Iniltear Campa

The Iniltear are a nomadic tribe with deep roots in what is now the modern province of Fidach. As nomads the Iniltear have no fixed home. They travel between cities and villages, choosing to set up camp wherever they are welcome. The Iniltear, or "Innies" as they are fondly referred to (because of their welcomeness and promise of shelter to all who ask), are protectors of a very coveted inheritance of rituals and practices said to be passed down directly from Cernunnos to the very first of the Iniltear. Such rituals are how the worshipers of Cernunnos share of their material and spiritual blessings with the rest of the people of Cairngorm.


The Iniltear are an egalitarian community without any centralized rule or authority. When matters requiring a formal decision on behalf of the Iniltear the tribe holds a moot where all members so long as they are of mind to be able to articulate their votes.


The diversity of the Iniltear makes it difficult to make broad claims about their culture and practices. Over time, as more have joined the Iniltear traditions, rituals, and even language and food have changed to accomodate all people in search of a home. Still, the most ancient traditions of the Iniltear are heavily influenced by the Ùrnaigh who assembled them.   


The very first of the Iniltear were a small group of Ùrnaigh who took vows of non-aggression during The Gloaming. Tired of the violence and senseless loss of life, these Ùrnaigh sent out a call to all who were of a similar mind to join them on a pilgrimage that would conclude atop Am fear Liath Mor (Big Gray Man), the tallest peak of the Teallach mountain ranges that loom over what is now the provinces of Fib and Fidach. Tens of thousands from every corner of Cairngorm attempted the pilgrimage, and many of these lives were also claimed as a result of the fighting. Of those who started and joined the pilgrimage along the way, just over 5,000 completed the journey atop Am Fear Liath Mor. Together, the survivors offered their lives and eternal service to any of the Diathan who would help put an end to the continents suffering. Cernunnos, "The Horned One" and spiritual patron to the druids and protectors of the wilds took their offer to heart. As Cernunnos covets all living things, they answered the pilgrims' call. But rather than accept their offer of eternal service, Cernunnos instructed them to remain in Cairngorm as "Iniltear" (Nomads) willing to travel the lands sharing their convictions with any and all who would lend an ear, so that they might one day help all learn to cherish all life in the spirit of Cernunnos. The first of the 7 treaties was signed just two years following the birth of the Iniltear. How much the Iniltear or Cernunnos themself influenced the sudden detente is unknown. However, most view the timing as too much of a coincidence, and many Cairnduine consider the peace loving Iniltear and their sacrifice to be the real reason that Cairngorm could once again have a generation that would not experience war and suffering as the de facto state of nature.

To Roam is to be Free

Historically the Iniltear did not have a banner or arms. However, when Clan Dehooge joined the pact and in turn brought the Innies along with them other locals saw to it themselves to fashion a standard for them. The first public display of what has become the de facto standard was made from strips of burnt cloth and fabrics collected from a fire that was set on an Iniltear camp ground. The charcoal stained fabric became a sign of support and respect from their friends and allies.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
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