Tva Eg (/tvɑː eːj/)

Translates to "Hill Giant" from the orignal Giant into Common. Its plural form in Giant is Tva Ega, or, "Hill Giants" in Common

Tva Ega are typically around 16 feet tall, but males can reach up to 17 feet in height, while females tend to be a bit shorter, at 15 feet and 5 inches to 16 feet and 4 inches. They have a deep, ruddy brown skin tone or a lighter tan coloration as a result of a life spent under the sun. Their hair ranges from brown to black, and their eyes share the same color with red rims. Tva Ega have an oddly simian appearance, with low foreheads, stooped shoulders, thick limbs, and elongated arms shared by both genders. They are basically humanoid in shape but have larger and more muscular appendages than other giants. Despite being the shortest of giants, they are still imposing figures.


Culture and cultural heritage

Tva Ega are a type of giant that inhabit hill and mountain valleys around the world. They prefer temperate regions but can be found in any area with abundant inclines. Tva Ega move up and down slopes, blunder through hills and forests in search of food. They can also be found in badlands, canyons, deserts, rocky barrens, mountain passes, and caves. They are skilled at navigating their environment and are aware of secret passes and hidden crossways. Some Tva Ega are even capable of controlling the earth.
Tva Ega live in caves and excavated dens. They also construct crude buildings such as tents made from livestock hides, mud wattle huts, and log forts with stone walls and holes for boiling oil. Their lairs are often stinking, messy, and saturated with blood and filth. Tva Ega are loosely organized into "families" responsible for caring for children. These families are large and communal, and each Tva Ega has specific assigned roles. Normally, a Tva Ega lair houses an extended family, including lone Tva Ega who are accepted into the family. There are about half males, a quarter females, and the remainder juveniles.
Betraying one's tribe is the most serious offense among Tva Ega. If a member aids outsiders against their tribe, even for a morally good reason, they are shunned or punished.
Tva Ega's social ranking system, known as the Ordning, is based on an odd combination of physical might and personal indulgence. Tva Ega believe that the purpose of life is self-gratification, so skills that help them accomplish that goal are the most worthy of being pursued. The Tva Eg who has best mastered such skills is obviously the most fit to lead. The chief, known as the städangs (meaning "master" in Giant), is at the top of the Ordning. The städangs is almost always the biggest Tva Eg in their steading and has the most responsibility for handling matters of state and is looked to by their kin for political leadership and spiritual guidance.
Below the städangs are the mogera (or "watchers" in Giant), who are tasked with supervising labor, law enforcement, and the creation of new rules. Their most important duties are supervising the obtainment of foodstuffs, hunting, and the creation of new recipes. The best and brightest Tva Ega are assigned the role of flitar (meaning "fetcher"), which is meant to groom them for later greatness. Each is the assistant to a specific moger, and most mogera call upon their most trusted flitara to handle minor details related to their positions.
Slörtera, meaning "collectors," are responsible for performing inventory, storing perishables and cooking supplies, and reporting food levels to the relevant higher-ups. Tva Ega hunters stalk game and bring it back home (dead or alive) and are known to form hunting parties to do so. Conversely, there are gatherers who obtain foods that cannot be hunted or gathered by buying from merchants. Since Tva Ega have no use for treasure, they often pay above standard price for their purchases. Lowest in the Ordning are herders who kill and butcher the herd and are trained in animal husbandry.

Shared customary codes and values

Tva Ega have developed an intriguing value system over the years. At its core is the belief that indulging one's desires is the one true meaning of life. This philosophy has driven them to take indulgence to surprisingly deep extremes. In their minds, size equates to strength, and they operate based on a "bigger is better" mentality. However, while they are reckless, they possess a level of wisdom that allows them to recognize when a situation is hopeless. In such cases, they choose to escape rather than fight to the death.
Despite their great size and formidable power, Tva Ega's disposition can be their undoing. They are prone to falling into incoherent blubbering and sobbing when faced with the prospect of death. Furthermore, they are selfish and brutish bullies who are prone to violent mood swings and losses of patience. If they feel deceived, mocked, or otherwise humiliated, they are likely to go on a violent rampage. During these tantrums, they rage against the guilty and innocent alike, only calming down or being distracted after some time.

Common Etiquette rules

Tva Ega are known to be honest and straightforward in their communication. They are not familiar with the concept of deception and are quite transparent in their intentions. However, due to their straightforward nature, it can be challenging to reason with them at times. They are more likely to act based on their instincts and emotions than on logical reasoning. On the other hand, other creatures with a more cunning nature can take advantage of their lack of deception and manipulate them into doing their bidding. It is essential to be cautious when dealing with Tva Ega, as their honesty and gullibility can be both a blessing and a curse.

Common Dress code

Tva Ega, are known to wear crude animal hides that are poorly stitched together with hair and leather thongs. These hides are not stripped of fur and are rarely cleaned or repaired, as Tva Ega usually opt to simply add more skins on top. However, those from colder climates have developed greater skin preparation techniques to keep warm and prevent the chilling winds from getting into their lairs.
In addition to serving as clothing, the crudely-sewn animal hides also function as leather armor. As a status symbol in some communities, Tva Ega wear these hides to indicate the number of kills they have achieved, with the amount of hides indicating a larger number of kills. Nearly all Tva Ega wear such hides for this reason.
To carry their belongings, Tva Ega use huge hide sacks. These sacks are primarily used to carry food, as it would be unwise for Tva Ega to travel without rations, especially considering their size. However, the sacks also contain the personal wealth of a Tva Eg, which is usually well-worn, filthy, reeking, crude, and often jury-rigged or salvaged from something else.
It is worth noting that only 5% of Tva Ega create metal armor, using the pieces of armor from defeated foes to fashion their own. This is a rare practice among this giant race.

