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In The Doctrine of the Four Moons, Carceri is the worst fate a mortal soul could face. Where The Void is a place in which souls get lost, perhaps forever, they at least have a chance at ending up in their final place of rest. If that place is Carceri, they will beg to return to the empty dark.

Knowledge of the inner workings of the plane itself is very limited, and accounts of visions or even brave expeditions to the plane are contradictory. Some have seen great fields of giant, dead trees overtaken by fungi. Others reported a vast expanse of cracked, ashen clay. Many have said that it is a solitary, high-cliffed island surrounded by an ocean of toxic, liquified lead.

There are, however, three things that have always been corroborated: there stands what appears to be an incalculably massive fortress-prison complex, and that any attempt to approach the structure is... forgotten. Visitors, whether virtual or in the flesh, remember approaching the horrific place, remember hearing cries of anguish from within, and then can only recollect leaving. The third detail that all report on from approaching and leaving the place is the vague, dream-like memory of song.

Regardless of what truly lies at its core, Carceri is anathema to the ideals espoused by most everyone in Cael, be they trying to mimic the will and determination of The Red Dame, or attuning themselves to the spirits via some form of Animism.
Dimensional plane


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