The Bone Wood

The Bone Wood is an ancient and mysterious forest known for its towering trees with ghostly white bark and its eerie, silent atmosphere. The forest gets its name from the bone-like appearance of its trees, which stand tall and straight, their branches reaching skyward in a perpetual plea. The ground beneath these trees is covered in blue grass, a unique feature that adds to the forest's otherworldly aura. The Bone Wood remains largely unexplored, with its secrets well-guarded by the spirits said to inhabit it. While some adventurers and scholars occasionally attempt to uncover the forest’s mysteries, few succeed, and even fewer return. The Bone Wood stands as a silent, haunting reminder of the past and a powerful deterrent to those who might seek to exploit its resources without understanding the forces at play within its borders.


The Bone Wood is located in the northeastern region of Cairngorm, within the modern-day province of Ce. It lies immediately west of Nanirith, the ruined former capital of the Ahbais Empire, and south of the snow-covered region known as Crioch 'an Dochas. The forest spans a significant area, its dense canopy allowing only the faintest slivers of light to reach the forest floor. The land east of the forest is marked by barren canyons and ravines, believed to have once been part of the Bone Wood before it was clear-cut during the early days of the Ahbais Empire.


The trees of the Bone Wood are primarily an unnaturally tall species of birch, their bark a ghostly white that adds to the forest’s eerie atmosphere. These birches reach heights far beyond what is typical for the species, their branches forming a dense canopy that shrouds the forest floor in perpetual twilight.
  Covering the limbs of these trees is a peculiar lichen known locally as Lover’s Bane. This lichen is named for its disturbing resemblance to the nerve-like fibers one might expect to see extending from a person’s spine. Dark legends suggest that this lichen grows from the very nerves of the forest's victims, who have fallen prey to the Bone Wood’s malevolent forces. According to these tales, the spines of those who perish in the forest are said to form the foundations of the birch trees themselves, intertwining with the roots to create a grotesque, living network beneath the soil.
  The unique blue grass that carpets the forest floor is believed by some to be nourished by the remains of ancient Ahbais surveyors, whose sapphire-colored bones have long since merged with the earth. This grass, combined with the towering birches and the ominous lichen, creates an ecosystem that is as unsettling as it is enigmatic.


Legends and Lore
The Bone Wood is steeped in legend, with many stories surrounding its origins and the supernatural events said to occur within its boundaries. One of the most enduring legends tells of the Ahbais surveyors who ventured into the forest when Nanirith was first founded. According to the tale, these surveyors were found mutilated, their sapphire-colored bones stark against the forest's blue grass. As more Ahbais died in the forest, trees with bone-white bark began to sprout from their resting places, each one growing closer to the city of Nanirith.
  Over time, the Ahbais abandoned their efforts to harvest the forest’s resources, fearing the wrath of the spirits that inhabited the woods. The Bone Wood was declared off-limits, and its borders were left untouched, adding to the forest’s dark reputation.
  Superstitions and Beliefs
The Bone Wood is regarded with a mixture of fear and reverence by the people of Cairngorm. It is commonly believed that the trees are sentient, inhabited by vengeful spirits, and that the forest is guarded by spectral beings who protect it from intruders. These guardians are said to drive men mad, lead them astray, or cause them to disappear without a trace.
  The blue grass that grows within the Bone Wood is thought to be the final resting place of the Ahbais surveyors, whose sapphire-colored bones were absorbed into the soil, forever marking the spot of their demise. Entering the forest is considered a dangerous act, and many believe that those who venture too far into its depths will never return.
    Cultural Significance
The Bone Wood serves as a cautionary tale in the folklore of Cairngorm, symbolizing the dangers of hubris and the consequences of disrespecting the natural and supernatural forces of the land. The forest is also a place of interest for scholars and adventurers, who are drawn to its mysteries despite the risks. The legends of the Bone Wood continue to captivate the imagination of those who hear them, reinforcing the forest's place in the cultural memory of the region.
Inhabiting Species


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