky white
330 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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