Bloodcap Glacier

An odd phenomenon that has been slowly encroaching the edges of the southern arctic regions, the Bloodcap Glacier seems terrifying at first glance. Gleaming red ice and water, frothed and mingled with the black of the oceans below it beneath a dark sky perpetually covered by clouds that carry the same crimson stain from the dim light reflecting upward from the glacial ice shelf. While most travelers and explorers that dare to go this far south avoid the location, the few studies that have been done thus far have revealed the cause of this ghastly sight to be far less sinister than appearances suggest.


A barren stretch of treacherous ice floes that have been pushed together by the currents of the Undullain Ocean , this location is quite possibly the most remote place on the planet. There is no vegetation and very little to sustain anything that cannot endure the waters below the ice, and the ice has become increasingly more and more fragile over the years, creating a multitude of hazardous pitfalls and transient crevices that can lead all the way down to the ocean, or to an icy tomb.


The majority of life that exists here is horribly mutated by the Void tainted water. Various thick skinned creatures that have mutated and evolved to the point that their anatomy can endure the constant negative reactions of the energy that permeates the Ocean. The red stained ice is caused by an algae that began to flourish as temperatures at the poles began to increase due to the constant cloud cover, causing the rather macabre appearance of the glacier. Certain small forms of life remains that can feed off the algae, and a few larger creatures remain that hunt these as well, such as the great white bear of the southern ice cap which has been horribly altered by the Void, creating a terrifyingly intelligent and resilient hunter that can blend in with the surroundings and become nearly invisible.


The temperatures range from as high as 15°C along the coast in the warmer seasons to -40°C in the colder seasons. The wind remains constant in most places, moving across the barren ice shelf unhindered and can reach speed high enough to damage exposed skin.

Fauna & Flora

The red tint that stains the ice and covers the surface of the water comes from an altered algae, Chlamydomonas Nivalis. It has been changed by the Void energy in the waters and as such has become a deeper color and begun to trap the heat beneath it that it absorbs from the small amount of light it can gather. The end result of this is an even more drastic warming of the region, allowing the algae to spread further inland and outward as it occurs.    The creatures that exist there and feed from the algae are thought to be descendants of either seals or penguins, but no matter their origins, they are no longer remotely what they once were. These creatures are incredibly shy and timid, and will dive deep as they can at the first sign of movement. Those that have seen them at a distance refer to them as Water Pips, and they are the primary food source of the Arctic Snow Bear, which too has mutated in a drasitic way.
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Midjourney


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