Ryvianite Church

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith in the Ryvianite Church are as follows:

1. Preserve Knowledge: The faithful believe that any piece of information that is not recorded and preserved will eventually be lost and forgotten. They consider it their sacred duty to ensure that no lore or wisdom is destroyed or neglected.

2. Disseminate Knowledge: Followers of Ryvian firmly believe that any information not recorded and saved for future use is information lost forever. They consider literacy to be a precious gift bestowed upon humanity by the gods, one that should be shared and taught to all. They strive to make knowledge accessible to anyone who desires it.

3. Safeguard Knowledge: The faithful see themselves as guardians of knowledge. They gather, preserve, and disseminate knowledge in all its forms. Scribes and scholars who devote themselves to preserving written works are deeply respected by the church.

4. Educate and Be Charitable: Priests of Ryvian take an oath of charity, obliging them to assist others by writing letters and transcribing information as requested. They use their skills to provide valuable services to individuals and organizations.

5. Information Should Be Free: The church advocates for the freedom of information. They encourage the gathering and preservation of knowledge, and they allow new ideas to be heard and considered freely. However, they also oppose lies, rumors, and deceptive accounts, refuting those who promote misinformation and falsehoods with written evidence.

6. Pursue Knowledge: The teachings of Ryvian emphasize the belief that the secrets of the world are waiting to be uncovered. The faithful are encouraged to pursue a scholarly life and cultivate a spirit of inquiry among the younger generation. They engage in intellectual pursuits, such as reading, studying, and conducting research.

7. Appreciate the Written Word: The faithful believe that Ryvian's essence is hidden within written works. They engage in the experience of reading and understanding these works, considering them a pathway to the divine. They hold written works in high regard and consider them a source of profound knowledge and wisdom.

8. Value Literacy: Literacy is highly valued in the Ryvianite Church. They believe that the ability to read and write is a gift from the gods and should be shared with everyone. They actively promote literacy by offering free reading and writing lessons to the public.

9. Refute the Ignorant: Ignorance is seen as a shackle of the mind, hindering individuals from reaching their full potential. The faithful are instructed to encourage the gathering and preservation of knowledge, to disseminate knowledge as widely as possible, and to refute lies, rumors, and deceptive accounts that hinder the pursuit of truth.

10. There is Power in Knowledge: Knowledge is seen as the greatest tool of the mortal mind, surpassing anything created by mortal hands. The faithful believe that the pursuit and sharing of knowledge are of utmost importance. They consider knowledge to be a sacred gift and believe that the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge enriches individuals and society as a whole.

These tenets form the foundation of faith in the Ryvianite Church, guiding the actions and beliefs of its followers as they strive to preserve, disseminate, and appreciate knowledge in all its forms.


In the beliefs of the Ryvianite Church, virtues and sins are defined based on their alignment with the pursuit and preservation of knowledge.


1. Curiosity: The church considers curiosity to be a virtue, as it drives individuals to seek knowledge and explore the world around them. Curiosity encourages the pursuit of new ideas, discoveries, and experiences.

2. Diligence: Diligence is highly valued as a virtue in the Ryvianite Church. It represents the dedicated effort put into gathering, preserving, and disseminating knowledge. Diligence ensures the accurate recording and transmission of information.

3. Loyalty: Loyalty is seen as a virtue within the Ryvianite Church, particularly loyalty to knowledge itself. The faithful are encouraged to remain steadfast in their commitment to the preservation and propagation of knowledge, even in the face of challenges or opposition.

4. Intellectual Humility: The church emphasizes the importance of intellectual humility as a virtue. It involves acknowledging the limits of one's own knowledge and being open to new ideas and perspectives. Intellectual humility allows for a more inclusive and collaborative pursuit of knowledge.

5. Charity: Charity is considered a virtue in the Ryvianite Church. It manifests in assisting others by writing letters, transcribing information, and providing valuable services. The faithful use their skills and knowledge to benefit individuals and organizations in need.


1. Ignorance: Ignorance is seen as a sin in the Ryvianite Church, as it impedes the pursuit of knowledge and hinders individual growth. Those who willingly ignore or reject information without valid reasons are considered to be committing a sin against the teachings of Ryvian.

2. Suppression of Knowledge: The deliberate suppression or destruction of knowledge is considered a grave sin in the Ryvianite Church. It goes against the core belief in the preservation and dissemination of knowledge. Those who actively prevent others from accessing or sharing knowledge are seen as committing a sin against the principles of Ryvian.

