
Sky (common), Nyke (nee-kay, Auran), Mugo (moo-gah, Elvish), Kild (sheye-ld, Giant)

"For luh wull ah ghawole, ah kapi, ah yot imuka. For luh wull ah shikem imuka. For luh wull ah akim iswoki. For luh ghawole nint Kumomun Celestia ah isezi imuka. Me pahenagh iyuzu. Ki panyerch jyizu. For luh wull ki tanikh imuka."   "I, with my voice, praise the sun, the sky, and the sea. I praise the land I walk upon. I praise the wind I breathe. With the light from Heavenly Celestia, I praise the life in us all. As my heart beats, so our world’s beats. I praise the soul in all of us."   The Lifechant, a prayer in Celestial
    A kenku bard currently working aboard the "Drek".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Diomede is slender, not strong, and nimble.

Body Features

Diomede has numerous scars and marks across his chest and back from a history of violent marginalization and a tenure in the court of the Winter King.   Diomede's head, arms, back, upper chest, and tail are blue, white, and black toned feathers resembling a mix between a blue jay and a crested jay.

Facial Features

Diomede's beak is unable to emote like the fleshy, lipped mouth of most other humanoids. His eyes are a bright blue.

Identifying Characteristics

Diomede's head is a vibrant blue and white with black accents. There are feathers on his head's crest that resemble a "cowlick", according to Zelliandrial Tsukino.

Special abilities

Diomede has formed a connection of some sort with the ambiguous Host of Celestia through the communal song of his people, which has elements of Celestial in it. This allows him to tap into divine magical secrets.   Diomede's magic can repair, restore, heal, divine information, detect phenomenon, or create illusions out of shimmering motes or embers of azure and gold light.

Apparel & Accessories

Diomede wears heavy clothes and cloaks to cover his fabulous tail. He has a brooch made of pearlescent, almost holographic scales harvested from a chimera. Diomede's prized equipment includes an ornate walnut harp (22-string, metal), a drum with sheep's leather, and his collection of books.

Specialized Equipment

Diomede has a highly trained voice. He can mimic all sorts of people, sounds, instruments, and even sing in rudimentary chords.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Diomede roughly identifies as male.


Diomede is asexual and panromantic.


Diomede was taught many skills and elements of lore from his people, but became self-taught after his emigration. He has ingrained the lore and stories of dozens of bards (elven, goliath, and others) over the course of his travels and learned how to do fundamental elements of many trades in his quest to survive. This has given him a very broad education with only moderate depth.   Diomede flourishes heavily in academic settings. He has painstakingly collected lore for medicine, creatures, the natural world, history, legends, faiths, and even arcanum. He has learned the value of arcanum and spirituality through a lens of culture and strives to develop his own lens.


Diomede is employed on the "Drek" as an entertainer and utility hedge wizard. He can do minor repairs, decorations, and thaumaturlogical feats to help brighten the lives of the crew and keep up their morale.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Diomede has identified the fiend Dagon. Diomede has uttered the lifechant, a rare prayer in Celestial, to evoke divine magic. Diomede has studied and worked on a ritualistic method to break the transmuter's curse on the princess Suleyna Varen.

Failures & Embarrassments

Diomede was abducted and abused by the Winter King. He was unable to help his two companions, who are still taken and may be deformed beyond help or dead. Diomede, because he was taken, is not allowed to live with his kenku people.

Mental Trauma

Diomede has a deep aversion to magic that manipulates the mind in almost any way, including calm emotions, suggestion, vicious mockery, and other enchantment effects due to the abuse he received from the Winter King. Diomede also has a deep aversion to violence and has never taken a life. He knows how it feels to be overpowered by someone and would never wish that helplessness upon another.   Diomede died fighting a death tyrant named Aalm the Clonemaster on 24th of Odim. While he was raised from the dead about a week later, he suffers a fear of death and a harsher perspective on life.

Morality & Philosophy

Diomede values liberty, autonomy, and compassion above all else. He believes that our reactions to our trauma and the meaning we find in our suffering define who we are. Anything that affects the mind (e.g. achohol, psychedelics, enchantment magic) reduces a person's autonomy and should be avoided.   After his first death, Diomede received wisdom from divinities who advised that he should be willing to defend life and goodness beyond supporting others to. Relying on others to deal death and harm while he avoids it doesn't remove the guilt of the action. Instead, Diomede should have courage to draw the line so others don't have to. He is still adverse to violence, but Diomede is more likely to enact harmful magic as a consequence (evocation, mostly).


Diomede finds enchantment magic disgusting and the violation of consent foul.

Personality Characteristics


After his first death, Diomede received a geas as part of his resurrection. He is motivated to enable divine worship to the old pantheon and Zindraaldein, whom he favors over the brother Ausdremwuld.


Contacts & Relations

Diomede has few people he counts as a true ally. This list includes Diomede also in contact with a network of skalds, storytellers, bards, and theatrical characters whom he shares the stories of the Marines.

Religious Views

Diomede was raised in a culture that was shaped to honor the old faith of the divinity before the Mists. He is rediscovering this faith.

Social Aptitude

Diomede is apt at being able to socially knock immortals and powerful people off-kilter and off-balance while obfuscating his own talents.




Towards Diomede




Towards Krogar


Wealth & Financial state

Diomede has benefitted from part of the coinage gathered in two separate dragon hordes. This money has mostly been given to the kenku community and the rest has largely gone towards arcane research.
Neutral Good
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Physically about 20
A small commune in the Empire of Umenor.
Current Residence
A small closet in the "Drek", or the road on travel.
Bright azure
Blue, white, and black feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark gray
Quotes & Catchphrases
"One problem at a time!" - Diomede, often overwhelmed when multiple urgent issues reveal themselves simultaneously.   "I can't fix this." - Diomede, when he feels he has failed the expectations of the people around him and, thus, damages his social safety.
Known Languages
Diomede knows Auran, a dialect of primordial shaped by his communal song, as his primary tongue. He learned Common in the Empire of Umenor, but he was never taught formal Elvish. Diomede learned Sylvan from the Winter King's court, but he loathes repeating that language in the voice he learned it in. Diomede taught himself Celestial through the wisdom of a long-passed goliath scribe and elements of his communal song.

Articles under Diomede


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