Highgate Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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If Mercir is the most important commercial city in southern Cygnar, then Highgate is the region’s most vital military outpost. Originally founded as a lookout point along the Broken Coast, the port has a unique and ingenious way of protecting ships from pirates and Cryxian raiders: it literally hoists them out of the water and dangles them from huge cranes built into the cliffside.

Clinging to the cliffs like a barnacle to a ship’s hull, Highgate has expanded considerably over the years, and it is now the center of Cygnar’s southern naval might and one of the nation’s most significant military strongholds. As a result, Lord General Vincent Gollan, who oversees the naval base at Highgate, is one of the most important men all of Cygnar. Closely allied with the Church of Morrow, Gollan holds the rank of Senior Knight of the Prophet and was recently elevated from earl to duke in recognition of his service in the battles against Cryx that preceded the Claiming. There are those who say that Gollan, rather than Duke Waldron Gately, should be the ruler of the Duchy of Southpoint, but for his part, Gollan is more concerned with the dangers of the Broken Coast than with matters of court.

Gollan’s unique position also puts him in charge of one of Cygnar’s most unusual knightly orders: the Knights of the Highgate Vigil. Eschewing the heavy armor often associated with knightly orders, the Knights of the Vigil more closely resemble rangers or road wardens than what most would consider knights. Tasked with the vital duty of keeping a weather eye on the Broken Coast, the members of this order are ever alert for any sign of Cryxian movements. This means more than just watching the waters, however; it also means mixing among the pirates and merchant sailors of Mercir and Clockers Cove in order to root out Cryxian infiltrators and, more recently, pockets of infernalist holdouts. more recently, pockets of infernalist holdouts

When the Chapter of Gold came through in 618, Malak Dargash was killed trying to escape the prison hold. With his last breath he set off an explosive that massively damaged the keep.

Localized Phenomena

When the Chapter of Gold visited Highgate in 618, they were chased by a collection of bounty hunters led by Darian Coley. With the bounty of piracy over deeds done in Caspia, the crew drew arms in the streets. After several died, including the daughter of a wealthy diplomat, Sophie Laflèche, Malak Dargash was captured. After a failed escape attempt, he decided to go out with a boom. Lighting an explosive barrel, he did catastrophic damage to the keep. Many were greatly wounded, including Henri Hémery.

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