The Fehia Sector

Article Contents

About the Fehia Sector

The The Galactic Council defines a sector as an area of space surrounding a point of interest, usually a large nebula or star cluster. In the case of the Fehia Sector, that would be the Fehia Star Cluster. The Sector expands roughly 550 light-years out from the center of this star cluster in every direction. The Fehia Cluster itself is relatively young and filled with hot blue stars. It is quite inhospitable to life. Outside this cluster, there are millions of cooler main sequence stars and many of them support various stages of evolving life.

The Fehia Sector is home to five known sapient species, three of them having access to space travel. There is evidence of older dead civilizations on many systems, some over a billion years old.

Bordering the Fehia Sector are around a dozen other Galactic Sectors of various sizes. In one direction is The Cairn (Orion) Sector, a sector dominated by a large star forming nebula, and in another is the Tragoth Sector, a Sector strangely absent of humanoid life. In another direction is the Lumia Sector, controlled by the seemingly angelic Aureana.
Names in other languages
Feihia (Vusinor)
Strallios (Detesta)
Fernid (Shenkori)
Pleiades (Human)

1100 Lightyears across

Number of systems
12 Million total stars
  • 9.5 Million Red/Brown Dwarves
  • 1.75 Million Main Sequence Stars
  • 400,000 White Dwarves
  • 200,000 Giant Stars
  • 160,000 Neutron Stars
  • 1,000 Black Holes

  • Major Civilizations

    (You can also consult the Galactic Compendium of Sapient Species for more information)


    Homeworld: Navia in the Zorren System
    Average Lifespan: 1,500 EYears
    Total Population: 1.5 Trillion
    Kardashev Scale: 1.4
    Owned System: 37 (Pleiades Sector), 44 (Total)
    The Detesta are the supreme power in this Sector, and are known to pilot large mechs that can take on entire squadrons of fighter jets, but they are very few in number. They also seek out other species that look similar to themselves to make alliances with, so they are allied with the Regalti, the Aureana, and other similar species.

    The Detesta hate humans, so much so that once they learned that humans still existed they built a fleet of ships and mechs solely for the purpose of turning Earth into an irradiated wasteland the moment they feel threatened by them. Instead, they currently have agreements with the Sseterri to stay away from Earth, and even actively deny that humans even exist. Why exactly the Detesta hate humans so much isn't known by anyone outside the highest levels of their world's leadership due to a past incident.


    Homeworld: --Destroyed--
    Average Lifespan: 100 EYears
    Total Population: 1.4 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 1.05
    Owned System: 3 (Total)
    The Erdarians are the name for a collection of closely related species that evolves rather quickly. This allows them to quickly adapt to any environment, but it also makes their civilization rather splintered. They were also much more powerful in the past, but then their civilization was nearly destroyed 9,000 years ago and left one remaining species to rebuild. Since then, the recovery has been slow. The quickly evolving nature of their species is the main reason their recovery has been so difficult, as since their near destruction, they have already diversified into several distinct species that all have their own ideas for how to recover their civilization.

    The Erdarians don't have the capacity to have a large army due to their divisions, so they hired mercenaries from other civilizations to defend them instead. Various Sseterri and Detesta warships are in orbit around the Erdarian's homeworld at all times.


    Homeworld: Bahal in the Linentari System
    Average Lifespan: 3,600 EYears
    Total Population: 19 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 1.02
    Owned Systems: 3 (Total)

    Hold on, Stop everything!...
    You're telling me that there is a species of red and blue demons... like, ACTUAL DEMONS, that lives near Earth?!? I call Bullshit!
    Digital Zilda
    I should remind you, that as an AI, I am incapable of lying. Also, they are much closer than you think. They live in The Linentari System, which is 21.336 light-years from your Solar System! Their other two systems are considerably further away though.
    Ryan - Square.png
    If they live that close, I wonder if they ever visited Earth before? That would actually explain a lot when it comes to our world's mythologies.
    Digital Zilda
    They do live for a very long time. It is possible that before discovering the Black Gates, they flew to other systems at sub-light speeds, but decided to not colonize Earth after finding you humans there. Are you satisfied with my answers?
    Tch... fine. Just continue.

    Minor Civilizations


    Homeworld: Earth
    Home System: Solar
    Average Lifespan: 80 EYears
    Total Population: 8 Billion
    Kardashev Scale: 0.7

    The Solar System is currently under the control of the Sseterri Collective, who claim that the system is dead and lifeless. They claimed the system for themselves under the Galactic Council Pioneer Act, Section 7, which allows them to take over any unexplored system that does not have the presence of another civilization. Unfortunately for them, the Vusinor already surveyed this system in the past, and knows about the presence of humans. Since then, there has been a thousand year long political game between the two galactic superpowers over who gets control of the system.

    The humans themselves aren't even that important to either civilization. There's probably a reason the Sseterri are so interested in Earth, but otherwise humans are one of a billion other species and don't matter much to the rest of the Galaxy.


    Homeworld: Nesbolo
    Home System: Wenvril
    Average Lifespan: 190 EYears
    Total Population: 14 Trillion
    Kardashev Scale:1

    The Bolonk are a strange species of fungi based aliens that have been hiding their presence from the rest of the Galaxy for quite some time. Their world is surrounded by a large magnetic shield that blocks all incoming and outgoing comunications and radio waves. The outward facing side of this shield is coated in black materials that absorb heat and light, making their world seem invisible to all wavelengths or radiation.

    Of course, more advanced civilizations in the Galaxy know of their existence. They could observe stars in the background occasionally blinking out of existence as the shield passed over them. The Detesta tried making contact with this civilization once, but were asked very politely to go away. Their fungal planet was left alone, but that didn't stop the Detesta and others from exploring the system's other worlds.

    Notable Systems

    Author's Note: ((5/12 Notable Systems Described so far..))


    The White Dwarf in the center of this system was not created naturally but was the result of a super weapon around 9,000 years ago. The resulting Nova incinerated the planets and blew away the majority of the mass of the gas giants. The habitable world of this system had its oceans evaporated and what is left is a barely habitable desert planet.


    The only habitable world in this system is a large moon that orbits the outer planet. Every other world is too close to the star to support life. Interestingly, there is evidence of a past civilization and life on the fifth planet, which is a desert world with very little water or breathable atmosphere.
    Linentari System.png

    Solar System

    The Solar System has two Ice Giants, which the Vusinor are hoping to turn into Switchboard Worlds for their communication network. Otherwise, nothing in the system really stands out, until you get to Earth and come across humans which have a complicated history with the rest of the Galaxy...


    The planet closest to the star is a fungal world with violet oceans. It is a primordial place and life there is not related to life anywhere else in the Galaxy. The Frozen second planet has gigantic blackened monoliths, dated to be over a billion years old.


    Zoren has Two ocean worlds. Both of them lack any form of life however, as one is far, far too acidic, and the other is too far away and is forever frozen. The planet between the two is perfectly habitable and is the Detesta's homeworld. This system also has a strange so-called Rainbow Giant due to its many striking colors.


    Author's Notes

    There are only three sectors in the galaxy that will get their own article like this. The Pleiades Sector is one of the Three alongside the Cairn Sector, and the Aramea Sector.

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