
Divine Domains

Ryvian's main role is to ensure the accurate recording and preservation of all knowledge within the Great Library of Heaven, Jushipu Momun. This includes collecting, organizing, and indexing information from various sources. Ryvian is responsible for sharing knowledge with mortals and other beings through written works, spell scrolls, tomes, and instructional materials. By doing so, Ryvian enriches the Prime Material and advances learning.

Ryvian also has the duty of deciding which knowledge should be shared with the world and which should remain hidden. This includes selecting what information spreads and what fades away. It is a challenging task, as Ryvian holds the knowledge of ages within the vaults of the Jushipu Momun. Ryvian encourages and values the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual curiosity. Those favored by Ryvian are driven by a passion for learning and strive to uncover the mysteries of the world. Through their scholarly endeavors, they contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and push the boundaries of what is known.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ryvian is associated with several signs and symbols that are significant in their worship and representations:

A symbol of Ryvian is an open book with a hand on the seam between the pages. This symbol represents the act of uncovering and sharing knowledge.

Manifestations associated with Ryvian have included a book surrounded by glowing, pale blue light. This radiant book signifies the divine presence of Ryvian and the illumination brought by knowledge.

Ryvian has been known to communicate through cryptic omens in the form of puzzles, riddles, and impossible objects. These enigmatic messages serve as tests of wit and intellect, challenging the receiver to unravel hidden meanings and gain further insight into the universe.

In religious depictions, Ryvian is often portrayed as an elderly sage wearing voluminous robes adorned with symbols and glyphs. These symbols and glyphs serve as codes, reminding scholars and priests of specific facts and events related to where Ryvian is being depicted.

When physically presenting an avatar, Ryvian typically appears as depicted in iconography and illumination, with a white beard, intense eyes, voluminous robes, and never without scrolls or tomes. The constant presence of written works signifies Ryvian's dedication to knowledge and the recording of information.

Ryvian has been known to leave a piece of information for mortals to discover. These items can include spell scrolls, magical tomes, and even instructions for creating magical items or constructs. By doing this, Ryvian ensures that mortals who come across them can obtain valuable knowledge they might not otherwise have and thereby distribute the knowledge contained within the Great Library of Heaven, Jushipu Momun.

These signs and symbols represent Ryvian's association with knowledge, puzzles, and the pursuit of learning. They serve as reminders of the importance of seeking and sharing knowledge, as well as the responsibility to preserve and record information for the benefit of future generations.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

What distinguishes Ryvian from other gods within the Order Sphere is their remarkably open-minded approach. While they are just as firm in their organizational methods, they are also highly inquisitive and curious. Their main focus lies in discovering the unknown and meticulously documenting it. Ryvian has an insatiable appetite for collecting trivia and seemingly "useless" information, valuing knowledge for its own sake. Their ultimate objective is to meticulously record, categorize, index, and preserve every fragment of information, whether it be in written, illustrated, or any other form of representation.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First Scholar, Solver of Riddles, and Scribe of Heaven


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