Suleyna Varen

Her Royal Highness Suleyna Varen

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into privilege on the Varen family estate in the Empire, Suleyna displayed early signs of natural magic. Things would break, spontaneously move, appear from nowhere, but these were kept a close secret, and the family sought a way to show her how to control it. They found a teacher that worked with her as she grew up to expand upon her natural gift in order for it not to manifest itself unless she gave into the magic or became unable to keep her composure. Once she learned enough she began a campaign of charity and volunteer work. She toured slums and gave generous gifts to the poor and unfortunate.   It all turned on the 21st of Naurin, 3492 when she vanished along the route to the capital from one of the southern provinces. Her house guards were found dead and the carriage torn apart, blood everywhere. The team of Justicars set on the case could find no sign of Suleyna, and when they investigated the area around the ambush they found taloned prints. When the news broke of the prints and ambush, a fury started to bubble over among the populace. It boiled over when the Justicars investigation could not turn up a body so Suleyna was declared dead, murdered by the assailants after being taken away from the site. The public fumed over the news, and rumors began to spread that it had to of been kenku who ambushed them. It was all mobs needed to begin a system of rioting, looting, and violence toward kenku communities. The government did little to prevent the injustice, and many kenku were forced to flee their homes and livelihoods for other places.   A little over three weeks after her initial disappearance marines aboard the Drek found a rabbit guarded by a vicious minotaur. Around its neck was the symbol of House Varen, and one of the marines who went by the name of Diomede  was able to discern that it was Suleyna, transmogrified into a rabbit by a powerful curse. She did not remember how she came to be that way, most of it being a blur. Some time later Diomede  was able to discern the nature of the curse and how to break it, they made for a hidden pool in Jhordheim that was blessed by the Fae and Suleyna was lifted from the curse.   Some time later, Suleyna was taken to Scorland by the team that had found her, where she stayed in a cabin located in the woods there under the protection of Caiwyn Tsukino. shortly thereafter Caiwyn needed to go to the Sanctum of the Unknown and brought Suleyna with her.


All of her education stems from Imperial private education, usually in the form of tutors.


Her work has mainly focused on philanthropy, providing a positive image for the royal family among the common folk.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Suleyna is a deeply compassionate person, and she rarely tries to use her position to hold dominance over others.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is an impulsive person, which has gotten her into trouble before, wants to act on every instinct she has.
Current Location
Date of Birth
27th of Hityrn, 3394
Year of Birth
3394 119 Years old
Curly red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and freckled
104 lbs.


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