The Benevolent Outreach Program Sets Roots in the Blighted Lands



Seeking to distance the entire organization of the Benevolents from what many had come to view as a direct tie to the Bechtlarite Empire, Samuel Minkur, one of the most respected and talented members of the order, backed by his own splinter group of the organization, restructures a former university lost at the edge of the Blight as an independent academy for Benevolent education, training, research, and as a care facility as well. The move was backed and funded entirely by donations from all nations, including the Becht who agreed the neutrality of their order in matters of politics was a paramount ideal to them being efficient and unbiased in their work.

The name of Samuel Minkeur carried a great deal of weight at this point, his founding and leadership of The Benevolent Order of Paradigms had brought substantial credibility to the overall Order itself. While the The Benevolent Order claimed no direct leadership as an organization, it had come to look to him in many matters for guidance and direction, the various branches each having its own unique needs and problems. The focus of activity that had grown in and around the The Sovereign Empire of the Bechtlarites troubled him a great deal, as he and the remaining Benevolent Order had gone to great lengths to remain a neutral force within the world at large, their philosophy keeping with the ideal that only by remaining unattached politically could they serve the greater good. It was already considered bad form to endanger a Benevolent in their field, even one working for an opposing force in a conflict, but Samuel wanted more.   The decision to found a private institution in which to train and care for people was lauded as the perfect solution, and funding for the project began to filter in almost immediately, the Bechtlarite Empire granting a substantial stipend of materials and even workers for the project with the implicit understanding they in no way wished to hinder the vision of the Benevolent Paradigm .   The August Academy groundbreaking was one that was done with a minimal amount of fanfare, and the location of the dilapidated structure that had been repurposed to suit their needs only encouraged the workers to work fast. The construction was aided by every available hand, many of the Benevolents themselves joining in the effort, while small guard contingents from the Becht, Culvarkt , Ventryte , Volrishtad , Hiversteadians , and Fouvienians maintained a constant vigil over them. Surprisingly, despite its proximity to the edge of the Blight, there were no fatalities during the construction from the dangers of the Void, or mishaps on the site.   As the August Academy was completed, streams of Benevolents and hopefuls were already lining up and making their way there to train. Housing and instructional facilities were offered and the academy filled up quickly. Samuel enforced a strict regiment of study, practical application, and personal discipline. All were welcome as long as they could maintain that ideal. Another aspect of the training that Samuel was rigid on, was the need for a physical regime as well, insisting that facing the dangers of their world was more than a matter of mind and skill, that a true Benevolent would need to be able to endure and fend off the dangers of the Blight, not only for their benefit, but for the safety and well being of their charges as well.   The Academy is viewed as the zenith of Benevolent training to modern day, and those that carry its certificate of completion are sought after by all cultures.

Related Location
The August Academy
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