
Divine Domains

In the context of Shydros, the domains of apathy and dispassion are central to their character and influence. Apathy, in this case, refers to Shydros' indifference or lack of interest in the affairs of mortals and other divine beings. This detachment allows them to make decisions and strategies without being clouded by personal feelings, biases, or preferences.

Dispassion, on the other hand, refers to their ability to remain unemotional and unaffected by their actions or the actions of others. This emotional neutrality enables them to maintain their focus on their grand plans and objectives, without being swayed by emotions like guilt, regret, or compassion.

These two domains are reflected in the realms they govern, the followers they attract, and the rituals associated with their worship. Followers of Shydros often strive to emulate their deity's detachment and emotional neutrality, seeing it as a means to free themselves from the snares of emotional entanglements and subjective biases. The rituals associated with their worship often involve practices that encourage emotional detachment and indifference.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mirror showing a face with an emotionless expression, reflecting their apathy and dispassion, is often used as a holy symbol of Shydros.

Tenets of Faith

Those who worship Shydros do not do so as part of a grand religious organization, rather, they call upon Shydros in moments when emotions are an obstacle. For example, an assassin might pray to Shydros to bless them with dispassion in accomplishing their work.
Divine Classification


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