Varum Organization in Cael | World Anvil
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Western-most human kingdom within the Midwest Heartlands.
Geopolitical Contents
  • @duch
  • Towns:Nubes, Sitona, Agnum.
  • Named villages: Nua, Daneburum, Kelcorin, Caladina.
  • Aspar Woods: Near to Nubes and other human settlements. It is largely occupied by (mostly) good-natured Fey creatures.
  • County of Cyricus
  • Cyrium: Largest city of the county. Home to the Countess, Valentius, and most high-ranking members of the The Creed of Elihin.
  • Navovar
  • Caldera Yeni
  • Great Temple at Yeni: Oracle of Yeni
  • Geographic Contents
  • Kings' River
  • Structure

  • Monarch (Currently King Rolan II)
  • Knight-Princess Aislyn Bardel
  • Prince (TBD)
  • Duke of Advena (Currently: ___)
  • Countess of Cyricus (Currently: Valentius)
  • Various Earls, Marquesses, Barons and Knights (TBD)
  • Primary Religion: The Doctrine of the Four Moons
  • Alternate Religions: Animism
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Leader Title
    Subsidiary Organizations

    Articles under Varum


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