Sand Cutter

These sleek, slender vessels slice through the dark sands of a vast Eastern Wastes, their long, thin bodies supported by three ski-like skids. The crafts are dominated by a massive, billowing sail, the bright fabrics taut with the power of the wind that propels them forward. These crafts are designed to traverse the most inhospitable of terrains, relying solely on the elements to carry them across the endless expanses of sand, gliding effortlessly over the dunes and disappearing into the distance.


The pilot holds the boom with one hand and within the body of the cutter while facing the wind. The sail is positioned to catch the wind and fill with air which then propels the cutter forward and the rider uses their hands to manipulate the boom and a small rear brake to steer and control the direction of the vehicle. Turning and changing directions requires the rider to shifts the boom and tilt the sail. By angling the sail in different directions, the rider can change the direction of the cutter and navigate around obstacles, utilizing the brake system in the back of the vehicle to produce drag for more extreme maneuvers. The speed of the cutter is determined by the wind speed and the angle of the sail relative to the wind. To go faster, the pilot angles the sail more directly into the wind. To slow down, the pilot tilts the sail away from the wind.

Weapons & Armament

While some of these may have minor defensive spikes or even a mounted crossbow, these vehicles are meant for speed, and the less weight on it, the faster and more maneuverable they are.

Armor and defense

These are extremely light craft built for high velocity movement, forgoing armor for speed and manueverability.
Military Formation Usage
76 to 80 cm
3 to 5 meters
1 meter
40 to 50 kg
120 to 200 km/h depending on the wind
Complement / Crew
One pilot
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Some models are designed to carry a single passenger or small amounts of cargo, but the less weight the better the craft functions.


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