Campaign Intro Prose in Cael | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Campaign Intro

Which side do you choose, when truth clashes with peace?

The clear history of Cael only goes back for less than a millenium, with the continent having been ravaged by a violent volcanic event known as the Midwinter Fulmination. What triggered this event remains unclear to this day, but it reshaped the continent both geographically and politically. The new kingdoms and societies that formed in the aftermath were built by communities of survivors, and this is reflected in their cultures.

The theme of this campaign is that something is out of sync with reality. What this is, and whether it is something to abide by or to fix, will be determined by the characters as they choose which truths to uncover and which are best left buried. There can be several avenues of exploration and discovery open to them, and the plotters of the world will continue to develop their own machinations in the background. Earlier choices will determine which of these plots are thwarted, which ones are supported, and which ones manage to grow unchecked.

The story will begin in the Duchy of Advena, within the Varum kingdom. In recent years, several communities within the duchy have gone from vibrant, thriving societies to dead and faded ruins. Whatever is driving this decay has so far remained hidden, and seems to be growing in its daring. If this is not stopped, the oldest kingdom in the Midwest Heartlands may soon find itself broken and at the mercy of its neighbours, or reclaimed entirely by the wilderness.


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