The Continent

Caradoc DeLlyr (kah-RAH-dock)

Mentor of House Nevarro

"Life isn't about what you want, It's about knowing what you can't have, and finding a way to live with that."
-Caradoc DeLlyr
The well known noble was an essential part of House Nevarro, Descending from a line that traced it's way back to the Age of Unification from House DeLlyr(or De Llyr) - Caradoc prides himself in knowing that he'll do whatever it takes to keep his great house a noble and of well respected reputation. Serving as one of the mentors that helps members grow into an ever changing world, He pays attention to every manuscript, Every scroll that the scribes of Rainegate allow to go public; Making sure that no detail is left untouched when it comes to the knowledge that his trainees possess.  


Born to nobles that the same as him were part of House Nevarro living most of their lives within the silver district of Rainegate, He took a fancy to the scribes and the work; All that history that had passed ages ago that needed to be remembered. From that young age he decided that writing and abosrbing in all the knowledge of the past was vital in avoiding the mistakes that their ancestors were far too privy to make.  


At a young age he was tauted to be a most prolific writer, quickly learning all there is to know - Significantly faster than his peers, It was then that his own mentors saw the potential in the aspiring scribe and during his teenage years had him sent off to study in the towers of Veridium where the well renowned and somewhat infamous writer, Hieronymus of Veridium grew to have a great fondess for the young scribe.   Over the years forming deep connections with other trainees of which stood out, Renata Alyn of House Kindlespire, A young elven woman who took a liking to Caradoc's focus and motivation for his craft. They two would go on living their life out in the towers; Studying amidst vast libraries, exotic gardens and even the peaks of the towers itself - It was there that the bond of friendship grew to bloom into a great blossom of affection and romance, Taking what Caradoc would believe to be an excursion into a life of solitude and contemplation within his writings instead turning into one where he shared common feelings with that of someone dear to him.  
Though their relationship spanned many of the long years spent studying with Veridium, Some things are just too precious to keep; As their days at Veridum were coming to an end it was time for the two to part ways, Going back to their opposing human and elven houses where the bond between other races was prohibited and enforced with the heavy punishment of exile. Renata was to join an expeditionary group of scribes from her house who were to be sent away to the neighbouring continent of Malborea and Caradoc who was to be allocated as a mentor in House Nevarro after a couple years of study in his homeland. The latter vowing to find her when the time comes, Renata dismissing the notion of keeping that hope between them asked Caradoc to let it all go and with a heavy heart the two went their seperate ways; Embracing each other before sharing one last look knowing that it may be the last time they see each other.  
"I don't want you to forget, It may be that we shouldn't have been together in the first place, But everything we went through was worth it, No matter how much it hurts, I don't want you to forget..."
-Renata Alyn

The Return

During his early years of mentoring, Caradoc had felt a deep void within himself calling out for companionship; Feeling a sense to go out into the world to seek out what was most precious to him but not being able to fully commit to his actions. Many of these years being seen as a recluse between the younglings and the elders alike unable to fully express his feelings with anybody else. His title as a mentor coming into question many times and in danger of being taken away were it not for the astute dedication and promise he was known for during his time studying. The thought of venturing out into the world never left the young scribe's mind, Yet everytime the notion would be entertained it would be dissuaded by reminder of her refusal to keep their hopes up.
Current Location

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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