3. Misinformation: Spreading false or misleading information is considered a sin in the Ryvianite Church. The faithful are encouraged to refute lies, rumors, and deceptive accounts that hinder the pursuit of truth. Those who intentionally promote misinformation and falsehoods are seen as committing a sin against the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual honesty.

4. Intellectual Arrogance: Intellectual arrogance, or the belief that one's own knowledge is superior and dismissing others' perspectives, is seen as a sin in the Ryvianite Church. It goes against the value of intellectual humility and inclusivity. The faithful are encouraged to approach knowledge with an open mind and to respect the contributions of others.

5. Destruction of Written Works: The deliberate destruction or neglect of written works is considered a sin in the Ryvianite Church. It goes against the duty of the faithful to preserve and protect knowledge. Those who engage in the destruction or neglect of written works are seen as committing a sin against the principles of Ryvian.

These virtues and sins guide the actions and behaviors of the followers of the Ryvianite Church, promoting the pursuit, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge while discouraging ignorance, suppression, and misinformation.


Worship in the Ryvianite Church involves a set of everyday practices, rituals, and traditions that the faithful follow to honor Ryvian and seek guidance in their pursuit of knowledge. Here are some of the key aspects of worship in this religion:

1. Prayer and Gratitude: Followers of Ryvian offer prayers of thanks whenever they make significant discoveries, come across forgotten pieces of knowledge, or finish writing a new record. These prayers express gratitude to Ryvian for guiding them in their quest for knowledge.

2. Record-Keeping: The act of recording information, whether through writing letters, transcribing texts, or creating new records, is considered a form of worship. Individuals who engage in these activities often say a prayer to Ryvian, seeking guidance and protection from mistakes.

3. Illumination and Tapestry Making: Illuminators and tapestry makers, who play a crucial role in preserving and visually representing knowledge, also recite prayers to Ryvian while working. They believe that Ryvian's presence can be found within the lines, shapes, and passages of all written works, ensuring accurate knowledge is conveyed.

4. Visiting Temples: The faithful regularly visit temples dedicated to Ryvian, which function as libraries, universities, and colleges. They attend lessons, lectures, and study in the temple's alcoves. While there, they may offer prayers at altars composed of simple stone adorned with important materials from the temple's collection.

5. Seeking Hidden Knowledge: Many followers of Ryvian actively seek hidden or lost knowledge. They offer prayers to Ryvian, seeking blessings in their search for information and guidance in uncovering valuable lore.

6. Participating in Scholarly Pursuits: The faithful are encouraged to pursue a scholarly life and cultivate a spirit of inquiry. They engage in intellectual pursuits such as reading, studying, and conducting research. Lectures on diverse topics are often offered by the church to promote the spread of knowledge.

7. Preserving and Sharing Knowledge: The core belief of the Ryvianite Church is the preservation and dissemination of knowledge. The faithful are instructed to encourage the gathering, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge in all its forms. They are urged to share their knowledge with others and refrain from suppressing new ideas, allowing them to be heard and considered freely.

These practices, rituals, and traditions are central to the worship of Ryvian and reflect the belief that knowledge is a sacred gift to be cherished and shared.


The priesthood of the Ryvianite Church comprises scholarly clerics, monks, lore-keepers, bards, wizards, and others who are dedicated to the collection, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. Within the organization, the clergy holds various ranks that distinguish their roles and responsibilities. These ranks include:

1. Novice: Novices are individuals who have recently joined the Ryvianite Church and are undergoing training and education in the teachings and practices of the faith. They assist higher-ranking clergy members in their duties and participate in the day-to-day operations of the temple.

2. Aspirant: Aspirants are individuals who have completed their initial training and have shown a strong commitment to the principles of the Ryvianite Church. They continue their studies and actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge under the guidance of more experienced clergy members.

3. Scholar: Scholars are recognized for their advanced knowledge and expertise in specific fields of study. They have demonstrated exceptional dedication to the acquisition and preservation of knowledge. Scholars often specialize in areas such as history, literature, philosophy, or arcane arts.

4. Sage Priest: Sage Priests are highly respected members of the clergy who have achieved a profound understanding of Ryvianite teachings and principles. They possess extensive knowledge in multiple disciplines and play a crucial role in mentoring and guiding the younger clergy members. Sage Priests are often sought after for their wisdom and insight.

5. Priest Illuminator: Priest Illuminators are skilled in the art of illumination and visual representation of knowledge. They specialize in creating intricate and beautifully illustrated manuscripts, scrolls, and tapestries that convey complex ideas and concepts. Their works serve as both educational tools and objects of reverence within the Ryvianite Church.

