Mist Spider

Only through the will of Infinite Grace were we able to find this. It is up to us to use it wisely.  

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Tend to be pale in color with the most common one being white. Other colors can be pinks and greens. Color also effects the Enchanted Silvermist Yarn that is produced and its strength with magick.

Ecology and Habitats

This particular spider only lives in the Fiura Necropolis.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like any spider, it eat flies and other insects. They are known to feed off corspes, especially if the corpse it fresh. They actually thrive on the necrotic energy given off by the dead.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Thalara harvest and use the Enchanted Silvermist Yarn produced by these spiders.
Scientific Name
Necro Arachnid Mistian
Average Length
6 inches
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by

Cover image: by Lady Wynter