
The Odansgolt, known colloquially as the Split-Face, is a creature of dark folklore, believed to haunt the northeastern regions of Cairngorm, particularly near the infamous Bone Wood. Legends describe the Odansgolt as a twisted being, once a living creature, now transformed into a vessel of pure malevolence. The creature’s name is derived from the Scots words for "face" and "split," a reference to its horrifying, bifurcated visage.  


  The Odansgolt is said to originate from any living creature—human, animal, or otherwise—who falls victim to a malevolent spirit of hunger. This spirit does not simply inhabit the host; it consumes it, warping the body and mind into a grotesque reflection of its insatiable desires. The transformation into an Odansgolt is triggered by falling into one of many snares that can take various forms: a ritual circle, a physical trap, or a deal made under false pretenses. The unwary are often lured into these traps with promises of wealth, power, or carnal pleasures, only to be ensnared by the spirit's dark magic.  


  The transformation into an Odansgolt is both physical and psychological, a process as painful as it is terrifying. The victim’s body undergoes a grotesque metamorphosis: limbs elongate until the creature is forced to move on all fours; hair falls away, replaced by bone-like horns that pierce through the skull; and most horrifyingly, the face splits in two, revealing a goat-like visage beneath. This new face, however, is often hidden beneath the remnants of the creature’s original face, which reforms into a mask, allowing the Odansgolt to blend in or lure new victims.   The final stage of the transformation is said to occur when the Odansgolt’s hunger becomes all-consuming, driving the creature to hunt relentlessly, feeding on the terror and flesh of its victims.  

Notable Sightings:

  While the existence of the Odansgolt remains speculative, there are several tales of encounters that have persisted through generations, particularly from the isolated villages near the Bone Wood. One of the most chilling accounts comes from a couple who ventured into the forest and discovered an abandoned cottage. The tale goes that one of the two read aloud a series of strange symbols found within, unknowingly triggering the transformation of their partner into an Odansgolt. The creature, now driven by a terrifying hunger, is said to have turned on the onlooker, its split face revealing its true, monstrous nature.  

Behavior and Abilities:

  The Odansgolt is known for its cunning and predatory instincts. When hunting, it often uses the mask of its former face to conceal its true nature, drawing in unsuspecting victims with the appearance of normalcy or even vulnerability. Once a victim is within reach, the mask falls away, and the creature attacks with relentless ferocity.   The Odansgolt’s transformation grants it heightened physical abilities, including unnatural strength, speed, and resilience. Its elongated limbs allow it to move with both eerie grace and speed, and its horns are not just for show—they can be used to impale or gore its prey. Additionally, the creature is believed to have an innate connection to the dark magic that created it, possibly allowing it to manipulate shadows, mask its presence, or even induce fear in those who encounter it.    

Speculation and Folklore:

    The Odansgolt’s origins are shrouded in mystery, and much of what is known comes from folklore passed down through the ages. Some scholars of Cairngorm speculate that the creature might be tied to ancient rituals or pacts made with dark entities. Others believe that the Odansgolt is a manifestation of the land’s own malevolent will, a force of nature that punishes those who stray too far into the unknown.   Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the tale of the Odansgolt serves as a warning to those who venture too deep into the Bone Wood or who are tempted by the promises of easy wealth and pleasure. Whether real or imagined, the fear of encountering the Split-Face keeps many from wandering too far from the safety of their homes after dark.
"[His] body convulsed, doubling over in pain. His hands shot to his face, nails digging into his skin as he let out a strangled scream... his limbs began to lengthen, the bones snapping and reforming with sickening cracks. His arms stretched unnaturally long, joints bending in grotesque angles until he could no longer stand upright but was forced onto all fours.His skin began to blister and tear, falling away in clumps as something dark and hard pushed through from beneath. Bone-like horns erupted from his skull, curling back over his head as the last remnants of his hair were shed."
Geographic Distribution
Inspiration for the Odansgolt came from Chapter 4 of The Silt Verses. The Elk of Birch and Bone both fascinated and terrified me, I had to include something similar to it in the lore of Northern Cairngorm. Please do check out the Silt Verses for some of the most incredible horror/dark fantasy story telling. Highly recommend listening with head phones for a truly immersive experience. https://www.thesiltverses.com/


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