The Coronation of Sovereign Zigmond Effron and Prima Consort, Eleanor Effron

Political event


Following the death of his mother, Zigmund, still visibly distraught, is quickly brought to power with his wife, Eleanor at his side. While he has remained largely out of the public eye during his life, the Becht people are hopeful that he will follow in the footsteps of his mother.

Zigmund Effron was never a terribly power hungry individual, and had spent the vast majority of his mother's reign in quiet study and contemplation with his wife, who followed his interests and predilections for scholarly pursuits to the letter. The studious pair were ill prepared for the paradigm shift in their lives and roles, and still noticeably distraught over the death of Zigmund's mother when they were brought before the throng of waiting citizens and the Order for the ceremonial passing of the symbols of office. The coronation itself was a somber affair, but the Becht people remained hopeful that Sovereign Margaret's influence would carry forward to her heir, and that the steady incline in quality of life and prosperity would continue.

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