

Major language groups and dialects

Giant is the language that all Yotunn learn and can speak

Shared customary codes and values

Family is very important to Yotunn peoples, and certain expectations tend to be placed on those who belong in these families.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

When Yotunn peoples eat, it is usually done as a group. Even inns and taverns will rarely have sections where one is alone. Food is often shared between those at the table and is regularly high in protein. It is in this setting much of the stories are shared, between bites of food telling stories of the heroes of old and new. When someone who belongs to the Yotunn culture shares food with you, or asks you to partake in food and drink with them, it is an offer of trust and friendship. Stories are not regulated to any one person at the table, and multiple people might take up a story, telling different parts or using different voices.   Stories are significant to the Yotunn peoples, and they have a deep respect for those who tell them. In a public setting when a performer is presenting a tale, Yotunn people listen attentively and give them their undivided attention. Sharing a personal story with someone of Yotunn decent is considered sharing a part of who you are, and is deeply impactful.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Yotunn dead have been taken to the Isle of the Dead for centuries, each caste its own section of that island. Central to the practice and the island itself is the Cairn of the All-Father, a small grouping of rocky terrain overlooking the relatively flat island around it. At the top is the home of the Speaker of the Dead, a giant chosen to speak to the dead and their descendants should they come looking for answers.


Beauty Ideals

The ideal beauty for someone of Yotunn descent is based on their markings mostly for goliaths, a pattern is the way in which a goliath displays who they are in the face of their destiny, and they find beauty in that. For giants, beauty depends on the various types of giants, each type defining beauty a different way.

Gender Ideals

Yotunn have a clear definition of two genders, male and female. For Yotunn giants, being a father and male father figure is significant to their culture. As a male giant it is important that they set an example to all who witness them as to what a giant should be like. Female giants are praised as mothers, but are not venerated or honored in the same manner that a father is.

Relationship Ideals

The caste determines which giant or goliath may marry. For giants it is very important that a relationship be able to produce offspring, as their kind have been slowly dying out for centuries now. This trickles down to the goliaths as well, due to their position as the voices of the giants they work with.

Major organizations

The Kingdom of Jodenheim was founded and is controlled by the Yotunn Giants.


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