The Emergence of the Burnt Crows

Criminal Activity


Just a few short years following the conflict at Victory, an underground organization began to cause strife within the city of Armuun and branding their actions with various symbols and slogans that named them as, the Burnt Crows.

Sighnai Oifrei , daughter of the deceased leader of the Undertaker Brigade , Oisin Oifrei watched her father die the day Victory was lost. She never forgot, and certainly never forgave the incident. While most of her people fled the Bechtlarite lands, Sighnai used the confusion to disappear into the throngs of Becht onlookers and vanish into the city. The young girl made her way into the catacombs below Armuun and scavenged and hid there, seething in her despair and hatred, plotting revenge in the darkness. Slowly, she began to plan, her substantial and driven determination making her fearless and only adding to the charisma that she carried normally. Using her size and age as a tool, she was able to gain access to a number of secure locations and she used these opportunities to outfit herself, stealing a pair a master crafted pistols from the armory and setting up a small shelter deep within the Halls of the Dead below. It was there she trained and planned at night with a fierce focus. During the day, she managed to find work as a member of the maintenance crew that serviced the The Palace of Glass , cleaning the exterior. This position allowed her, not only access to the palace grounds, but also an excuse to wear face coverings due to the nature of the work and the chemicals used to do it.   During her time laboring there, though she has never openly admitted to it, it is believed that she wrested free the section of paneled glass that broke loose and fell, leading to the deaths of Sovereign Jaimus Oraulicli and his wife, Sarah Oraulicli . As word of this rumor spread, many Seanachaisian refugees, many survivors of the Victory incident, sought Sighnai out, seeking to join her in her efforts of sedition, and she was all too willing to let them. Before long, she had amassed a small group of freedom fighters or terrorists, depending upon who you ask, and began causing as much damage as they could, starting fires and disrupting infrastructure mainly in the beginning, but escalating over time into political kidnappings, social engineering and manipulation to cause loss and ruin, industrial espionage, and even assassinations. While very few of the Burnt Crows, as they called themselves, were ever caught, the ones that dig remained steadfastly loyal to Sighnai, so much so that many of the internal Bechtlarite investigators believed they had been affected by magic, especially with the perpetrators being Seanachaisian. The open defiance and terror tactics became more and more focused, and the young Sovereign Jaimus Oraulicli II was overwhelmed quickly, opting to leave the the decision on how to pursue this new internal threat the the Order of Objective Representation .   While the bureaucracy made great efforts to quell, and oppose the Crows, they remain one step ahead of the efforts of the Bechtlarite law enforcement and Intelligence attempts to subvert them under the leadership of Sighnai to this day.

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