
Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Unseelie fomorians rarely venture to the surface, preferring to reside in their cavernous lairs in the Faewyld. In their society, the most powerful and cruel giants reign, thriving on wickedness and depravity. They mark their territory with the gruesome remains of their enemies, painting their cavern walls with blood or stitching together limbs and body parts to create grotesque mockeries of the creatures they have killed. These fomorians possess a power called the evil eye, which allows them to curse others and twist them into grotesque beings. This ability is the last vestige of the giants' once-impressive spellcasting ability. A creature cursed by the fomorian's evil eye is magically transformed and deformed, gaining a glimpse into the pain and malice that consumes the fomorians.

Civilization and Culture


During ancient times, the fomorians held a significant place in the giants' Ordning. They were the Ordning of Magic, and would become renowned scholars of magic, known for their sharp intellect. It was said that the All-Father plucked them from the ley line strands weaved by Taeora when he made his call to form the giants. However, Hrestor took advantage of their knowledge for her own gain. She tempted the fomorians with false promises of increased status in the Ordning and incited them to support her coup against the All-Father and her siblings. When the coup ultimately failed, the fomorians fled to the Faewyld to escape the wrath of the All-Father and his children, while Hrestor was punished and sent to Slädulverja. However, their flight to the Faewyld only marked the beginning of their troubles.
In the Faewyld, the fomorians became entangled in the complex schemes of the Seelie and Unseelie Fey. Some of the fomorians, who were particularly ambitious and power-hungry, were drawn to the Unseelie, while those who were more content were drawn to the Seelie. The Seelie fomorians managed to escape the twisted fate that befell their kin and transformed into giants with angular features and ageless faces, resembling gigantic elves. However, the ambitious fomorians were transformed into grotesque beings with deformed bodies that reflected their malevolent nature. Their faces were misshapen and warty, and their limbs were of grossly different sizes and shapes. They emitted terrible howls each time they drew breath through their misshapen mouths. The Faewyld's magic twisted their bodies and their souls until they became the fomorians we know today.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
15-18 ft.
Average Weight
800 - 900 lbs.
Related Ethnicities


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