6. Priest Calligrapher: Priest Calligraphers have mastered the art of calligraphy and are responsible for copying and transcribing important texts and documents. Their meticulously crafted writings ensure the accurate preservation of knowledge and maintain the aesthetic beauty associated with written works.

7. Priest Cartographer: Priest Cartographers excel in the creation of maps and cartographic representations. They meticulously record and document geographical information, enabling the accurate navigation and exploration of the world. Their maps serve as valuable resources for scholars, travelers, and adventurers alike.

8. Priest Editor: Priest Editors specialize in editing and revising written works to ensure clarity, accuracy, and consistency. They play a vital role in refining manuscripts, correcting errors, and improving the overall quality of written materials within the Ryvianite Church.

9. Priest Secretary: Priest Secretaries are skilled in administrative tasks and organizational management. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the temple, managing schedules, and coordinating various activities. Their efficiency and attention to detail contribute to the smooth functioning of the Ryvianite Church.

10. Priest Librarian: Priest Librarians are entrusted with the management and preservation of the vast collection of written works within the temple's library. They catalog, organize, and maintain the library's resources, ensuring easy accessibility and efficient retrieval of knowledge for scholars and seekers of information.

11. Priest Scrivener: Priest Scriveners specialize in the art of writing and composing original works of literature and poetry. They contribute to the creation of new written works that add to the collective knowledge of the Ryvianite Church. Their creative expression and linguistic prowess enrich the cultural and artistic aspects of the faith.

12. Savant: Savants are recognized for their exceptional mastery and expertise in a specific field of study. They have dedicated countless hours to the pursuit of knowledge and have made significant contributions to their respective disciplines. Savants often become renowned scholars, sought after for their insights and groundbreaking discoveries.

13. High Savant: High Savants are the most esteemed and revered members of the Ryvianite Church. They have achieved the highest level of knowledge and wisdom within their chosen field of study. Their contributions to the understanding and preservation of knowledge are unparalleled, and their guidance is highly sought after by the entire clergy.

Some titles are only bestowed by Ryvian as exceptional honors. These titles are reserved for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, skill, and service to the Ryvianite Church.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Ryvian's worship is widespread, revered by beings of all types, social strata, and moral inclination. Those who value, preserve, share, seek, create, or uncovere knowledge and learning are all considered doing the work of Ryvian. The Ryvianite Church holds considerable political and social influence in the regions where it is established. Here are some key aspects of its influence:

1. Education and Literacy: The church actively promotes literacy and learning, offering free reading and writing lessons to the public. By providing access to education, they empower individuals and communities, contributing to social development and upward mobility.

2. Preservation and Dissemination of Knowledge: As guardians of knowledge, the Ryvianite Church plays a vital role in preserving and disseminating information. Their temples function as libraries and universities, housing vast collections of books, scrolls, and maps. By making knowledge accessible, they contribute to the intellectual growth and cultural enrichment of society.

3. Support for Intellectual Pursuits: The church encourages intellectual pursuits and fosters a spirit of inquiry. They offer lectures, seminars, and workshops on various subjects, nurturing a love for learning among their followers and the wider community. This support for intellectual development contributes to the advancement of society as a whole.

4. Charitable Work: The clergy of the Ryvianite Church, including priests and scholars, engage in charitable activities. They assist others by writing letters and transcribing information upon request, providing valuable services to individuals and organizations. Their commitment to charity enhances the church's reputation and strengthens its influence in society.

5. Cultural and Artistic Influence: The Ryvianite Church has a profound impact on the cultural and artistic landscape. They sponsor bardic colleges, monastic fellowships, and guilds of herbalists and alchemists. By supporting these endeavors, they contribute to the preservation of traditional arts, the development of new artistic expressions, and the promotion of cultural diversity.

6. Political Advocacy: The church advocates for the freedom of information and the accessibility of knowledge to all. They oppose the suppression of new ideas and actively refute misinformation and falsehoods when supported by written accounts. Their stance on intellectual freedom and accuracy in information contributes to a more informed and enlightened society.

7. Collaboration with Militant Orders: While the Ryvianite Church does not officially sponsor militant orders, they are not averse to supporting organizations willing to conduct violence in the interests of the church. This collaboration, though not central to their influence, allows them to protect valuable knowledge and defend their beliefs against threats posed by opposing forces.

"Knowledge shared is knowledge multiplied."

Religious, Organised Religion


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