The Continent

Marcos Oakseer (MAR-kos)

Lone Survivor of The Oak Seers

Marcos Oakseer, the druidic member of the quartet known as "The Vigilants," possesses a character shaped by the haunting echoes of tragedy and a resilient spirit that transcends adversity. At the core of his personality is a deep and contemplative nature reflecting the insight gained from witnessing the devastating forces of a demonic incursion.  


Marcos as the only person that practiced druidic ways within his group grew to be fond a raven he named "Darrow" finding each other during an expedition on their to what is now known as Rainegate where Darrow's flock and nest was decimated and burnt down along with half the forest by demonic invaders, The two formed a close bond and Marcos would often consult the raven when he had nobody else to talk to. Darrow would pass away shortly after the age of unification and leave the druid to the company of the vigilants of old.  

Age of Unification

Haunted by the memories of his decimated tribe and the horrors of the dark behemoth that claimed their lives Marcos carries a somber demeanor. His contemplative gaze often drifts towards the horizon as if seeking answers in the vast expanse of the world. This reflective quality adds a layer of complexity to his character revealing a man burdened by the weight of loss and the responsibility to ensure such horrors do not befall others.   Despite the shadows that linger in Marcos's past he is not devoid of hope. An unwavering determination burns within him fueled by the desire to turn tragedy into purpose. As a member of "The Vigilants," Marcos becomes an integral force in the quest to unite the tribes and protect humanity from the looming demonic threat.   In the presence of his allies especially Daine Stonefury, Marcos's loyalty and camaraderie shine through. He becomes a trusted confidant and a pillar of support embodying the resilience needed to rise from the ashes of despair, In his own heart knowing that losing another family is paramount to a life devoid of purpose.   After the formation of the Kingdom of Rainegate, Marcos decided that his companionship was no longer needed with the kingdom's wellbeing kept in the hands of his well-respected companion Avellonis - He and Valere Twinstag both pondering the vast expanse of this world chose to depart those shores heading east towards unknown lands to seek a greater role.  


Marcos Oakseer
Current Status
Wore a simple robe and a scarf
Long Ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Founded Settlements