Rekyon Napi (/ˈɾekjon ˈmapi/)


Rekyon Napi, a majestic natural wonder, soars to an impressive elevation of just over 18,000 feet. It is an imposing feature located within the rugged terrain of the Bohi non Napi range in the northern region of Hiyon Nenpan. This remarkable elevation places the mountain among the ranks of the tallest mountains, not only among the Bohi non Napi, but in the entire world of Caanae, a testament to its grandeur.

As a dormant stratovolcano, Rekyon Napi holds a fascinating geological structure. It contains deep, extensive caves that reach The World Below, a phenomenon caused by the existence of a magma chamber that lies approximately three miles beneath the earth's surface. This unique feature adds to the intrigue and mystery of the mountain.

Furthermore, a few flank vents have been identified on the mountain. However, these vents are primarily located on the upper slopes near the summit. These flank vents provide a glimpse into the volcanic activity that once took place, and their existence continues to attract the interest of geologists and adventurers alike. Each feature contributes to the overall allure of Rekyon Napi, making it a must-visit destination for those intrigued by the wonders of nature.

Ecosystem Cycles

The last eruption of the volcano was so long ago that the elves would need to go back more than twelve of their generations to find a memory of it.

Localized Phenomena

Mineral hot springs, which are predominantly found on the sides and at the base of the volcano, are renowned for their therapeutic properties. These naturally occurring springs are believed to have significant benefits, particularly in the treatment of chronic wounds and various skin diseases. These health benefits have led to their rising popularity among locals and tourists alike. In order to accommodate and facilitate the increasing demand, public baths have been established in these locations. These baths, comprising small pools, are open for public use, providing an opportunity for people to immerse themselves in these healing waters. Not only do these springs offer potential health benefits, but they also provide a unique and relaxing experience amidst the natural beauty of the volcanic landscape.

In the high-altitude regions of Rekyon Napi, a number of glaciers can be found. These glaciers not only contribute to the stunning scenery but also serve as the origin point for several rivers, which flow perennially throughout the area of Hiyon Nenpan. Extending right up to the snow line, these glaciers form an integral part of the landscape. As a result of their location and extent, many of the routes to the summit of Rekyon Napi involve sections of ice climbing. This makes the ascent both a challenging and rewarding experience, offering climbers the opportunity to engage directly with this unique and dynamic natural environment.

Fauna & Flora

The area is a thriving ecosystem, home to a diverse array of mammals. This includes the mouflon, a species of wild sheep known for their curved horns, and the agile wild goat. Larger predators, such as the elusive leopard and the formidable brown bear, also roam the region. Smaller creatures, like the snow vole, mouse-like hamster, and the pika, a small mammal with short limbs and rounded ears, contribute to the biodiversity.

The area is equally rich in bird species, especially those adapted to living at high altitudes. The snowcock, known for its robust body and feathered legs, and the majestic golden eagle are often spotted soaring in the high-altitude skies. The griffon vulture, a scavenger bird with a wide wingspan, is a common sight. The partridge, a ground-dwelling bird, finds its home between stones and shrubs.

During the harsh winter months, a variety of birds such as the red-fronted serin, linnet, snow finch, rock sparrow, rock bunting, and horned lark migrate to the lower hillsides, where the climate is more temperate. With the arrival of spring, the mountain becomes a breeding ground for the northern wheatear, rock thrush, and the melodious nightingale. Other migratory birds, like the grey-necked bunting, black-headed bunting, and the colorful common rosefinch, also make their way to the mountain.

Reptiles and amphibians also have a presence in the region. The marsh frog, a creature adapted to the springs that emerge in the lower elevations, is often seen. The region's reptilian inhabitants include the meadow viper, blunt-nosed viper, valley viper, and the agama, adding to the rich and diverse wildlife of the area.

The mountain's inclines are a haven for wild pistachia trees, creating a robust and unique ecosystem. Flowing along its picturesque riversides, one can find an array of diverse willow species, interspersed with the striking oleaster trees. As the terrain ascends to higher altitudes, the vegetation shifts to predominantly feature the evergreen juniper, adding a touch of color to the landscape.

Intricately woven into this verdant tapestry are the wild oak, beech, hornbeam, and hazel trees. These trees add a sense of depth and variety to the terrain, contributing significantly to the area's biodiversity. The landscape is further adorned by an assortment of wild flowers, including the vibrant mountain tulip and the delicate stone cress.

At the highest reaches of the mountain, the vegetation takes on a different form. Here, shrubs evolve to become more sphere and cushion-like to withstand the harsh conditions. These shrubs provide a stark contrast to the trees below, offering a remarkable sight to behold.

Completing this picturesque alpine scene is a scattering of different kinds of grasses. These grasses, swaying gently in the mountain air, add the final touch to this diverse and beautiful landscape, creating a truly breathtaking panorama.

Alternative Name(s)
Rekyon Mountain
Mountain / Hill
Location under


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