Art & Architecture

Tva Ega are famous for their intricate poems that use multifaceted metaphors to convey their emotions and experiences. Their poems not only express their joys and pleasures but also encapsulate their struggles and challenges in life. The intricate details of their poetic style and their ability to paint vivid pictures with words are a source of pride for the Tva Ega. They are known to use their poetic skills to entertain and impress their fellows and outsiders alike, often performing at ceremonies and other important events. Furthermore, their poetic tradition is passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that it remains an integral part of their cultural identity.

Foods & Cuisine

Tva Ega creatures are known for their unconventional eating habits. They are not finicky eaters and will consume almost anything without hesitation, including food that is repulsive and rotting. It is interesting to note that these creatures seem to enjoy food that other species, such as humans and elves, would find appallingly dull. Tva Ega are drawn to more exotic dishes and have a tendency to recover quickly from getting sick, which is why they rarely learn to avoid certain foods. Despite their general ignorance and ineptitude, Tva Ega have been blessed with unnatural gifts for both hunting and cooking. They have been known to develop some of the most sophisticated food preservation methods, such as smoking, salting, and freezing different foodstuffs.
Moreover, Tva Ega have a vast knowledge of the properties of different foods that most other species do not possess. For example, they can identify which food items are more fattening than others. Since they have little to occupy their time, Tva Ega often indulge in eating as much as possible. Although they are smart enough to avoid eating anything that is obviously deadly, such as poisonous creatures, they are willing to consume disgusting things like rotten meat, decaying plants, and even mud. Tva Ega creatures gleefully gorge themselves on spoiled and diseased foods as if they were eating dessert, completely oblivious to the potential danger. Finally, it is worth mentioning that Tva Ega possess a vulture-like constitution that enables them to fend off illnesses and diseases effectively.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Tva Ega are known to enjoy the thrill of hunting alone or with animal companions, such as dire wolves. They do so to avoid sharing their spoils with other tribe members. In fact, Tva Ega engage in epic competitions to rise in rank within the Ordning. These competitions involve two opposing parties attempting feats of strength and indulging in contests of every imaginable pleasure. The competitors emerge, compete, and return every three hours until one side cannot continue. In duels among the highest ranking Tva Ega, these competitions can go on for weeks, with neither side allowed sleep. By the end of such matches, both participants often feel utterly sick and nearly immobile.
When in combat, Tva Ega utilize the time-honored giant tactic of throwing rocks at their enemies. They pelt their enemies with boulders from high, rocky outcroppings, allowing them to injure their foes while limiting the risk of personal injury. If they cannot pull rocks from the bags most giants carry around, they can simply pull rocks up from the ground. Once an opponent gets into melee range, Tva Ega stop hurling stones and begin fighting in close quarters. They favor the use of oversized clubs and can even uproot trees to use as weapons if needed. Some Tva Ega hunters are known to use javelins, but they still carry throwing rocks with them.
In terms of melee tactics, Tva Ega have various favorites. They love to overrun smaller enemies at the start of a battle, trampling them underfoot before standing fast and swinging with their clubs. When faced with more than one target, they make sweeping motions in an attempt to knock their enemies to the ground. Some like to hurl their whole, considerable mass at smaller foes, crushing their opposition beneath their formidable bulk. Even Tva Ega recognize that smaller foes would attack their lower body parts. As such, when they know they are going to face human-sized enemies, they take certain precautions. They peel thick strips of bark from trees and strap them to their legs as make-shift greaves and tie logs and stones to their belts so that foes trying to move under them have to beware the dangling obstacles.
In their leisure time, Tva Ega take amusement from wading in pools of water, which double as drinking water sources, even in regions with extremely low temperatures, and sometimes create such pools by damming rivers. If a Tva Eg moger discovers that their food stores are particularly well-stocked, they might decide to call a grand feast. A grand feast is a huge celebration infamous for total revelry and lack of restraint, and often ends with most of the tribe heavily drunk and fast asleep. During such feasts, an important guest from outside the tribe is often asked to participate. This might be another giant chieftain or a diplomatic partner. Overall, Tva Ega have a rich and varied culture that is fascinating to explore in depth.


Beauty Ideals

Tva Ega culture has a unique perspective on beauty, which differs from that of other cultures. While some cultures may consider straight teeth, neat hair, unblemished skin, clear speech, and a lack of drool when eating to be attractive traits, Tva Ega people consider them to be strange and repulsive. Instead, they value other physical and personality traits that are not commonly associated with beauty in other cultures. For example, they believe that physical scars and tattoos are marks of beauty, as they symbolize bravery and strength. They also consider a person's ability to tell stories and make others laugh to be a highly desirable personality trait. Thus, it is important to recognize and appreciate the diversity in cultural beauty standards and avoid imposing one's own views on others.

Relationship Ideals

In Tva Ega society, the concept of spouses exists, but it is important to note that their definition and interpretation of the term differs greatly. While monogamous relationships are not uncommon, it is also common for individuals to engage in polyamorous relationships, where there is a mutual agreement among all parties involved. It is believed that this allows for a greater sense of community and interconnectedness, as well as the opportunity for individuals to explore and express their sexuality in a safe and consensual manner. Additionally, it is worth noting that the practice of polyamory is not limited to romantic relationships, as it is also common for individuals to form close bonds and partnerships with multiple friends or family members. This further emphasizes the importance of community and relationships within Tva Ega society.
Encompassed species


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