Dusk's Song Irregulars

Made famous by their heroic stand at Dusk's Song in Vigor of the 43rd year, the Irregular's that voluntarily station there into current day maintain a long standing tradition of keeping vigil over the Eastern Wastes. By keeping their contingent of well trained soldier both stationed there and on a continuous circuit patrol path that leads south through Dusty Shore, on to Sand Wisp, north to Hand Over Fist, and back again, they insure the few stationary settlements of their people are never far from help should some tribulation befall them.



As a matter of tradition, the twenty three most veteran members of the Irregulars are tasked with a degree of command, the rest of the troops honoring their direction and policy so long as it does not run counter to the best interests of the purpose of this agency. Beyond that, while the numbers fluctuate due to the volunteer nature of the post, the number tend to hover around three thousand, dispersed mainly on patrol around the Eastern Wastes, but at least one third stationed at Dusk's Song at any given time, assuring that there is a central location for them to rally and march from if needed.


The standard issue equipment for volunteers is a sturdy desert cloak, a face mask and goggles, phosphor stone, and sealed boots and gloves all mainly used to protect against the environment while on patrol.


Weapons range dependent upon the user's preference, availability, and skill. Most of the armaments have been accumulated through trade, items left behind by the passing of members while in the service of the Irregulars, or scavenging and crafting by the members themselves. This generates a very unpredictable and wide standard of weapons that can be found in use.


The Sand Cutter is widely used by the Irregulars as a means of transport, to close wide distances in a short time, and in combat as well, their speed and maneuverability allowing a trained operator the ability to tear through slower moving opponents with speed and precision.


Command is loose with the Irregulars, as is the way of the Ventryte people. The twenty three most veteran members are afforded a command built strictly on respect rather than any type of rank, the less experienced members following their direction as a matter of understanding their experience is relevant to operations and the success of the endeavors they undertake. That said, there are no ranks or traditional command structure, and the volunteers are only obligated to their service for as long as they are willing to undertake it. Thankfully, the Ventryte people hold the Irregulars in very high regard, and most able bodied youth will spend at least some time among their rank and file as a matter of pride and civic duty.


Despite the loose command structure, the Irregulars are incredibly effective. Their knowledge of the terrain and the dangers that lie nestled within it are a crucial tactical advantage to their defense efforts. In direct combat, they are ruthless and innovative, and work very well together, as their service is one of choice. While large scale conflicts are unheard of aside from the occasional incursion of creatures from the Blighted areas, the display of ability the put forward in the efforts that are shown are terrifying displays of what could be should war ever break out. Guerrilla warfare, subterfuge, ambush, and trickery serve them well in the dusky gloom and sandy regions they patrol, and within the borders of the Ventryte lands, there are no forces that can match their prowess.


Training is achieved through regular drilling to a degree, but the majority of instruction comes from a form of apprenticeship even more so, each new recruit being taken under the wing of another, more senior member. New recruits are selected y the weapons and fighting style they seem most able for or drawn to, the senior members preferring to hone what is already there or to encourage aptitude based on interest. This forms a type of military tradition that has become solidified over the years and is not an honored and long time way of things among the Irregulars.


Logistical Support

There is a large contingent of traders, cooks, and caretakers within the borders of the compound at Dusk's Song at any given time, mostly made up of family and friends of the Irregulars themselves. The nomadic way of life most Ventrytes enjoy makes this significantly easier and affords the Irregulars with a logistic support system that needs no extra pay or organization. The community mindset of the culture reflects in a pristine manner here, as the Ventryte citizens that assume this role generally will have no issue offering help support and care to the majority of the others beyond the members they came with.    There is also a small contingent of Benevolets stationed within the ranks as well, and usually at least one among each patrol group that gets sent out. These Benevolents are most often sent from Olive Branch, but this is not always the case as a number of younger Benevolents have stationed themselves here as a means of seeking adventure and fortune.


The Irregulars stemmed from the defense of a small encampment in 43 PR that has become legend. Following the clash between Ventryte civilians and a large horde of the undead the unit was formalized as a means to defend the Wastes from other such dangers.    https://www.worldanvil.com/w/cairne-churchwarden/h/a6f3aa25-3434-4659-84f4-f5056e64cb0b
Vehicles Used
Vigor 43 PR
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by


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