
Breezewood is a unique settlement at the nexus of three provinces (Fortriu, Circin, and Fib). The city is known for its staunch independence and vibrant community. Originally a military outpost, it has transformed into a haven for those seeking freedom from the constraints of traditional governance. Its people, ranging from mercenaries and traders to refugees and fugitives, create a dynamic melting pot of cultures and ideals.

The city's culture is a tapestry of freedom, resilience, and diversity. Celebrations like the Lords' Feast embody the community's disdain for external authority and its internal checks against accumulating power. While crime exists—often targeting outsiders—it's seen as a byproduct of the city's openness rather than a defining feature. The underlying principle is balance, ensuring Breezewood remains a bastion of autonomy without descending into chaos.

Breezewood thrives on trade, smuggling, and mercenary work. Its strategic location makes it a crucial hub for goods (both legal and illicit) and information. The economy is bolstered by the city's unique position as a crossroads, attracting merchants, craftsmen, and adventurers alike.

  Notable Events
Lords' Feast: An annual celebration mocking political elites and commemorating Breezewood's values of freedom and satire. It's a time of revelry, where the community collectively lampoons the powerful, reinforcing the ethos of humility and accountability.

While Breezewood's independence is its strength, it also poses challenges. The tolerance of certain criminal activities, especially those affecting outsiders, complicates relations with neighboring regions. Additionally, the city's reliance on an informal governance system, though effective, requires constant vigilance to maintain balance and prevent the rise of tyrannical figures.


Breezewood is characterized by its absence of formal government structures. Disputes and community issues are resolved through economic halts and moots—gatherings of influential guild leaders, mercenaries, and citizens. This system underscores a communal approach to problem-solving, emphasizing dialogue and compromise over coercion.


The Bailey
Description: The Bailey, encased within the remnants of the original outpost's fortifications, is the city's most affluent area. It is here that the wealthy and powerful of Breezewood reside, among opulent homes and private courtyards.
  Notable Features: Home to numerous guilds and merchant halls, The Bailey is the economic and political heart of the city, where decisions that affect the entire settlement are made and business flourishes.
  Residents: This neighborhood houses Breezewood's elite, including successful merchants, guild leaders, and influential mercenaries.
    The Ramparts
Description: Just beyond the old stone walls lies The Ramparts, the largest and most populous of Breezewood's neighborhoods. This district is a bustling maze of streets and alleyways, filled with homes, workshops, and a myriad of businesses.
  Notable Features: Known for its lively atmosphere, The Ramparts boasts a higher concentration of taverns, inns, and brothels than religious temples in the region, making it the social hub of Breezewood.
  Residents: A diverse cross-section of Breezewood's populace calls The Ramparts home, from artisans and laborers to shopkeepers and adventurers.
  The Stocks
Description: The outermost neighborhood of Breezewood, The Stocks (short for Stockades), is a constantly changing landscape of temporary shelters and market stalls. This area serves as the first point of contact for refugees, outlaws, and travelers seeking sanctuary or passing through.
  Notable Features: Despite its chaotic appearance, The Stocks operates under a principle of organized anarchy, where everyone is welcome, and the city's spirit of independence is most palpable.
  Residents: The Stocks are inhabited by a transient population of newcomers, as well as the city's poorest and most disenfranchised individuals seeking to make a living or simply survive.


Founded on the remnants of an abandoned military outpost, Breezewood grew from a strategic necessity to a bustling city. Its evolution was driven by those who sought to capitalize on its location and those seeking refuge. Despite attempts at formal governance, the city remains defined by its lack of central authority, preferring community-led resolutions and a deep-seated resistance to hierarchical control.

Points of interest

The Old Barracks Market: Once a military barracks, now a vibrant marketplace and the city's economic heart.
The Shattered Blade Tavern: A hub for mercenaries and adventurers, known for its strong drinks and stronger rumors.
The Crimson Court: An affluent area within the old outpost walls, home to Breezewood's elite and a center for political maneuvering.
Location under


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