
Favored by the Seanachaisians


Bodi was the fourth child and third son of the Antecedent Mother of All. He is portrayed as a young, handsome man with a harp on his shoulder and a quill behind his ear. Most renderings of him show a mirthful smile and a relaxed pose. The stories about him tell of a meek deity who avoided conflict with charismatic deflection and manipulation. It is said he was able to charm the sparkle from the sea and craft new stars with his brushes. He loved his chosen people, the Seanachaisians and taught them a great many songs and poems, sharing his gifts with them as freely as possible without tipping the scales of power. Though he never took a wife, there are many tales that speak of him lying with Seanachaisian women and allowing them to bear god-touched children, humans with extreme skill in the arts. When the Blight was called down upon the Seanachai people, Bodi fought with all he had to save his people, but was tricked and held back by his fellow gods and left unable to reach them in time. It was in grief and shame that Bodi departed Cairne and has not returned since.

Divine Domains

The god of music, art, literature, and poetry

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Symbol The Harp
  • Colors Red and Yellow

Tenets of Faith

  • Holy Places Seashores and mountain peaks, anywhere two elements meet, (i.e. rising earth meets air, earth meets water, etc.).
  • Existing Houses of Worship None. Some Seanachaisians still hold him in high regard, but there are no organized groups involved in active worship.


Bodi was a god of summer, and his clergy would hold festivals on warm summer evenings on the shores of the islands of Seanachai offering up new songs and poems and painting every available surface with vibrant and colorful works of art in an attempt to gain favor and inspiration.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Status
Current Residence
Soft blue
Long raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light skinned

Cover image: Bodi by Midjourney


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