The Celestial Observatory


Resembles a colossal, open-air tent. The frame is composed of six thick, fluted marble columns that rise gracefully from the ground. The canopy is compsed fo interlocking marble plates, which forms a vasted, domed celing pierce by numerous circular and elliptical cutouts. The interior is open to the surrounding country side, carpeted in soft, emerald green grass.


The astronomers spent time here. Many believe that last teams still reside here.   Children, lovers, adventurers, and treasure hunters used to come here.   Now, rodents, insects, small game, and birds can be found here. Numbers very depending on the season.


Once a grand testament to human curisosity about the cosmos, the Celestial Observatory stands as a haunting relic of its former glory. Crafted from pristine white marble, the structure was once a marvel of engineering, even though it was meant to be a temporary observatory. It's an open air design allowing unobstruccted views of the celestial sphere.   Originally constructed to observe the rare celestial alighment known as the Celestial Convergence, a phenomenon occuring only tice a year when several celestial bodies align in a specific pattern, the observatory was a hub for studying this phenomenon. Astute observers would gahter here to record data to understand this phenomenon.   But after several scientific teams mysterioulsy disappeared, the Celestial Observatory was abandoned without being taken down. Now, the obeservatory is a skeletal framework of weathered marble, its once polished surface etched with the marks of time. A few pieces of the canopy is missing. This and the intentional cutouts create a mesmorizing interplay of light and shadow, offering ever-changing perspectives of the sky.   Children have claimed the observatory as their playground, turning its grand structure into a fortress of imagination. Lovers seek refuge witin its embrace, finding solace under the vast expanse of the night sky. And during inclement weather, it provides a somewhat dry shelter from the elements beneath its imposing structure.   Yet, beneath the observatory's romantic and playful veneer lies a layer of mystery. Whispers of hidden chambers and forgotten treasures have ignited the imaginations of many, drawing adventurers and treasure seekers to the observatory.   But after The Cinder War: A World Shattered: Fourth World War, nearly a throusand years ago, not many vist the Celestial Observatory, any more. The residents of Whitewell, nicknamed the observatory 'The Fool's Tent', for they know nothing of why it was originally built. Between the design and the adventurers who used to come, they found the whole thing foolish, preferring the tangilbe reality where hard work pays off and a stury four walls with an entire roof is good.
Founding Date
14 Solistice 2070 IE
Alternative Names
The Fool's Tent
Observatory / Telescope
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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Aug 13, 2024 01:30 by Desdemona Rose

This is the kind of place I'd love to visit if it existed in real life. Feels like a good place to set up and paint. Of course, finding out whether secret treasures actually existed would be fun too. I also like that you added some naysayers, people who see the entire thing as a silly waste.   I know we're not suppose to edit them now, but for later, there are some typos in the article. The dark red links wit this background may be hard for some to see too. I like it though, you describe it very well.

Aug 13, 2024 01:33 by Lady Wynter

Thanks. Yeah, I need to go though all my SC articles next month and edit them. I appreciate you reading it and that you like it.

Bringing the Light